hope you weren't planning on not thinking tonight
Hope you weren't planning on not thinking tonight
Yes Trump has solely cared about gold medals from the start. If a country can't win ever gold medal they might as well be gassed. If a candidate doesn't put Olympic sports first he's literally Jimmy Carter.
Wow that really made me think.
He was obviously talking about the olympics. This just really made me think
But North Korea win Olympic
US loser
Drumpfettes btfo
Olympic athletes are the entirety of American citizens now, damn, i'm really thinking
Horsey just isn't the same after the accident
Really got those neurons firing
Hello best korea
if someone makes you think when you didn't want to think, is that mind rape?
>Olympians will secure borders, kill ISIS, and fix trade deals.
Is this comic satire? What a fucking retarded image. The olympics has nothing to do with the political "wins" that Trump is talking about.
And this pisses me off even more. "If we stand up to Islam, that's exactly what ISIS wants!". It's so fucking stupid. What should we do, just bend over backwards and let Muslims take over the west?
>strawnman argument
Trump is the LEAST racist person still left in this race. Prove me wrong.
>implying trump will be able to actually 'kill' isis
If you let them behead you, they lose
Trump never said anything about athletics after "we don't win anymore."
He always follows it with "we don't win at trade, we don't win at the border, we don't win in education, we don't win at jobs and infrastructure."
I can't tell how many layers of irony Sup Forums is even operating on these days.
>implying Hillary will
It's vapid how liberal cucks try to use this stuff against Trump; they only embrace a nationalistic identity when it can be wielded as a bludgeon against their opponent, but never as a rallying cry for authentic change. Pisses me off to no end.
Sure she will. After she invades Iran.
Just like Obama before her. Who ended the war in Iraq! (right?) Just to start a war in Syria.
On that note, why were we in Iraq again? Why did we kill Saddam and his family? I could have sworn we were in Afganistan looking for Osama.... That whole Saddam thing just kinda came out of left field.
Good point.
I think that the diversity on the American olympic team has really exposed the underbelly of the beast called "whiteness". They get so angry because some women and men of colour get the spotlight.
Tick tock, your power over us is running out.
Hahaha, just corrected the record, you see economic situation is bad, but Olympic gold medals good, haha stupid republicantards, don't you GET IT, we WIN.
>What should we do, just bend over backwards and let Muslims take over the west?
That appears to be the plan the Global Left is following. See: rapefugees
the olympics don't count because they are just a shitty game of 0 consequence
This post honestly did make me think. Good point.
I like the "really make u think" threads
By exposing us to pervasive arguments that may be used against us in a space we're familiar with, it allows us to keep our claws sharp and be prepared when we're attacked elsewhere.
Fitness comes from resistance training
If you kill your enemies they win
Hello proxyfag
You're a proxy but I saved the flag anyways
>nigger with one medal up front
>blonde girl with 4 behind her
Hey, that's a good attitude Australia, it really makes you think.
he didn't say "we don't win at the olympics" did he, he said "we don't win on trade. We don't win on the military. We can't defeat ISIS"
>the patriachy keeps women from winning
sure looks like alot of metals to me
Did anyone else notice that clintons twitter only congratulated women and women minorities?
gotta catch'em all
wew lad, mr luckovich really made me think!!!
I thought.
I think he was talking about economically winning
Actually Kim browses Sup Forums, /ck/ and /k/.
Was fucking insane when he took a dick pic as proof that it was him.
Off by 2
When Trump said we don't win anymore he meant wars, not gold medals
But I'm glad you see America has some fine atheletes
Really activated my almonds.
Michael Phelps votes Trump.
That is why we are winning.
Stop trying to make us loose by shilling for Hillary CTR.
That double-negative.
Which war did we lose?
Liberals think that because Trump pointed out the issue it began to exist. As a Muslim misreading this comic I could mistake a picture like that to literally be the media telling me to join isis.
Ah yes, the Le Kuck-Master Trudeau approach--if you kill your enemies, they win! That's what they wanted!
Leftists should literally kill themselves
The Korean War
>implying God Emperor Trump won't save the humanity from liberalism and Islam!
> Don't pay attention to any real problems goy, look at all these shiny medals we won for you!
Bread and circus.
The current election seems likea choice between Beavis and Butt-head.
is that leslie jones in the middle?
Are you ok Japan you look sick?
really didn't not make me can't not think never been as far as decided wanted to do to look more like again
What's that second US flag?
>If you stand up to bullies, they win!
liberal logic... to them the only solution is suicide
I really really really like this image
>US loser
Damn! Our imperialist plans have been soiled again!
You can see the middle one's puss.