When will white people stop making excuses for slavery?

When will white people stop making excuses for slavery? m.youtube.com/watch?v=epRJZV78iyU

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i would bang

When will blacks stop using slavery as an excuse?

When will blacks admit that they were enslaved by other blacks, who do you think sold them.. it was btw. predominately jewish slavers and jewish slaveships and not white europeans that brought them to the US.

When will blacks admit that muslims enslaved them for 1400 years which is peanuts compared to the trans atlantic slave trade.

When will blacks realize everybody had slaves, whites predominately had white slaves and bondsmen working under quite similar conditions.

When will blacks also realize whites were the first to outlaw it on a massive level, it didn't even end in africa till much later, and in some muslim nations it's still going on today.

Also the black girl in the video is married to a white blue eyed man. Something you might find interesting. White bashing to be treated preferentially better because "muh slavery" (what about the irish and many others) in a majority white country whilst also being married to a white husband.


Same. I would love to grab that hair that resembles 70s shag carpet and facefuck her until she pukes fried chicken all over my cock.

Well, her husband is white.

>predominately jewish slavers and jewish slaveships and not white europeans

She admits those if the vid


I hope Africa gets nuked

lol she was a writer on that show thats being cancelled

I'll apologize for slavery when niggers collectively accept responsibility for the massive amount of black crime in America

Potato niggers BTFO

this desu senpai

When will black people realize that slavery affects literally no black person anymore because it happened 151 years ago?

Ok fine, I'll stop making excuses. We did nothing wrong.


This is as far as I can make it

>Also the black girl in the video is married to a white blue eyed man

If someone paid you an insane amount of money to race bait and get views you'd do it too.

Friendly reminder to dislike to remind impressionable MTV viewers that this is bullshit propaganda.

>tfw we still never apologized to the Irish
Sorry lads

post the pictures

After you were down I'd fuck here till she puked white gravy and biscuit.

She's actually starting to blow up now - I've never seen her like this.

You should add that data from the same census shows that 7.4% of free blacks owned slaves, which means that - given the opportunity - blacks were more likely to have slaves than whites.

>the irish were also slaves!
they were though, we used to round them up as "forced indentured servents" back in the day. They were spoils of war even, not even bought/sold

Yeah, there's a whole book about it. But she just dismisses the entire argument with a smug "Say it with me - the irish were not slaves"


Pick the leash back up when

I don't understand this logic at all.

Really though, the US government should apologize for slavery. Preferably before the elections, so you have a darkie apologizing for it.

When will you faggots stop talking about?

When will this meme ever end? Every skin color throughout history has been enslaved and forced to work. This isn't something that is specific to blacks. If any of these women's studies majors bothered to open a book other than feminist theory they would know this. It's like I'm taking crazy pills.

Blacks will never forgive whites for slavery. Everybody knows this. If they every have power over whites we're dead meat. Keeping them down is a matter of survival.

>Calls out the Kikes

This libtard literally said that "black on black crime is not a """thing""""

>When will this meme ever end?

When there aren't gullible white teens who get tricked by the trendy art design and host fashion styles into thinking their arguments are correct.

>When will white people stop making excuses for slavery?
When nigs stop making excuses for evolutionary retardation.


I've never seen someone make an "excuse" for slavery. I've seen people who openly think that whites are better than blacks, and that blacks should be slaves, but that's not an "excuse" for slavery. Very interesting, very retarded wording. Most normies say that slavery was bad and they feel no need to make up excuses for it.

So without even watching this video, I already know that all 5 of her points are strawman arguments.

Is this shit really on Mtv?

the Irish got enslaved we literally give zero fucks about it and don't use it as an excuse for anything or keep claiming the people who did it held us back when things are going shit for us, why are niggers unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions instead of trying to blame everything on whites?


Why does her expression look like someone ripped a huge fart? does she not shower?



GIVE ME MONEY BECAUSE I DINDU NUFFIN NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the only people that make excuses for it are the ones who feel guilt....i feel no guilt...


Holy fuck will they ever get over it? That shit ended forever ago, let go already. I don't understand how people can live a healthy life thinking everything is against them

nothing will change until niggers stop being niggers, a truth that intelligent blacks know all too well. Blacks who deny this are fucking morons.

Do you think there is a screenshot of one of her videos where she doesn't look like a complete retard?


That poor man. He must love being berated all day everyday. I can imagine her blaming him for everything simply because he's white. I bet when they watch the news he's not allowed to speak because of his "privilege".

It's cute how she dismisses the subjugation of the Irish by England as if it wasn't a big deal. It is arguably worse and killed way more than black slavery ever did. The difference is one group got over it and one group still won't shut the fuck up about it.

>When will white people stop making excuses for slavery?

When will black people stop using slavery as an excuse?

I'm russian. Is this enough?

>1 post by this ID...

she's actually not half-bad by sheboon standards. too bad for them 95% of sheboons look like nig dudes if you shave their head and took off the makeup.


The comment section needs more Sup Forums

hes a pug faced tranny looking pear bodied "man"
anyone have the pic?

>When will white people stop making excuses for slavery?
When will blacks?

>Africa Dominates The Current Slave Trade.
>Slavery still haunts Africa, where millions remain captive

An excuse? You assume I care.

i admire you.

I thought she hated whites? She must enjoy hate cucking her white boy toy


>white pride is bad cuz whites are in the superior position whoops did i say superior i didnt mean to say that i meant that they are privileged because they are better off whoops did i say better i meant that they are in power because the system they built favors them whoops did I say that they built it yeah they kinda built it but like they had help from others and like

When we ship you all back

i really want that fucking cuck to die by tyrone's hand just to hear her fuckin excuses.


I'm descended from Poor Whites who never owned slaves on my father's side, and Pollacks who didn't get here until 30 years after Slavery, and I'm still expected to check my privilege and feel bad for exploiting the black people.

If you're white, including Slavshit, you need to feel bad for having black slaves



>Your societies only prospered because of you exploiting us through slavery. You took the easy road.

>Why the fuck do you bring up african slave trade fucking goal post moving honky

Niggers, everyone.

here's the man's version

It kind of loses meaning when it's being sung by a Mexican.

Saw them live twice, RIP Jeff.

there's some sort of perverse satisfaction in knowing that she gets plowed by fat white dick every night

>Live in the North where Slavery was never a huge factor in development, but rather industry
>Live in the same North that waged a War against its Countrymen to liberate the Slaves
>In addition to these, live 150 years after Slavery ended-to the point that no living person has ever met anyone who'd ever owned a Slave

>Still expected to apologize for Slavery

You don't even fucking know

>Be Canadian
>Be white
>Still on the hook for slavery in the eyes of all the dumb niggers you dumb fuckers never shipped back to Africa when you had the chance

Niggers are fucking retarded, but you guys really should have gotten rid of them 150 years ago. So many problems would have never even materialized.

>he still believes the north was anti-slavery

I'm so sorry that you haven't been taught how to read yet. Third grade will be fun for you.

>excuses for slavery

I'm sorry is "you not dying of AIDS in Africa" not enough of a justification? If you don't like it then go die of AIDS in Africa you ungrateful nigger.

There are more slaves in the world TODAY than in the entire history of slavery in the USA. And they're not owned by whites.

Why do they ignore this?

post your face when nearly all of the excuses to justify slavery are 100% true even by your own definitions

Eewwe lol

wth i hate white people now

She's just a dumb white girl with dark skin. The only reason she is obsessed with race is because other black people have never accepted her. She has dreads but talks like valley girl. What a fucking joke.

Whenever a black person brings up slavery, simply point out

>crimes stats showing the high percentage of violent crimes committed by blacks from a few years ago are irrelevant

>200 year old slavery is relevant

Uh oh.

It more like a chimp bearing it's teeth.

I wanna make hot black girls my sex slaves

>why do people still make excuses for slavery?

I've never encountered anybody who did.

>we have to dispel the myths people use to justify slavery

Again, who is justifying it?


He said slaves were fed and housed. He didn't say 'it was fucking wonderful.'

>#2 slaves were happy to have work

Who said this?

>#3 America wasn't the only country that had slavery

And? Again, this isn't an 'excuse' simply rationality. Attacking Whites in America for slavery is asinine and pure anti-white rhetoric you dumb fucking monkey.

>#4 irish were slaves too

Again, this isn't 'excusing slavery' you stupid fucking chimp.

>#5 africans sold their own people into slavery


This ape needs a sudden drop.

At least with slavery black kids had fathers, crime rates were low and black employment was at an all time high.

we wuz good slave owner and shit

I'd fuck her

>yeah we treated them as property but it's not like we beat them lmao

My ancestors were serfs in the Russian Empire. This bitch needs to check her black privilege.

No excuses, slavery was a HUGE mistake. Should have never brought them to this country.

If it's such an issue that Africans were brought to America, why have they refused all opportunities to return?

>highly educated culture.jpg
At least they are wearing pants.

i come here for this

No you should have sent them back after the civil war.

Normies watch this and believe this shit.

Literally the bideo is littered with blatent lies.

>she says its always lol so wut other countries had slavery too but lol muh white supremacy its was worse for us always


When will Rome pay my people reparations?