Trump's Tax Return

So where is his tax return?

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Where are Hillary's transcripts for the speeches?

I wouldn't know. Is it precedent to release speech transcripts in a presidential election?

Where is Trump's tax return?

it's on the same line that says you have to release tax returns

Where are Trump's emails?

Is it precedent for presidential candidates to give $250,000 Goldman Sachs speeches?

Are you buttblasted because she made more in 15 minutes than you'll make in a decade?

Stop deflecting. Just admit Trump won't release his tax returns because he hates America, he's a scam artist, he pays fuck all in taxes and he has dealings with the Russians.

>this is the best comeback they have
they needs a bants class in the ctr offices

Just so you know, getting paid obscene amounts of money for '15 minute speeches' is slang for money laundering

Actually that would only take me a couple ye..



Go troll the old geezers on Breitbart you fucking nigger.

>Sweetheart loans from Russian oligarchs close to Putin
how much you wanna bet

Politicians should never show their tax returns, unless they are a career politician.

If he shows his returns, I won't vote him. It's that simple. Nobody could be that dumb to show them.

Where's Hillary's ability to not shit her pants?

>So where is his tax return?

Over there by Hillary's health records.

>So where is his tax return?
No release of returns until audit is complete per advice from his lawyers.

Why wouldn't I be?

She claims she cares about the average person in all her speeches yet she makes more than most people will make in 3 years in just one short, shitty speech. So yeah that should piss you off as well if youre actually a Democrat who claims to dislike the "1%"

He probably doesn't have a shit security team.
Canadians will argue this is bad.

>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi) - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

Is it precedent to release tax returns in Presidential elections?

Pro tip: The answer is no.

Right next to Hillary's medical records and 30,000 missing emails.

So where is his tax return?

>So where is his tax return?
>I wouldn't know. Is it precedent to release speech transcripts in a presidential election?

Thank you for:




Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.

Right next to Hillary's speeches, her health records, and the body of Jimmy Hoffa

Yes it is. But he's using it as leverage to see the transcripts.
So basically
>tax returns always released
>won't release returns until transcripts are
>places fire on hillary

Of course the media and John Oliver will talk about Trump being a baby or eating chicken with a fork. But it's a great idea

Where's Obamas birth certificate?

I'm voting for Trump but there's literally no reason for him to not release at least part of it. Hes running for President so I really just don't see the reason if we truly want to prevent corrupt people from getting into office.

Pro tip
you're wrong and you have no idea why Trump is doing this.

You means the ones she released months ago?

Stop deflecting. Just admit hitlery cunton won't tell the people of American people what she told the shadowy mega banks because she hates America, thinks herself untouchable, and knows she'll be one of the ruling party in the New world order she seeks to establish.

A "letter" != records.

There are no speeches. Speeches is just what they label her bribes under for dat loophole action.

Trump needs better results than losing every swing state

>first presidential debate
>Trump and Hillary on stage
>first question of the debate
>Trump where's your tax returns? asks the moderator
>You'll get them soon replies Trump
>Hillary chimes in come on Donald what have you got to hide I think it's time you released them
>Oh is that so Hillary? Are you sure about that? You really want my tax returns huh? Well, here you go...
>Trump reaches into his blazer and pulls out a small stack of papers that's his tax returns
>Here you go, Hillary
>Trump throws the stack of papers at the bottom of Hillary's podium
>the stack of papers flies everywhere, surrounding her feet and podium
>one of the papers flies down past the moderators now gaping wide-eyed face as the camera is on him now
>camera shows audience, complete silence, everyone with their mouths wide open and all eyes on Hillary

What would Hillary do?

>A letter from a doctor
>Health records
Choose one.


You realize Presidents releasing their tax returns is actually a fairly recent thing right?
It's literally not important.

Saving them for the debates sounds like something a multidimensional chessmaster would do.

Ya but now it's become an accepted tradition to follow through with and will raise questions. Especially considering he already completed the tax returns months ago.

of all the retarded fantasies to have this is the one you chose?

This. They got Romney to do it and it hurt him. There's no reason to do it at all, no law not even much precedent.

I don't get why people WANT to see his tax return. We know he's a fucking billionaire already

If he wasn't being cagey about it and making excuses I guarantee no one would care. People want to see them now because he clearly doesn't want to release them.

I don't know about you, but I'm waiting for a sax return.

Tax returns.

Not something that effects my vote or that I care about.

It hurt Romney because he only paid a 13% tax rate on $20M in income. Trump pays nothing because he hates America and loves ripping off his own country.

Not a single Trump Supporter gives a shit about his taxes. He's stringing this along so morons in the media will keep talking about it, you useful idiot.

>you have to eat the eggs-tier

>Taking bribes and selling influence to foreign nations
Am I butt blasted for that? Yes. Go fucking tar and feather yourself

We know. Here's the thing CTR, Russians are against the global new world order. If Trump is in with Russia, then i'm in with both of them. Fuck you and your fucking shitty job Soros puppet

I aint clicking that shit

in hillary's email inbox

That's not the late, Dr. Daniel Fleck's diagnosis.

Can't release them while under audit. That would be very stupid for anyone.


This is retarded. Trump would read them, you moron.

Yes he can.

He won't. But there's literally nothing stopping him except that he doesn't want to.

I think it's because he's so against it and had that mini-chimp-out about it. If he actually releases it during the first debate with Hillary I'll believe the 3d chess meme and laugh for days.

>Can't release them while under audit.
lol you bought this line?

Its true. Any lawyer will tell you this.

literal autism


They're up my butt.

You're one of the good ones.

Things tax returns do NOT show:
>How much money he has.
>How many assets he has and what their values are, as this is done in other private entities tax returns.
>How much money he has made during the current year. It will most likely only show how much money he has allocated himself to live. Expenses related to his private jet, for example, will not show up in his tax returns.
>How much money has donated to charity. If he gave money from private entities, the deductions will not show on his personal tax returns.

Why Trump should not and will not release his tax returns:
>He gains absolutely nothing from releasing them (not a wedge issue). Anyone currently clamoring for the release is probably not planning on voting for Trump and probably won't just because he released them.
>He's a well-known public figure. Releasing his tax returns under audit would cause every lawyer in the country to become a pro bono IRS worker.
>He has ownership interests in numerous corporations, S-corps, trusts, and more. Any non-accounting or non-finance person would have an instant negative reaction because of how alien it would look, even though everything would be entirely legitimate.
>In addition to every freelance IRS worker that would come out of the woodwork, you'd have numerous laypeople and journalists examining every aspect looking for something that could be construed as negative to spread across the news and social media. In turn, the auditors would either be pressured into lowering their standards to cover themselves or the audit would never end.
>Chances are that Trump does pay less taxes than some other people. Anyone in his position would attempt to. Expect this to get memed.
>He probably lives off of investment income and has his wealth in real estate and other assets, which only show up in private entities tax returns. He, like almost every other CEO, probably pays himself an annual $1 salary and then receives additional income from licensing and merchandise.
>Romney was an idiot for releasing his because of his were represented. Exactly why Michael Bloomberg only showed his to journalists in a private meeting to show that everything he was doing was legal.
>Trump probably does donate money to charity through private entities because of charitable contribution limits based on adjusted gross income. As stated above, these contributions don't show on personal tax returns. Expect this to get memed.

Trump's legal counsel would never let him release his tax returns anyway. Here's why:
>You, Trump's lawyer, advise him to release his tax returns during an audit.
>You'd get sued for malpractice because you just committed malpractice.
>You'd lose the suit and it wouldn't even go to the jury. The judge would almost instantly have a verdict after reading the case briefs.
>The case would get turned over to the state bar association, who would take away your license because you are the world's worst lawyer and should never represent anyone in a court of law ever again.

>hates America
>campaign slogan is literally MAGA
pick one there buddy

are you guys even trying anymore?

He's probably not even a billionaire.

Shit her diaper.

Dear Retard,

He's being audited by the IRS. Being an anti-establishment billionaire pretty much guarantees an IRS audit.

They don't get paid to shill like you do

The leaves are crumbling

how cucked are you that you believe this?

Since you're a faggot that lives in your mom's basement, it's no surprise that you are this retarded. Trump is audited every year (and no wrongdoings are ever found). Why would this year be any different?

Obama has consistently used the IRS to audit his political opponents. In fact, the Democrats only won the 2012 election because of this. Republican-leaning lobbyist groups were audited on a rather large-scale, depriving the Mitt Romney of funding.

>You cant answer

Trump emailed them to Hillary Clinton

His dog ate them.

Reminder Trump was named 3,000 times in the Panama Papers.