Why would I ever want to live in a country without universal healthcare?

Why would I ever want to live in a country without universal healthcare?

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Canada loves there Heath care they like it so much they are dieing for it

Looks like America loves it's education too.

oh fuck off you, that made me retch

Ya I typed it looked at the tv for a min and retyped it again. Go pray to alla

But for real they die waiting on there free healthcare

>paying for other people thorough high taxation rates

Europeans are so fucking stupid holy shit.

>loves it's education

its not free, burgerfaggot, we pay for it in taxes

You people are so stupid you're prostitutes

Like the homeless people? Anyways. It costs 1/3 the price and we live longer

Dumbest excuse for a typo I've ever seen desu.

You're paying for homeless joe's aids medication while he touches your kids, but I bet you like that, don't you, leaf?

nop, youve got to have valid papers to get healthcare

Tell that to the leaf. And thank you for correcting me, polandbro.

>have heart attack in street
>passer by calls ambulance
>medics arrive
>check my pockets for valid papers
>I left them at home
>they leave me to die in the street of my heart attack

i dont know how it is in leafland though
and ive aversion to responding to shitposters

if you dont have papers after the procedure you are charged
>inb4 abuse
private healthcare can be abused in the same way

Because my family has been making wise decisions genetically for generations and I shouldn't be gimped because you have a history of colon cancer and chain smoking.

If you were white and used to a society without communism you'd understand what freedom meant. Unfortunately you're a fucking sand nigger living in sand nigger communist tribes with sharia law in the middle of england and you're too fucking stupid to be able to comprehend how anyone could possibly come to an agreement to be medically examined without the need of an entire fucking government or community to literally hold your hand through the entire process while ripping you off blind with the money they take from you at gun point

Every citizen of Canada is entitled to free healthcare regardless if you're homeless or living in a mansion. We all take care of each other via taxes. And yes, as a result of all chipping in, our healthcare costs are lower than the US.

Also reports of wait times are grossly exagerrated. There are some cases that take too long, yes, but most are handled immediately or within days.

Regardless, if I go to the hospital or doctor with a serious injury or illness, I won't come out the other end owing thousands in medical fees. Any country that doesn't have universal healthcare is fucking retarded.

>live on rainy little socialist island
>eat nothing but crisps and microwave meals for one for 36 years
>heart attack in the street
>passer by calls ambulance
>medics arrive
>check the pockets of every single working citizen in the country
>sorry, you don't have a choice, I deserve help regardless of my own choices
>take everyone's money
>give some of it to the people that helped you take everyone's money
>give the rest of everyone's money to doctors to help you
>go back to eating crisps and microwave meals for one

It hardly gets any cuckier than wanting another man to pay for your responsibilities

Because this guy should have gone blind.

Because I'm healthy and rich. I don't want to pay for my neighbor's triple bypass surgery.

why the FUCK is he pulling out his own fucking eyeball?

Not how the emergency room works. See your own image.

Why would I ever want to leave my parent's house?

Fuck perpetual adolescence and dependence. The government is not your mommy.

The more you involve the government in your life, the more it demands of you.

CONSIDERABLY lower taxes.

What's your tax rate on 42,000 pounds? ($55k)

anyone of you shitlords saying universal healthcare is bad need only look at how much cheaper and more efficient it is, compared to the current US system

Fuck m8, more salt than the Atlantic. If you sold that you might have a chance at your health system.

all the money saved by lower taxes and much more is lost to medical costs in countries without universal healthcare

Because you're allowing stupid poor people to live longer and breed.

Make sure to watch your sodium intake too, no telling how much of your taxes go to just attending to just that.

Its not. We did the math when a French user posted this thread and even with buying insurance here the Americam came out on top.

If youd like to do the math to prove me wrong, Id love to see it


what the fuck did i just watch? i've seen a lot of fucked up videos, but god damn it, i want at least an explanation afterwards

You mean die in one.

Looks like he's a burn victim or something, and his skin from his eyelid attached to his eye.

Because you can receive better quality healthcare at a lower cost when the market is allowed to exist.

Okay, I'm gonna need the story behind this one.

The whole argument about healthcare is whether your side thinks that having access to affordable healthcare is a basic human right.

Spoiler: It isn't

Citizens of countries with universal healthcare voted to pay more in taxes to have the government provide a service to them. As a result, wait times increased and quality of care went down. That's what happens when you remove competition within a market.

In the United States we prefer to let insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, etc. compete in the market so we have the option to choose what is best for us. Many people in the US don't see the need for health insurance. Requiring citizens to purchase health insurance or pay a fee is unconstitutional and morally wrong. People from all over the world come here to use our hospitals and doctors because we have the best of the best. I'm not going to fucking pay for Tyrone to get his arm fixed after a night of gangbanging. I don't give a shit about anyone other than my family. It's my money and you aren't entitled to it.

tldr healthcare isn't a right, government run healthcare is shit

hahahahahahahahahah look at this dumb motherfucker, just look at him hahahahahahhahah

whats the source on this one OP?

some methhead American or chav, innit?

From what i've seen guy thinks he has a camera on his eye watching him, the other one with the pliers and razor blade is also good.

Russian, krokodil?

> Requiring citizens to purchase health insurance or pay a fee is unconstitutional and morally wrong.
Except that is LITERALLY what Obongocare is.


Have fun.

t-that can happen? man, this video affected me more than all the gore and snuff videos i've ever seen. eyes don't even have nerves in them so it's probably not that bad in reality, but god does it look disgusting.

coz da kang gun b givn da niggerz da hewf car yo

I know that's why I said it. That's why there was so much opposition to it and why we are laughing in the face of libs now that it is falling flat on its face.

Just got surgery for hemorroids didn't cost a dime.

probably got in an explosive accident and has some type of shrapnel stuck in his eye. it's rather common globally

Why doesn't he fucking clean his fingernails/wash his hands before he pulls shit out of his eye???

looking at the Youtube channel, apparently the guy believes that our eyes have cameras in them, spying for the Government or some shit. And he's trying to remove a "film" from his eyeball because its some "silicon film", like that proves that his eye is a camera

What the fuck


Weed is the only Healthcare I need.


we spent ~3 trillion dollars on healthcare in 2013, (much more than what europeans pay in their taxes) and our health incomes were largely worse than other high income countries


send channel


You know he's correct, right?
Why do you think everyone important in the world comes to the US to get major care?

>You know he's correct, right?
He's not, sorry.

stop being poor and you'll figure it out. access to doctors is high, number of quality doctors is high, don't have to wait behind the poors

you don't *actually* live longer, moron. the average in the US is 'lower' because niggers and illegals are included in the numbers. look at life spans of white people in the US and they will be about the same as any other predominantly white country

It doesn't work very well at all. Our system is almost broken. Give it 5-10 years here and I think it will be done
>fucking chainsaws. Only time I got in, in less than 5 hrs in the last 5 years at my local hospital

Because if you're not a nigger and have good insurance you pay the first $3000 and then get literally the best and most prompt medical care in the world at zero cost to you.

You're waiting behind Omar #44,516 while I skipped straight to the front of the luxury line.

Russiabro takes every kind of nootropic known to galatic kind, beleives CIA has implanted shit into his eye.
Proceeds to remove it.

Note the thumbnail on one of the sites shows him with a syringe, so he's really trying to stick it to the script.


My brother broke his arm, 13 hours in waiting. they had to break his fucking arm again in order to cast it. Fuck this commie hell hole

Nice meme

That's not true at all.

underrated post despite the awful grammatical error.

>just ignore the bad statistics because le epic nigger spic meme

you could die in the er waiting for a doctor here
people send their kids to the er for there common cold to be checked out due to "muh free health care "

Dude should just scoop out the eyeball with a spoon and get it over it.

Someone post the gif.

Tbh senpai, you wouldn't.

Type 1 diabetic, sucks ass paying for my own insurance and medical care, then getting taxed to pay for lazy niggers. I'd rather use those taxes to pay my own shit. It isn't like I get any handouts, and I've dealt with this shit since 10 years old.

>we prefer to let insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, etc. compete in the market so we have the option to choose what is best for us

Except we don't shop for our healthcare options. I would buy this argument if I could easily look up the cost and effectiveness of various procedures at all of the hospitals near me. That just isn't the case.

>Go to ER for food poisoning
>In basketball shorts so they think I have no insurance
>Put me "Vertical treatment room", i.e. big room with a bunch of chairs.
>Sitting in chair dry heaving, can barely breathe
>Nurses on their phones drinking Starbucks ignoring me
>40 minutes
>Walk over to nurses to show them I have insurance
>In real ER within 5 minutes
>Dehydrated from 175lbs down to 150lbs
>Move me to ICU
>Give me 4 IVs, put me to sleep
>Keep me there 3 days, try to get doctor to discharge me everyday
>Move me to regular room, with an old alcoholic
>Chest x-ray
>Air in chest cavity for dry heaving so hard
>Want me to see cardiovascular surgeon
>24 years old and fit so nope.jpeg out of there
>$20,000 bill

Yeah, I'd rather take my chances with a non-profit model.

I once went to the ER so often, they got annoyed. lel