US Flag being banned

>Hurr durr, the US flag is offensive, let's ban it.
What is nationalism?

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>implying this is a bad thing

>America is a melting pot of every race and culture
>gets surprised when people don't agree with a white surpremecy flag

Gee i wonder why
*sips tea*

Check your privilege and delete the flag by your ID.

Close down the school.

Private property or not, censoring national identity from the citizens of America is unlawful. You cannot force citizens to not have an American flag in America. Love for country above all else.


Fuck white people.

I wish the US would stop cucking itself by bending over to retarded SJW movements.
>Build Unisexual Bathrooms
>Punish whites for slavery a thing that has been gone since 1865
>Assume the woman is always telling the truth in a rape allegation
>Blacks being arrested more often than any other race is not proof that said blacks committed crimes, its proof that cops are racist.
Behold, the future of America.

isn't this the one where every kid showed up in as many us flag attire as they could? entire parking lot with giant trucks sporting 4 flags each?

My post was satire but nice on outing your racism.

American flag is a white supremacy flag? Then why are brown cockroaches flocking to it?

You suck at satire and should consider leaving Sup Forums.

Lol. Old news, but my zipcode. I hope news still exists if a race war starts. We will be a purification zone.

This phrase was coined by a well-known Jewish sociologist - a tactically successful meme that sounds crazy when white people defend otherwise

this is a US flag thread, not a KKK flag thread


fuck off nigger

Parasites need a host.

>using racism unironically
Fuck off, nigger.

US flag is a shitty mongrel flag of a multiracial colony without true ethnic roots

A true flag represents an ethnic tribe

ew, what are those things?

>attending spic highschool
>not having enough money to live in a decent neighborhood and attend white/asian cali highschools


THEY are trying to piss everyone off against eachother DONT LET IT WORK, UNITE UNITE UNITE.

Nationalism =/= xenophobia + racist.

>being tolerant enough to ban your own flag that old white people fought and died to protect
>in 2016
So progressive! We should seriously consider following their example and banning everything that is offensive. We wouldn't want to make Muhammad uncomfortable by not making him feel welcome now would we? What was that, he raped your wife? That just means you're not tolerant enough you dumb, racist goy!

Lesson learned: It's 2016

quit bumping this shitty thread friend

I'm color blind, what number is shown?


>if you don't ban your own country's flag, it wins

>A true flag represents an ethnic tribe

But that's what old glory does represent- the Traditional American Nation

That's why shitskins hate her

>Implying Asians like America more than other POC

Kek. How bluepilled can you get?

They hate the US so much yet the live here? I don't understand

It's a fake one.

Best not to think about it goy

That's racist user. America is a country of immigrants. Immigrants built this country. Immigrants are hardworking. They are more American than you, even when they rip down our flags and pledge loyalty to foreign countries.

6 million

Japanese aren't that bad.

I know, because I'm one of them.
It's ironic that a white person is complaining about other races hating white people to begin with. There is literally no other race that hates itself more.

Red, White, and Blue Man Group when?

Well said

The problem is that logical thinking is no longer part of most discourse. Everything you said has that in common. People have been blinded by these weird issues of personal identity to huge logical leaps and fallacies in their beliefs. Before you couldn't be overtly anti-white and mainstream. Now on college campuses they can outright discriminate against you for being white

>posts a public road
I love this meme

The nation of immigrants line is just a meme. Our ancestors fought under this flag in different forms every since it was invented.

More of you have colonial ancestry than you admit. The reason you keep quiet about it is so you can compete in the oppression Olympics with "muh six gorillion in Irish """""slaves""""" ". Playing their game by their rules is no to win.

Perhaps. But pol has this weird "white/Asian" meme where Asians are based superhero allies to the interests of white people. I want them to see that no one gives a shit about our interests unless we begin standing up for them.


What is the penalty for treason in this country again?

its the death sentence, correct?

this no border movement gets out of controle

literally none of those flags were official, nigger

>united cucks of america
You have lost yourselves respect americans

>speaks of respect

>being cucked by niggers and wetbacks
Come again?

>literally an entire country of wetbacks so cucked they have to move north

Come again?

>a wetback on UC banning an america flag.
>paying for those wetbacks with american taxes
Just fucking kek.
Again ?

>University of California at Irvine removed a U.S. flag from a common area of the student government suite
How do these people even function?
Do they all have triggered panic attacks as soon as they step off their safe space university campus?

Didn't Teddy Roosevelt warn against this?

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.”
“This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.”
“But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.”
“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English- Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian- Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the American Republic.”
“The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country. The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic. He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American.”

that's not even remotely close to treason

my highschool banned me it's no big deal. just redpills you to the local nuzpaper

What the fuck is happening to this """""country""""".

US is not a nation at all.

To be a nation you need to be a ethnic state, not just a melted pot of millions of different peoples that scream about guns and freedom

They're better than Spics. I think they voted 40% for Romney.

come on user, you know it's a good looking flag

>suck the cartels dick to not get killed
>paying for the wall with mexican taxes
>Pointy Boots
>refried beans


He's right you dumb fuck. Don't act like you're going to do shit about it none of us will. We'll just sit here and bitch all day for catharsis instead of hating and using it. Face it, our country has died spiritually. Then we'll both vote trump and feel secure in the fact that he'll do something, when even if he does immigration has been a compounding issue and it's already far too late for policy to fix this.

Lol no. 85%+ vote Democrat even more spics voted for Romney

>actually giving a fuck about the masonic dishrag that is the flag of the jewnited states of amurrica
What are you going to say next? That you support multiculturalism and diversity?

Except from the builing wall remember that you have wetbacks living with your taxes and gun pointing at your neighbors,kek.
I actually want the wall thing happens , but i didnt happen, keep delusional , go to work to pay the stamps for nigger and inmigrants , cuck.

>To be a nation you need to be a ethnic state not just a melted pot of millions of different peoples

You're literally worse then America.

Actually I have couple friends who go to UCI and they tell me the students wanted to remove the flag from a small place inside the multi cultural (I know) center and the whole story blew out of proportion.

They didn't succeed anyway. Their vote as overturned and the flag stayed.

Spat my oats everywhere imagining some Sup Forumstard at the doctors office explaining how he sees 6mil.
>muh hands
>muh nose



Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

>Be former Associated Student Senator at a UC
>Literally be the only registered republican on a senate of 12.

Shit sucked familia

It was 80% if you lump in Hawaiian natives and Alaskan natives and shit like that. East Asians are more like 65%.

What a bunch of shit. Even the UN, the most anti-US organization around aside from Al Qaeda and ISIS and the Mooslum Brotherhood allows the US flag to be flown at their building.

>public school
>state funded fire department
>private property

6 gorillion

>private property
>public school

That will never happen in us
We are going to pull out our guns
We are going to genocide them

Mfw it happens and nobody does shit



you forgot your pic

>go to uni in southern california
>finally get tired of all the liberal bullshit so I start to only wear clothing with the american flag on it to see what happens
>get dirty looks from every student that sees me on campus
never thought we'd reach a point where wearing this country's flag would be a form of protest, but here we are

the flag should be used only on flagpoles, on govt property or on private homes. it should not be used to advertise or promote anything, and should not be altered and flown to represent anything. keep it simple. you can burn it or tear it up, but dont alter it. let it be what it is. a symbol, right or wrong.

It's your own fucking school. Your own fucking country. Jesus, America what the fuck happened?

moslems, they feed on sand


libertarians are all little teens in the burbs. Quit

I live in a Asian infested city, lots of Asian Republicans. All they care about is lower taxes, except for the young libtards in college. Hmong Vietnamese and Filipinos warp the statistics because they're poorfags, but they don't count as true asians.

maybe those old white people should've defected and helped the other side, then we'd have our flag

Don't worry, soon you'll have a new "inclusive" flag of the NAU when Hillary joins you up with the leafs and tacos. You'll have Mexicans flooding in from the south and Muslims from the north!

First it was "Merry Christmas," now it's American flags. And they say the slippery slope isn't real.

Oy vey. Can you not see it?
Protip: 6 bazillion million

Let's ban white people too while we're at it. After that we can ban the police.

Jesus Christ wake me up already, Morpheus.

>leave home country for better conditions
>do everything you can to make your new home as shit as your old one

I hope you're happy with your ((you)) for that stupid sips tea shit.

9/11 made me reply

who the fuck thought RED AND GREEN colour combination is a great idea for a flag?

Pretty much
Asian voting patterns are pretty much jewish
Any wagecuck or worse asian is a guaranteed socialist voter
Start earning and see them go full libertarian

Lmao worse than fucking Germany

I am still amused by the fact that the Gadsden flag is actually a thing.

teddy was a smart man. he invented the nazis.

they should get rid of the flag. it looks like a goddamn circus tent. This country has changed in the past 150 years anyway and the first thing that comes to mind when people see that flag is racist backwards rednecks with ar15s.

Why cant we have something cool, like occult witchcraft symbols like what they have on the dollar bill. Something that this country really is founded on like some satanic shit.

>the first thing that comes to mind when people see that flag is racist backwards rednecks with ar15s.
>I rather the first thing that comes to mind be autism.
Kill you're self.

>weve been to the moon
>we cant go back because its too expensive and weve already been there.
>it would cost more money to fake it rather than to do the real thing

"Autism services cost U.S. citizens $236-262 billion annually."

"Landing men on the Moon by the end of 1969 required the most sudden burst of technological creativity, and the largest commitment of resources ($24 billion) ever made by any nation in peacetime"