What will you do when Latinos become the majority? Will you continue to love this country?
What will you do when Latinos become the majority? Will you continue to love this country?
They won't
>Mexico 2.0
Nope. Guess I only loved this country for its white people. Really makes you think.
Trump already sold out to the spics for votes, buddy.
It'll need some tough love.
that's new jersey
Have sex with them
I love America. This country would no longer be America with spics as a majority. I have no obligation to love this country and help spics fix the problems they create if they're the majority.
Celebrate. We will outnumber whites in Texas by 2020.
Not my country anymore
I already only love about 30% of this country.
I guess as this country continues to strive towards the destruction of my identity and history that I will love less and less of it.
Alas as a traditionalist American I have nowhere else to go. So I guess I'll just become a bitter grandpa who encourages his grandchildren to find better lives somewhere else. This isn't the land of hope anymore, at least not if you're white.
Hispanics are only the second largest ethnic group in the US because it just means "speaks spanish". If you look individually at one racial subset of hispanics, such as white hispanic, there's not actually very many.
I'll leave.
You can spew that trite "If ur a reel man you'll stay and fite for ur cuntry!" But that simply isn't realistic.
Latinos don't use sense and forethought when breeding, they simply fuck and fuck and fuck, and let government handle the excess expense. The white man can never turn the tide once demographics fully shift in the Latino's favor. Whites simply don't breed often enough, and when a young white boy is surrounded by slutty Latinas, do you really believe he'll go for the reserved, shy white girl? No, he'll take the easy way out and bang a Latina, because hormones demand it.
Once Latinos are a majority, it's done. They'll always vote Democrat, and America will become a One Party Country, whites will be ostracized in their own homes and neighborhoods, and will either emigrate in massive numbers, or slowly dwindle and mix their genes away. There isn't a single way in which America can be turned around once it becomes Hispanic.
I know Sup Forums loves to shitpost about the day of the rope, but it's never going to happen. Whites have lost. In their homeland, and in America. Just hope that whoever takes over does a good job for your descendants.
They won't, though.
I haven't really loved this country since I was a kid. I can't relate to the nigger culture or the brown people coming here. If it keeps going in the same direction we'll end up looking like the movie Elysium. A total nightmare.
>implying Latinos aren't already the majority
Too many of them have hopped the border. Whites are a minority compared to them and the Asians.
Teh fuq? That's Huma?
>he actually thinks the US will spend 400-600 billion dollars just to deport a bunch of spics
I'm not really sure. I live in a very white area of the country, so I probably won't see the effects of it for a while.
I do know one thing - if Hillary wins this election and enacts amnesty we are pretty much guaranteed a one party state from 2020 onwards.
I will always love what America was. I love the stories of the Founding Fathers and the various Europeans who moved here and made America great. I just don't like what America is turning into, and it seems the vast majority of Latinos would rather play into the identity politics of the Democratic party than assimilate to the Anglo-American standard.
I have had a deep sense of pride in my country, and I will always love the America I grew up with -- which is not the America you may have grown up with -- but we have to face the reality at hand and acknowledge that it won't be the same in the next few decades, and will likely never return to the golden age of demographics: the 1950s.
Will I even have the money to move after they all vote for banana-tier taxes?
Continue? I might actually start. Latinas are far superior to disgusting white women.
What's so bad about Native Americans taking over their lands back? Europe for Europeans, America for redskins (or the closest thing left).
Come back and help save Europe.
Go back to Mongolia and help save Europe Mr. Fin
Also to all the Americans hoping to enjoy the wonderful nation of Canada
>I'll move to Canada then
>Latinas are far superior to disgusting white women.
i vote we replace all mexicans with QTs from spain
liberation theology=/=Christianity
Most of Latinos want gib me dat policy
just like bolsa familia
They are short-sighted non-white people
Why are you so delusional ?
Yes. They overwhelmingly support Democrats. What in the fuck are you talking about?
As long as its not niggers
I welcome the QT Latinas
No. It will just start to look and operate like a central/south American country.
Those are pooesses. I live in Toronto, I know a paki when I see one.
I would love to see USA turning into Brazil 2.0
Serves you right for backstabbing us and aiding our enemies back in the day.
implying this was and currenty still is the land of hope only if you are white.
im glad you white cucks are getting btfo. i feel a little sad but the universe will tend to unfold as it should
good riddance. bigots.
i like about half the hispanic population
kind of how i feel about the population at large, so i don't really think anything will change
maybe a hispanic majority will finally purge their shitty elements
His dubs invalidate your argument.
At least they're not niggers.
also this
i've been trying to cross off every south and central american country from my bang list
about half way done so far and they are by far the best lays
i'm going to put on some monkey music and do a little monkey dance.
but wouldn't we be living up in the ring?
you aren't poor or something are you user?