So sad

So sad....

Europe should really take in another million or so refugees. They need to help these poor desperate people.

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I would cut that faggot

>muh feels

why can't anybody use their reason before their feelings anymore, Europe has literally nothing at all to gain from these sand niggers

Life is tough. Tell the kid to stop being a faggot.

Tough shit
EU is not obligated to help


I'm a minority. I can't possibly be racist :^)


scarred 4 life

The hipster that took this photo should be using the first aid kit.

His womanly fingers were never trained in how to treat wounds, or fix real world problems in general.

Underage yugioh b8

Just remember kid, a black man set you free.


what the fuck. i hate america now

What he needs is a bath, delousing, and cult deprogramming so that the islam in his brain is somehow mitigated.

And Kek now officially hates America now

Gumballs video is bestballs video. Highly recommended.

kid couldn't even suicide bomb correctly

never send a child to do a woman's job

the more, the merrier

why does the photo remind me of silent hill?

Is that a fucking gunblade?
Are those niggas final fantasy cücks?

What direction will that pray when they grow up? If its to mecca then I am afraid that pity well dried up a long time ago.

pic related

I think any compassionate nation would have a provision for refuge of foreign nationals plagued by war. the nation is not an isolation from the world but a recognition of a system of law and peoples. refuge status should be afforded to people on conditional basis of return after due time.

people call any kind of compassion cuckoldry. it isnt like an ideal nation wouldnt have a provision to deal with these circumstances.

the racism is 10 notches too high and is not constructive.

the suffering of children is degenerate and jokers are fags.

and im not even pro merkel.

Propaganda at its finest. Manipulating your emotions at its finest.

>Wars for thousands of year
>This one is completely different

I'm starting to suspect this is to get back at us for not wanting wars anymore.