Is spending $10 on a coffee too much?

Is spending $10 on a coffee too much?

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>s spending $10 on a coffee

You might as well mix sugar in water.

Yes it is when I can walk to the drink section in the same fucking store (grocer has on in it) and buy the exact same iced coffee for less.

>Drinking the caffeinated jew


even coffee chain cups are like $3 (usd) at most here

Never pay more than $2-3 bucks for a cup of coffee, even star bucks has a large coffee for 2-3

>go to regular shithole
>get equally burnt coffee for $1

If you value the cup of starbucks that much, yes.

>Spending more than $0.98 on a coffee.

I mean, to be fair, those $10 shits are more like a coffee-flavored milkshake, and still overpriced.