How is Sup Forums celebrating black cat day?

How is Sup Forums celebrating black cat day?

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By systematically oppressing white cats you know how they do on Black Appreciation Month?


You must be fun at parties

By having a white cat

Didn't know it was black cat day, but, by sheer rather unusual coincidence, I had the availability of one to cuddle into purring this evening.


by having a black cat


>not having two black cats

>inb4 "did you get up and walk around your house taking pictures of cats at 11 pm"


it has always been my experience that orange cats have the best personalities.

noice kittay

The litter says hi

I have one more cat but he is an expert at hiding, he is russian blue.

Here is a baby cat that showed up on my farm a week ago. It died though

Replace every nigger with a cat

yes my Russian blue looks like that, but mature by several years.


I have a black doggo

i think my cat is dying
i haven't fed it in days i have no money

dogs r 4 nogs my friend.

lol the cat on your lap can sense your other cat. please tell me they fight/play all the time

Got two of em.

who else /hasmasturbatedwithacatintheroom/ here?

I mean they really dont care, I've had sex in a bed where a cat was and it didn't even turn its head

dogs on the other hand are fucking weird about sex, an ex i had had this dog that had like a 6th sense about sex, whenever we would fuck it would come running from wherever in the house and appear in the room, it was bizarre as fuck

dogs also appear to have a propensity to go right for your genitals, they worry me as animals in general, i think we should have domesticated tigers instead or something

ive always moved cats out of the room before sex, i just dont care when people aren't around though.

I mean, it's not like she's given me a choice. At least she doesn't stare at me anymore.

They fight ALL the time but it just for show. I have walked into the room many times and found them laying right next to each other but as soon as they see me they swat at each other and hiss.

My only two issues are having a shitbox in my house and the whole t. gondii parasite thing.

-t. gondii

yeah i wouldn't worry about it, they're fucking retarded