Real talk. If Trump loses, everyone has to agree not to chimp out

Real talk. If Trump loses, everyone has to agree not to chimp out.

No no no. Stop posting "he's going to win". I'm just saying if that's not how it happens, don't chimp out.

Other urls found in this thread:

When trump loses all whites start the race war . Don't hesitate. This is the time

>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi) - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

When have right wingers chimped out? Never! Chimpouts are for libfags

I'm going to initiate the beta uprising.

White people are the new chimps.


It's Trump or Civil War.

Fuck globalism.

This, we are all too busy with our jobs and non degenerate lifestyles. Obviously I'll be furious and very disappointed in the country and suspecting fraud, but having a 3 digit IQ enables anyone to realize that burning cop cars and acting like a literal gorilla isn't the solution and just makes you look like a restless monkey

Nobody has to do shit, faggot

This your first election with disappointed white people, user?

Whites don't chimp out over elections. They chimp out over sporting events.

I've heard the concern about fewer white males having any kind of relationship though.

That could cause some trouble for everyone, but I doubt it. Your (((masters))) have done their job so well that they will be targeted by niggers! They know it too.