I just rewatched Spiderman 2 and realized Spidey is the best superhero. I want to get more into Spiderman...

I just rewatched Spiderman 2 and realized Spidey is the best superhero. I want to get more into Spiderman, what comics should I read?

I am not that knowledgeable but right now im readying the amazing spider-man from the start and am around the 50 ish mark.

I can really recommand "spider-man: blue". It tells the story of a peter parker that gets nostalgic at the day of gewns death and thinks about the old time.
So it retells the storyline of TASM 40-49 or something with some diffrences of course.

Superior Spider-Man
I spiderman above the justice system is the only way

Amazing Spider-Man issue 1 onwards.

If you're familiar enough with the character but don't feel like reading the older comics, you could try Straczinky's run (is that how it's spelled?)


It really is. I could write my masters thesis on how great Spiderman 2 and does everything right that the modern Marvel cinematic universe gets wrong.


Please do user.

Based Raimi.

As bad as Raimi’s films were, at least they got most of the characters right. Homecoming looks like a fucking trainwreck based on casting alone.

I'll kill u

Take your shot.

Raimi MJ was a whiny bitch compared to comics MJ

They look good visually, but he didn't get many of the characters right. Pete is a turbo-autist who stalks people, MJ is some homely girl next door with abusive parents, Ock is a friendly mentor type who only goes bad because of his arms and Harry is just some prettyboy idiot.

He did Jonah and Norman fairly well, but that's about it.

Also not very attractive.

_____ Time!

I watched it recently and it's indeed good.

That scene where Ock's tentacles start killing everyone at the hospital was pretty good. Too bad his "NOOOOOOOOO" afterwards is a little too goofy.

I like the goofy parts. Movie doesn't take itself too seriously and that's a plus for me.

Aunt May and everyone else at the Bugle were pretty great too. Even ASM gave us the best versions of Flash and Gwen. So why can't Homecoming seem to get anything right?

Anyone got a reading order for when other spider-titles are introduced?

Just keep reading ASM.

The Spider Web and the news bulletin at the end of each mag will tell you when a new Annual comes out

p a n d e r i n g

I'm on my phone right now but I'll try my best. The biggest problem with Marvel movies in my opinion is how unheroic they feel. In Spiderman 2 you see Spidey risking his life saving innocent civilians, like when he stops the train that Octavius sends out of control. Sure superheros still fight villains but we don't get too see them saving thing little guy. It's just people with superpowers fighting. They're not really superheroes anymore, they're just generic action stars fighting. There's no heroic tension, they're not struggling to moving people to safety during fights, they're not saving people from falling buildings, they're just beating on nameless cannon fodder enemies who fall in one hit. Compare this to Spiderman. He's constantly risking his life to save people. People thank him, children look up to Spiderman. People don't do that with Thor or Ironman. They're lost what makes them heroes, they're just super action stars.
I have more to say if anyone likes what I've said so far.

Checked and agreed.

Go on.

Spidey is great because he can realistically go from street level thugs to intergalactic threats so I hope they explore that with his MCU self.

One of my favorite scenes is when he goes into the burning building without any powers.

you are right, friend.
John Michael Straczynski's run on Spider Man is one of my favourites. Try it sometime :)

My next problem is how shallow the characters feel. In Spiderman 2, Peter Parker is a 3 dimensional character with a serious internal struggle. He feels responsible for the city but his crime fighting is ruining his life. He wants to confess to Mary Jane but he doesn't want to put her in danger. He can't do well in school because he doesn't have any free time. He can hardly hold a job. And none of these things are instantly solved, Spiderman suffers throughout the movie. That's what makes him human, while we don't understand what it's like to be a hero we can relate his suffering.
Compare this to The Avengers, what suffering did they go through there? Sure the gang doesn't get along but they're so flat and one dimensional I have trouble caring. Sure Bruce Banner says he tried to kill himself but what reason has the movie given me to care? All they do is occasionally tell you sad things that happen off screen and expect you to be sad. Other than that the dialogue consists mostly of quips. There's no emotional scenes, no real moments where you can feel a connection to the character it's just "Me Captain America Me sad Me beat up bad guys".
The lack of secret identity hurts but the biggest factor is the lack of plausibility in the story. There could never be conflict in the Marvel cinematic universe because they have Thor and they have the Hulk. No problem couldn't be solved by throwing them at it so I can't take these issues seriously. And the action scenes aren't even that good. I'll get into that in my next post


Unrelated to that, but one thing I really miss about the Raimi movies compared to modern stuff is how recurring the villain fights are. In a lot of marvel movies the hero goes through the plot then has a showdown with the villain in the finale. The villain either hasn't become a supervillain yet (Stane, Cross) or is too busy doing their own plot to have anything more than quick confrontations (Ronan, Loki). I love how the Green Goblin and Ock have cool fight scenes throughout the movie as they manage to get away from Spidey when he tries to stop them. Gives them a bit more presence. Winter Soldier did this pretty well and AoU would have done it right if the final showdown wasn't just the heroes beating on a bunch of paper-mache drones.

Yeah, i agree with you all the way down.
But the two first movies are so good. I can't resist that train scene. So well directed. They are fucking good. It's sad that they aren't faithful to the original, but the movies are so good.
Sam Raimi is a great director. Where he is now?

Last thing he did was some OZ movie with James Franco, movie wasn't the greatest but the directing was good.

Also he directed the first episode of "Ash vs Evil Dead" and produced the rest.

>the train scene
I really wish we could have more cool civilians in modern hero movies. The civilians stepping up to protect Spidey always gets me.

The old guy standing up to Loki in Avengers was pretty good though

The train scene is a fucking classic.
The action, the drama.
It's the fucking peak of capeshit.


OP here. My phone is almost out of mobile data so I'll post more when I home from work if the thread is still up.