This guy is:

>Unapologetic about supporting Trump.
>Endorsed by Rand Paul.
>Says the Civil War wasn't all about slavery.
>Defeater of neo-con shitheads in GOP primary.
>Fusion of nationalist and libertarian ideas.
>Called racist constantly by shill MN media.
>Running for Congress in a swing district with GOP endorsement.

Minnesota fags and alt righters who care about local shit, get in here. Jason Lewis will uncuck Minnesota and will be one of Trump's greatest allies in the House.

Are you with him yet?


I grew up being forced to listen to this guy on the radio on am1500
I don't remember much about him, only that the left in this state hates his guts.

I'm glad you made a thread about this guy op. so I'll bump.
>tfw I'm in his district

You're welcome. Good to see another MN CD2er here!

Use to call into his show when I lived in Twin Cities. One of my all time favorites. Miss hearing his rational voice

thank god
t. RHS 2014

Yes, they do. They've poured in over a million to his opponent so far, even though they face an uphill battle in this district unless Republican turnout is hugely suppressed.

It's been held by a Republican, John Kline, who's now retiring for over ten years. The neocon establishment shills tried to back a Kline successor against Lewis in the primary, but failed.

To be fair the left in this states anything even remotely conservative
Some of the most hatful people I've ever meet in my life here were leftists.

But not a lot of them here in the 6th congressional thankfully.

i live in district 2. voting for jason lewis.

This is good to see, he was a family friend back in the 2000s, I remember him being a great funny guy.

His show used to be on our conservative talk FM station, carried live (Central NC). Lots of people from our market would call in. They dropped him for the Dave Ramsey show on tape delay. It was a sad day.

I hope you all vote him in.

>neocon successor
isn't that where the "Jason Lewis wants to legalize heroin for five year olds" smear came from? it's great how some political campaigns are run.

Who /stewartmills/ here?

he looks like a used car salesman hahahahahahah

no but cool guy

If being a cuck means not supporting shit like this, "In fact, if you really want to be quite frank about it, how does somebody else owning a slave affect me? It doesn’t. If I don’t think it is right, I won’t own one, and people always say ‘well if you don’t want to marry somebody of the same sex, you don’t have to, but why tell somebody else they can’t. Uh, you know if you don’t want to own a slave, don’t. But don’t tell other people they can’t."(from one of his books) call me a cuck.

I live in Austin MN who do I vote for? I don't know how politics work.

The Civil War was literally about slavery

This man is too sane for MN.


vote for your current rep Tim Walz or whover his republican challenger is. if you don't like them go Libertarian or Independence party.

please be bait.

>Unapologetic about supporting Trump.
>It's an actual rarity to see a republican congressman openly supporting a republican candidate for POTUS.
>you suddenly realize the memes were a lie.

Mills is a good guy too. I hope Trump drives up the turnout on the Iron Range to get him in this time.

This was spun out of context and he was making an abstract political theory argument.

States Rights. And leaf.

i wish i could vote for lewis or mills - i'm stuck in district 3 with muslim kebab ellison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

States rights to have slaves

Ellison and McCollum have the most rigid hard-line DFL districts around, to be sure. My condolences. I used to live in South St Paul and saw several decent candidates get absolutely stomped by the Dem machine there. I don't know what can be done about the urban left areas honestly.

Jason Lewis is based. I remember when he quit his show live on the air.