Japan here

Japan here.

Can anybody outline Trump's positive points? We never hear about him over here unless he says something outlandish that gets the attention of the press.

Basically, I'm looking for any positive stances or policies about Trump's campaign. Looking for pro-Trump statements, not anti-liberal ones.

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He's gonna make America great again

He's going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
What more do you need?

Sometimes its more fun to know you helped start the fire rather than someone just watching it burn.

he unleashed a new level of memery

we don't want muslims either. Pretty much the two things America needs less of


Prioritizing helping Americans over people across the world who wish we were dead.

Okay, how is he going to do that?

I don't wish you were dead. In fact, we need you. Pretty much every single person I know and have ever met is very pro-America and wants to have good ties with the US. I realize that is simply my own personal experience, but that is all I know.

Does Trump plan to keep good ties with Japan?

>Can anybody outline Trump's positive points?
he's owned by soros and working towards a guaranteed clinton victory, when she would have otherwise lost to rubio. outside of trump helping clinton into office and stopping the republicans? he has no real positives, tbqh.

You've corrected my record

>hows he gonna do that

Build a wall, deport the illegals, and fuck up ISIS

Sup jap,

American living here.

Maybe I can provide some perspective.

Your government does have issues with corruption, but Americans for the most part district their government WAAAYYY more. One of the big debates in our country is over guns, and the justification is for overthrowing our government if need be.

People like Trump because he has openly said fuck you to the government. He is a political outsider who wants to build a wall and enact nationalist trade policies that will fuck over big nationalist countries.Aside from that, he is the polar opposite of SJWs and cucks, and just says whats true regardless of its offensive.

Hello Japan proxy role player

>Does Trump plan to keep good ties with Japan?
I think America wants to in general. You and South Korea are I think cool to most people.

>Prioritizing helping Americans over people across the world who wish we were dead.
This means that Trump wants to stop the US from fucking around in the middle east (who wish we were dead) and focus on our jobs, economy, crime, etc...
I think we all want Japan to be there with us, but maybe it will have to be without TPP because that's made to benefit China.

>Build a wall, deport the illegals
You guys know he'll never get either of these things through congress even if he somehow wins right? They're totally empty promises.

>fuck up ISIS
The man has zero experience dealing with any kind of armed conflict. I don't know why anyone would assume his strategy for dealing with ISIS will be better than the people who've been doing it for years.

Unless I'm mistaken, isn't that essentially a Whites vs. Others stance?

A lot of countries want to "fuck up ISIS."

Can you please explain to me why building a wall would help America? I'm not being sarcastic or passive-aggressive. I just want actual facts and reasons.

>no TPP
This is NAFTA 2.0, corporations are going to squeeze the middle class even more if this passes. And that's the least of our worries with its draconian internet censorship.
>slows immigration, deports illegals
Removes cheap exploitable labor. No more Home Depot mexicans doing everything for $4/hour. Employers will have to hire and create actual jobs.
>work on repealing NAFTA
More jobs for Americans, more nationalistic policies are good for its citizens.

Takes back from the elites and Wall St and gives back to the average Joe. And that's only what he tells the public. There's a whole behind the scenes aspect that he can deal with simply because he's not beholden to the establishment (ie: Syria). We already know how the globalists will have everything play out under Hillary. It's going to be very interesting to see how Trump messes up their plans. Or he could be end up bought by them, but we would've been fucked anyways.

>whites vs others stance

Okay, now I know you're a leftist shill. There are plenty of Mexicans, Asians and other blacks that want the wall, Isis gone, and the deportation of illegals. The only reason you see it as a "whites vs others issue" is becasue you immediately assume that "illegal = non-white" which makes you a racist.

Next time try with a euro proxy, faggot.

They believe a continent wide border with Mexico would be feasible, monitored, and not horrific to the environment.

They think it would stop Mexicans crossing the border. Mexican immigrants often do not follow the legal method for immigration, and Trump supporters believe they are a drain on tax money as well as lowering wages overall.

I think all countries have issues with corruption. It's unavoidable because a country needs to be run by people, and some people with power will always turn bad.

Why is being a political outsider better than being an insider? I understand that it has the potential to be useful against corruption and lobbying, but by itself is it good for anything?

Sorry, but what is a SJW or a cuck? I see these used on English websites recently, but it seems like people use it in many different situations to describe people that they just dislike. Does it have an actual meaning?

No, my father is from the UK, so I can speak English.

>Does Trump plan to keep good ties with Japan?
Yes but no more devaluation jewry and you'll have to pay for our Military support.

>Trump supporters believe its a drain opn tax money

It is.


Speaking objectively, as someone who has followed this campaign closely, most of the answers you'll get in this thread are horseshit.

Trump has ONE positive. And it's a MASSIVE positive.

Trump is honest

I'm not sure how the political system is in Japan, but in America it has become a disgusting, rehearsed show where candidates deliver speeches which have been screened in front of 18 different focus groups and surgically engineered to best manipulate the most potential voters possible. Hillary is the absolute embodiment of this. Every word that slithers out of her mouth is monstrously dishonest, and America has grown tired of their own political system.

Trump blows in out of nowhere and starts speaking his mind honestly. Everything he says has a feeling of utmost honesty, no matter how crazy and stupid it is. Honestly speaking, almost all of his policies are poorly thought out and problematic, but nonetheless he's up front and sincere. The sincerity of Trump is literally his only selling point.

So, really, that's it. Trump is honest. American politics are in such a sad state of affairs that merely being honest can propel you to a presidential nomination.

For the record, I hope he wins.

Sorry, but what is a shill?

And no, I just don't understand what the wall means or why it's important. I don't live in the US or know anything about it. Why do Asians or black people or other people want a wall? I'm trying to understand that.

Isn't most of America white people? I'm not trying to be racist. Our image of America is mostly white people.

>You've corrected my record
ctr would never point out that politicians have shadowbrokers. trump and clinton are playing for the same team, sorry this offends you, little cuckling.

okay but you are looking at it from the wrong end.

Our legal immigration system is a fucking mess. Clinton/Stein/Sanders have advocated fixing it. Trump just wants to deport everyone here undocumented and has no tangible plan for reform.

It's like complaining that marijuana enforcement costs the DEA the vast majority of its budget which is why we need mandatory minimum sentences for users...rather than realizing the entire thing is a crock of shit

Hey Taro, I'm a John stationed here to fend off the Chinks.

Trump would in all likelihood support Abe's remilitarization of Japan and improve coordination between USN and JMSDF. Hillary would also likely support this but would be much quieter about it.

The biggest difference for you guys is that Trump would work with Russia in Syria and elsewhere, theoretically minimizing the chance of a serious conflict with China in the SCS. Hillary, on the other hand, wants to fight Russia, which would theoretically exacerbate the issues we have here.

USA made ISIS great again.

That's it.

The USA is satan of the world.

he has been on wrestling

he will challenge kim jong un to a steel cage match


USA has military bases in Japan to protect your country for free. Trump is going to bill you for that, Suki. Gather up your anime yen because you're going to pay us for our protection, or else we're leaving and you can protect yourselves. Lots of luck to you, Charlie.

He's going to cut taxes to some of the lowesr levels we've ever seen. He's going to put a temporary hault on the majority of fiancial regulation along wth raising tariffs on foreign nations along with increasing the budget for public works by a large amount along with regulating big pharma in order to lower prices. He's also making a law that you must hire american workers before foreign and the only time when foreign workers can enter the nation is when no sufficent skilled worker of the type can be found in the nation.

Basically he's turning the economy to a more Authoritarian Capitalist model inside the nation and a mercantilist model on the global scale.

He's effectively making the US economy into a fascist economy, that is to say a economy that is regulated only in ways that benefits all classes (but it IS regulated) of the nation and only policies that help the nation. He's mixing the most efficient economic practices of the center left to the center to the right.

Public works are a major part of fascism also.

Further he wishes to increase peaceful ties with china and russia, saying that there is no reason to be hostile to russia any longer and that equal trade will be mutually benefical to both china and the USA.

Basically he just wants to take care of the most pressing problems and make a lot of money for the nation as a whole.

>for free.

Fuck you.
Japan paid amount of money for US millitary.

I'm afraid I can't. Trump loves niggers.

Really, if you think about it, honesty and/or integrity are the two post important things in a candidate. A guy could promise everything to everybody but if we know they're a lying sack of shit he's probably not gonna get the job.

Better an honest candidate that has some kooky ideas than a thoroughly dishonest candidate who says and claims to believe all the right things.


Well, we want American here to protect us because we want to have a good relationship with America. But our army is very small and weak. And until recently, we can't fight at all.

I want us to stay good allies with the US. If we had a big army and could fight, we would protect the US, I think. But we don't so we can't.

Trump's going to make Japan into a nation of honorary aryans, again. Would you like that, Charlie?
Trump promises to boost Japan's fertility rate and get all you yellow bastards a 3D waifu, what do you think about that, Kazuma? Trump's going to get you laid. Do you like pussy? He's going to get you the wettest, sloppiest, most juiciest piece of hair pie this side of Tokyo.

He's going to build a big wall and kick the Mexicans out.

Trump wants japan to rebuild its military, which has earned him a bit of support from certain nationalist japanese.

James Petras had a decent article on Unz with some of Trumps positions.


Trump has raised several key issues which challenge the Democratic and Republican elite.

Trump has drawn mass support and won elections and public opinion polls by:

(1) rejecting the free trade agreements which has led major multinationals to relocate abroad and disinvest in well-paying industrial jobs in the US

(2) calling for large scale public investment projects to rebuild the US industrial economy, challenging the primacy of financial capital.

(3) opposing the revival of a Cold War with Russia and China and promoting greater economic co-operation and negotiations.

(4) rejecting US support for NATO’s military build-up in Europe and intervention in Syria, North Africa and Afghanistan.

(5) questioning the importation of immigrant labor which lowers job opportunities and wages for local citizens.

The anti-Trump elite systematically avoid debating these issues; instead they distort the substance of the policies.

Speaking as a staunch Libertarian, he doesn't really have many objectively positive qualities. His policies are incoherent and contradictory, he's incredibly dishonest, he has no political experience whatsoever, he's a massive hypocrite, and he seems overall ignorant about everything from foreign policy to economics. I'm 88% certain he's in the race to springboard his own media conglomerate and has spent the last several months dominating the headlines and cultivating a following for precisely that purpose. Bringing Bannon on basically confirmed that theory.


Japan pay all the costs of the American rape soldiers stationed there. They talk about getting rid of the soldiers constantly. Japan is more than capable of building up their own military without American (((help))).

Come home Tyrone.

Hello, Sgt Martinez.

Well, when/if we get into office is the only time we'd know for sure what he intends - this is full campaign mode right now, where everything is subject to change.

However, it seems very silly that he would do anything to intentionally ruin the relationship we have. You guys are too important, not just on an economic level but strategic as well.

Plus you guys have awesome food.

He wants to make Japan, and every other country, pay for 100% of American protection, which I think is fair. The way our treaties work, America has to go to war if Japan is attacked but it's not the other way around. Trump will be less inclined than Clinton to start a global war over protecting our allies.

So, if everything is subject to change and you're just left with the hope that he doesn't mean half the shit he says, why support him?

Many American expats living in Japan.

it disgusting to me.
They came to Japan for commit crime.

All the right people hate him. crystal, bush, rove, maddow, lawrence, lemon, the jews, illegal aliens, neocons, sjws... I love him for his enemies.

Japan isn't "protected" by America like the other countries we have treaties with. We basically ARE their military. And they do pay for it. Trump wants them to have their own military.


He's literally used car salesman tier.

All I know now is that Hill Dog McShill is going to win. ; ;

I want to commit crimes in japan

We will ally with russia and the finish off you Japanese bastards once and for all. We're going to make asia great again!

Fuck Nigger lovers.

White Americans are fucking same as negros.

>Can anybody outline Trump's positive points?
-he b da kang
-he hav da cha-ching
-he gut a head grill
-he gut mail order bitchs n hoes
-he smack a bitch up
-nigger gun mak da hood gr8
-nigger gun b da nigger-jew savyor yo

He fucking hates the chinks, but your Shinzo Abe is a globalist like Merkel and all the rest. He's a good neocon sellout globalist boy, gets along with everybody. Trump doesn't come from the political class; he's a billionare that earned most of his money slinging his dick around in the real world, whereas the people in washingon are basically a bunch of wanker kikes and their shills walking trough a rotating door, losing our money everywhere. That's another thing. You'll probably have to say goodbye to those bases in Okinawa.

Trump has no interest in maitaining the GLOBAL POLICE FORCE stature we've built up for 60 years while letting our own country go to waste. That's where you come in. You have problems with senkaku island disputes, China pissing you off for this or that? You're going to have to man up and build up your own blue-sea navy and, yes buy a few fucking nukes because we're frankly tired of paying for your defense network and getting ripped off in trade with the japs and chinks in exchange.

Other than that he's friendly with japan--assuming it does it's fair share from now on, and we work together instead of you guys just parasiting off our asses like you've been forever.

Because Japan going to war for America doesn't really mean anything because our army is so weak. What can we help? We want you to stay in our country and help us because we are allies and we need your help.

And we already some of the expenses for the bases here.

Go suck Russian cock and leave from Japan.

I'm ok with this.

Imagine if your country won the war, but then your government decided to slowly take your pride and everything your countrymen fought for away from you.

Then, someone comes along and and offers to make it stop. However, your government has been doing this unopposed for decades, so they make his proposals seem ridiculous.

All the good boys and girls are doing exactly what the teacher says, while everyone who has balls is voting against the annoying system.

>speaks Engrish
Nice proxy fag

>White Americans are fucking same as negros.
Nice stereotyping there Jap.

You have to stop fucking sissy posting you half yank.

He is not part of the Establishment.
He is not a politician.
He never made policies or decisions that got people killed.
He wants to confront Islamic terrorism. He is calling it out for the evil that it is.
He is not paralyzed by political correctness.
He hasn't sold out American interests or favors in exchange for donations to a questionable foundation...
He isn't bought and paid for by wall street.
He wants a real enforceable border, to manage immigration in accordance with US values and economic needs.
He wants trade policies that make sense to the American people, rather than the global elites.

>Can anybody outline Trump's positive points?
Nope. He's a Jew loving, LGBTGIIFJPEG loving Soviet spy.

>Nice stereotyping

I hope it's stereotype.

I'll give you one, nipbro.

Imagine your country of Japanese was instead 70% nip, and 30% some other group. Imagine this 30% (lets say China) crosses the sea illegally in droves while others from SEA follow, and they get pandered to constantly with money and benefits. Native Japanese are shit on by your own media and school system. Now to top it all off, instead of fixing your fucked economy, your government sent billions of dollars to South Korea, and at the same time ARMED rebels in North Korea that turned their guns on your own JSDF (that for the sake of this argument is now able to operate outside of Japan).

Trump will put the country first instead of doing this nonsense. Like you have a nation for Japanese, we want to regain a nation for Americans. America FIRST. It really is this bad when putting your own country first is seen as a radical thing. This is how fucked we are socially right now by our leaders.

I remember watching that show. They had a black family that they tried to make look white too, but failed miserably.
They even had a 'wayciss white' plant that talked to the disguised black guy like it wasn't obvious he was wearing makeup.

Both of those items are already existing American law. Congress is irrelevant in deportation. The president can order deportation by executive order. The wall will pass and it will be built. Trump is an egomaniac and is entirely too proud to have his name ruined. Trump is the beginning of a new dynasty in the American executive branch. Ivanka Trump will be the first woman president.

Post picks of your passport to prove you are a true Jap.

The most important thing is not doing a Merkel to America.
We won't become the next Europe fiasco with Trump.

We ally with north korea and russia then nuke japan like dog. Much laugh at fried japanese babies. Trump elected best day of my life.

He has no positive points. He's literally a meme.
>fags will continue to call me a CTR jew

I have no passport.

As Japanese,I hate all criminal in Japan.
Why you guys can't behave like human??

Basically he wants to make our nation into something like yours.

While immigration can be enforced properly, and he absolutely can do it, The Wall might be a bit tricky. He'll have to force congress somehow to allocate funds to do it, unless he really can somehow force Mexico to pay for it.

That remittance ban to Mexico would be glorious if he could somehow do it.

>I hate all criminal in Japan
>Why you guys can't behave like human??
Because all humans including you and me are animals get use to it.

You won't become the next Europe fiasco with Clinton, either. There's nothing that could possibly do to America what has happened in Europe short of Mexico collapsing or something, and Trump's far more likely to cause that to happen.

>Does Trump plan to keep good ties with Japan?
Every country other than China basically wants to keep good ties with Japan.

Except our current prime minister who dicked you over with that submarine deal, that is. Did I ever mention that he wasn't even voted in?

>Imagine this 30% (lets say China) crosses the sea illegally in droves while others from SEA follow
They do have pretty much that many illegal Chinese coming in. To build the Olympics buildings I shit you not.

>and they get pandered to constantly with money and benefits.
This is honestly something NO sane government will do unless things are seriously fucking fucked up, as they are here. It benefits no one, unless your system is actually so fucked up that these illegals can actually have voting power in your elections.

Because I cannot morally support Hilary Clinton. I'd rather take a chance on Trump actually sticking to what he's saying, than go with Hilary who has made it very clear what she stands for - the vast majority of which I find incredibly disconcerting.

And as much as I'd like to vote third party, neither Johnson nor Jill have much I like either.

he is gonna limit immigration from the middle east, which is where the war been before 9/11

I hope Trump's win tho.

and US millitary leave from Japan.it's best day of my life.

>It benefits no one, unless your system is actually so fucked up that these illegals can actually have voting power in your elections.
They do in sanctuary cities where they let them register and vote. That's also why democrats push the idea that voter ID is racist, they want as many illegals to vote for them as possible and keep them in power in exchange for gibsmedats.

Wrong. Hillary wants to do a Merkel on us.

>Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees

>Japan here.

>Proceeds to speak flawless english

bullshit proxy shill detected.

Woah, 65,000 refugees! That's almost 10% as many refugees as Germany accepted this year alone! Simply incredible!

sorry japs america's kinda tired of babysitting the world

Economic security, border security, job security, job growth, lower taxes, less regulations on small businesses, strengthening our military, fix the VA, vets before illegals, ending NAFTA, no TPP, ending common core, ending obamacare, picking judges that won't fuck with the Constitution, but most importantly America First

He's a British/Japanese half breed, apparently.

>I only have one bullet-hole in my skull instead of ten!

Fair enough; obviously, I disagree on policy, but I can't fault your reasoning.

He's got a point, though. You guys do have an extremely weak military, mostly because we won't let you have your own.

The reason we still haven't let you off the hook for WW2 is because China would loose their everlasting shit and they're really powerful. You shouldn't have been such dicks to them.

Glad you agree.
Fuck shillary.

English teacher probably

Not enough.

High quality rip.

Yes, because a country larger than Germany in every way taking in a tenth of the refugees they do will surely have the same effect. There are much better ways to attack Clinton.

I'm not convinced China and Japan actually hate each other.

The CITIZENS do because of all the propaganda shoved down their throats. But the politicians in power? I think they're just happy to have such a convenient dummy for the masses to be mad at. The people instantly forgets everything wrong with their country the instant you start some conflict with Japan to drive up their patriotic rage.

those refugees breed like rabbits. a hundredth would still be a problem within a few generations