/sg/ Syria general, YOU LET THE THREAD DIE AGAIN edition

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Links updated for August 17
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>Newest Interviews with Assad


>NEW RT Documentary - Amnesty in Wartime:

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map
>Syria Civil war

>Aleppo City
SW Aleppo August 17 Mirza
SW Aleppo August 17 Peto
1070 August 16

>Manbij - Al-Bab Aug 17
>East Ghouta Aug 12
>Latakia Aug 9
>Darayya Aug 5

>More gains made in Darayya by Republican Guard, part of SAA 4th Mech. & NDF
>1070 Housing gains continue by Republican Guard, NDF and Hezbollah
>Tiger Forces, SAA & Hezbollah attempt storming the northern part of the artillery academy
>Several FSA-aligned factions took control of al-Rai after a few days of clashes with IS
>SDF & YPG continue advances in direction of al-Bab and also some gains south of Manbij
>SAA & YPG establish new truce in Hasakah

Southfront August 16

Other urls found in this thread:


it didn't die, just nobody bothered to make new one


Honestly surprised i came home to find it gone

bit disappointed, lad.

at least i got to collect rare onur's from the last thread

Is that OC? I like it a lot


ivan dumping info about the ceasefire here


nabbed it from the last 2 threads

wow it was fucking nothing what a surprise

r8 my camo, /k/ and /fa/

>posting the OP oc on twitter

doing gods work, user

>Syrian and Russian jets are currently bombarding the #Aleppo Artillery Academy and Al-Ramouseh District



deleted post just in case

Morning, gentlemen.

Elohim, tell your kurds to play nice with the NDF

though I suspect NDF might be the one starting shit

>2nd from the right


not even joking, i'd probably tap that, just for the oddity of the dreads and flightsuit

lieth's gone off the deep end


Do you guys think Venezuela would be the Latinamerica`s Libya if Hillary gets elected?

>Eastern orgasm neighborhood

No one can tame the wildlings. They do as they please. I admit this is getting ridiculous.

Just look at the guy in the green overalls. They mush have banged the night before. That's why the awkward face.

Im pretty sure venezuela will be latin americas venzuela no matter who gets elected.

beyond redemption, argie

Who are the left two?

I know the first on the left is some photo op guy but what's his actual name/role?

Issam and Suihel

Issam is in charge of the defense of Dier Ezzor and Suiheil is in charge of the seige of Aleppo

im pretty sure i got the names wrong

Thanks. Sorry for being an idiot. I'll google them from there.

the other time I posted a pic from my snapchat and he called me a normie, topkek

>having snapchat
what are you, some kind of normie?

there's nothing wrong with it

there is if shit like this ends up on Sup Forums

wow that's fucking retarded.
why not take the guns themselves and use it for their own police/military

What's /sg/ listening to today?

but user, no one needs a gun in a socialist utopia

what are you some kind of mass murderer or something?

Reminder: the SAA in Aleppo will be wiped out in a matter of weeks. Assad will lose.

>why not take the guns themselves and use it for their own police/military

why would they want a bunch of shitty and old weapons?

Also, all the chavist militias are already armed. The less weapons in the people's hands the better


you bored?

I'm not talking about guns in the people's hands. i'm talking about guns in the hands of the military
nice headcannon

>I'm not talking about guns in the people's hands. i'm talking about guns in the hands of the military

but they don't need it. They have better weapons

but the military have ak's and m16's and all the good shit.

why do they need shonky 22.s?

I'm the mere voice of reason on a board run by Assad shills. You will all thank me for putting a bar above your expectations.

By "weeks", how many exactly?

IDF uses a lot of 10/22s from what I've heard.
But that's probably because Palestinians don't have good bullet resistance.

Go to work ya rafik, too early to shitpost

taking guns from venezuelan fags who want to suck US dick....
what is wrong with this?

at least you learned to say board instead of sub

Unfortunately there is no exact time frame, but they have to move soon before the siege breach is closed, so maybe expect something big within the month at the latest

It'd just be the first step in a long battle, but it'll give you an idea of what's to come.

Never too early for raising the name of the FSA ya rafik.

I consciously used board or thread instead of sub when I started posting, but you gotta screw up at least once.


>the days are between us

ayy, they are indeed.

Jaysh al Fatehi lil buldani a3lanaha

Bi'ana nasr Allah labuda atiha!

is that sandnigger for "i am a massive cocksmoking faggot"?

I'm more into 9aleel al9warem

I need the hezbollah pepe

Beyond all odds.. in Hasakah, the government is FUCKING ADVANCING

I don't understand this arab slang usage of numbers in letters

do you read them as "a-arabic pronunciation of 3-lanaha" ?

>Syria has been in continual stalemate for 3 years
>Assad continues to hold most of the populated areas
>"A-Any minute now the war will take a dramatic turn in favor of the rebels"
>"Any m-minute now..."

you know it's quite rich for Australians to be calling others sandniggers

are the NDF stupid as shit?

I read about UAE actually doing good in Yemen and not insisting on killing all the Shia, thanks.

No body lives in the desert.
See that big subtropic/temperate zone on the east? 90% of the population lives there.

>Countryside was so delusional, he thought the battle for Aleppo (a battle that has been in stalemate for three entire years) will suddenly turn in drastic favor of the rebel forces

What?! How?! Regular SAA isn't stationed there, it's completely NDF.

This is better youtube.com/watch?v=2O19dfCj4xg

Yes we use them instead of the throat sound letter ع which has no equivalent in Latin

I don't know, something must've prompted this. Either way it isn't good for SDF/YPG-SAA/NDF relations, what a headache.

You could argue the same thing about all Arabs outside the peninsula, not to mention the Asian Muslims who don't live in the desert

... maybe?

Kek more or less

The numbers are just for letters that have no equivalent in English. For example there is a letter in Arabic that is close to B so we use B. But there is no equivalent to a letter that is written like this in Arabic ع so the number that looks like it is used, which is roughly a 3 the other way around

An NDF guy's brother was killed by YPG so he walked up to an Asayish checkpoint and threw a bomb at them.


Is that why Russia intervened last year?

Not against all odds, but thanks to the odds of having a massive mountain artillery base overlooking the city.

this is like the spanish civil war

>posts a bait comment shilling for the rebels
>i-i am the v-voice of reason
Kill yourself.

If being reasonable is shilling for rebels then I am proudly a shill.

they are acting like real gangs

aren't those tigers?


Just wait until these areas become uninhabitable, a US General called the coming climate refugee crisis a weapon of mass destruction .

That's shabiha, which is what NDF pretty much is a mix of them and new people.

>Example 2
>Countryside was so delusional, he believed that the rebel forces would sweep through Aleppo city and straight into al-Bab and Deir Hafer by not only defeating the Syrian army, but also by defeating ISIS, and YPG, all three at the same time

>Example 3
>Countryside was so delusional, he believed rebels would capture Aleppo City like the fall of Mosul (when ISIS walked easily into Mosul while sunni Iraqi forces handed over their weapons and cheered ISIS on)

>Is that why Russia intervened last year?
yes because they wanted to turn the war in favor of SAA. and it worked, see Sheikh Miskeen, Palmya, Qayartan, Kinsabba, Kuweries, Nubbl, Daraya, and East Ghouta

Wonderful. Fucking kurds.

>Not against all odds, but thanks to the odds of having a massive mountain artillery base overlooking the city.

I heard they had some heavy weapons but a massive artillery base?

What's it called?

The UAE is opposed to both the Houthis and the MB which dominates the opposition to the Houthis. This has complicated the war. The UAE is now focused on fighting AQAP in the areas it has already secured from the Houthis. I think pretty much all victories in this war were thanks to the UAE's professional army, against both Houthis and AQAP.

Source? Couldn't find it and kurds claim otherwise

mmmmm kurds....they are more divided than ever, some of them support assad, others do not

The Kawkab artillery base named after the mountain, not sure the unit number


what a fucking moron! jesus christ. now SAA has to divert their attention away from Aleppo and deal with Hasakah all because some moron in the NDF attacked the Asayish

SOUTHFRONT has an article, but it states the kurds attacked the NDF . No reason was given for the clashes. SAA and ypg are being deployed to the area, but the SAA is threatening to have tanks stationed in their portion of hasakah if the asayish continues to shell their(government) neighborhoods.

In Qimishli the kurds stole some land in the last chimpout, its fair for the NDF to take some land this time.

The UAE has ended its participation in the war and now focuses on counter-terrorism. They have no interest in fighting the Houthis, only securing South Yemen.

“Our standpoint today is clear: war is over for our troops; we’re monitoring political arrangements, empowering Yemenis in liberated areas”



So that's Kawkab, I read that in a tweet but had no idea what it meant.

da kang b str8 owta grytness yo

we actually used to have a houthi fighter on /sg/ but he is probably dead now

Yeah cause South Yemen is dominated by the secular Herak separatist movement, while the opposition in the north is dominated by the MB aligned al Islah party, which the UAE considers a terrorist group.

Yeah, the YPG tried to blackmail the SAA into handing it over when ISIS almost overran the city last year. They were trying to say give us Kawkab or we'll let ISIS overrun you. Eventually SAA didn't budge and YPG just retook former SAA held areas south of Hasaka, effectively surrounding the SAA in the city center. But they still have Kawkab nearby.


Their videos are good but not exactly neutral about kurds

I posted this one in the last thread, the source is kurdish but it says different things

>A Kurdistan24 correspondent in Hasaka said heavy clashes broke out early in the morning when the pro-Assad militias known as the National Defense Forces (NDF) arrested several Kurds arbitrarily.

>The clashes took place in the regime-held part of the city when the government-affiliated militias arrested several Kurdish men at a checkpoint in al-Nashwa neighborhood.

>According to the Kurdistan24 correspondent, the pro-regime forces had been harassing and arresting Kurds for the past 10 days. He added that the violations against civilians eventually escalated.


I'm trying to find a properly written pro-SAA article on this most recent clash but haven't been able to

Hang on a tic, I'll find it again

Yeah heard about him from other users, seems like an astute guy

>those 3 examples

CIA, your cointelpro culturally appropriated from Sup Forums memes are really cringey, worse than normie-tier, just stop.

well yeah This was in response to me back when I supported the southern movement (I don't anymore)

Riddle me this: if the SAA lost Morek, al Eiss and the artillery base despite Russian intervention, and couldn't retake Palmyra without foreign ground forces, what would have happened if Russia didn't intervene?

wrong picture

SAA would most likely have not been able to recapture any of the areas I listed. Without support, SAA would certainly be worse off

what is the southern movement?

That's pretty harsh about them, they actually were allied to Iran when Ali Saleh was allied to Saudi Arabia. They're not mercenaries, they're just trying to survive because nobody supports separatist causes anymore.