Should American Muslims buy guns to protect themselves?


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from what, other muslims ? for when their dads try to rape and honor-kill them? sure I guess, if they're responsible about it

>Muslim Americans
Fuck off, if they put being a muslim before being American then they can GTFO


Yep, why not?

well first of all they shouldnt point the barrel at their noses with their finger on the trigger.

Fpbp. Op BTFO

with that trigger discipline? sure, they'll all kill themselves

(((American Muslims)))

>implying they can fight when we fight back

i think every muslim should be shot on sight and every black man with criminal record too.

lol sure, white people shouldnt have guns, only jews and muslims should

Thats literally every minority group.
>protip, all minority groups should be considered guests in our countries just like we would be considered in theirs.

You just reminded me.
pic related,


>armed muslims
What could go wrong?

They should buy airplane tickets to fly to other islamic countries and stay there where they belong. America has a bitching nigger problem. They don't need a cockroach problem. No other Christian countries need a cockroach problem. Milosevic was right.

Not if they aren't going to learn basic gun safety
NO I don't care that the magazine well is empty FUCK OFF

They should be given a gun and a single bullet to off themselves.

>Her mouth near the Muzzle
>Her finger on the Trigger

I don't know Op you tell me.

She is getting ready to remove her nose as a punishment for daring to show her face in public.

They need to be dumped into the ocean.

If they're real Americans, they already have guns.


What does fpbp even stand for? Is it some kind of joke that doesn't stand for anything?


They seem pretty happy using just machetes to slice off the heads of people they don't like where they come from.

Any registered democrats must be banned from buying guns and ammo.

they should be deported

Absolutely. Muslim extremists are incredibly more violent to those they believe apostates rather than merely infidels. All American muslims who truly wish to become Americans should arm themselves.

If they truly wished to become Americans they wouldn't be Muslim in the first place

she's being inspired by malala

Holy fuck I'm retarded, I don't know how I never added it together.

Muslims have the maximum weapons per capita in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, yemen, Jordan, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Libya .

These weapons include Rocket Propelled Grenades, AK 47s, AR 15s, Heavy Caliber Machine Guns Mounted on Trucks, IEDs, Suicide belts, Multibarreled Rocket Launchers. Muslims sunnis laughter 1000s of shias, christians, yazidis, kurds, ahmediyas, jews, hindus , buddhists with these weapons.

So their purpose to acquire weapons in USA will be the same as in these countries.

No, in fact they shouldn't even be able to own assault spoons

this is why you use proper trigger discipline.

"No true American is opposed to immigration!"

Those first three words sound kind of...hmm...

>current year
>using guns


good lord what she thinking?

It's gonna blow on her head and kill her!

>maximum weapons per capita
no such thing

Sorry if you claim "Islam"

You're an enemy of the united nations and should be shipped back to where you came from.

Don't come here and disrespect my culture. I don't go to Jordan and order pulled pork sandwiches and act like a jackass amerifat cunt

What makes people of the world think you can just immigrate here.

ffs. Kill me sooner than later god. I'm.done.

Anyone see what this asshole said?