What are some Sup Forums approved tattoos?

What are some Sup Forums approved tattoos?

>putting cross on a tattoo
well, they're going to hell

Leviticus 19:28
>Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.


Tattoos are degenerate as fuck.



Your body is your temple.
A good temple is clean and tidy. Not with disgusting graffiti

you guys like mine?

>old testament

not an argument


That Old Testament shit is for kikes.

roger stone's nixon tattoo

>*usheathes katana*

>tfw he wins

That's homophobic!!!

you still believe in that shit?



lol, you guys have tattoos


Tattoos are like bumper stickers but more permanent. They are fun to look at, they might even give you a laugh, but you would be a degenerate if you got one yourself

No tattoos here buddy. But the OT is for the Heebs and Christians aren't required to follow it.

What if it had meaning to you?
Like if someone died and you got something in tribute?
Or like a poppy or something like that?

thank you, this is not cherrypicking, we are gentiles.

I'm getting black sun on my elbow desu

Don't do it mate! Just be fit, wear some necklace of their Hammer or something. Bu tstoos.. :/

good luck getting a job leaf

Blood group.

>Service tattoos - military, police, firefighters, etc

Slightly degenerate but passable
>Small, *discreet* tattoo signifying a monumentally important life event like the birth of a child, death of a loved one, etc.

>Anything else


>Sup Forums approved

>"What this generation tolerates; the next generation will embrace" some dude
This right here was the reason for why LGBT exists

The kind that noone ever sees. I have tats on my core, but noone knows or ever sees them. This is as it should be.

Anything else would be uncivilized.

Fuck off, all christian denominations believe in the Old Testament too. All of them believe in Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, etc.

>What are some Sup Forums approved tattoos?

None, no exceptions. Go ahead if you must but Sup Forums as a whole knows tattoos are degenerate as fuck.

Tattoos are like memes, they get old and lame over time, tribal tramp stamps and barbwire armbands used to be cool.

At least getting one back in the day when they meant you'd never work a regular job meant you were a bad ass and a rebel, nowadays even soccer moms get them. Tattoos just brand you as a weak willed sucker for trends and a nincompoop too dense to understand the long term consequences of your own actions.


Tattoos and gays have been around forever though

Tattoo are hideous. Kills my boner every time. No exceptions.

> Sup Forums approved

Except we never tolerated them until recently. Tattoos back then meant career destruction. Now anyone can just cry oppression and the problem goes away.
Yes jobs in the medical field and law are relatively stricked, but the I've in my college every women and her cousin has a tattoo now.

>No tattoos here buddy
so... flesh cutter? that's even worse

Levitical laws are only for Jew priests. You might as well lambaste them for wearing mixed fabrics.

This is a Christian board. Please try not to mislead.

Yeah it actually kind of sucks, I was in the military and got a ton of tattoos. After i got out turns out it's pretty normal and everybody has them. I liked the days when only prisoners and ex military dudes had tattoos.


tattoos are popular right now so pol hates them

>Levitical laws are only for Jew priests

Say's who?


Tattoos are degenerate indeed.

I have a totenkopf necklace, but I would never get it as a tattoo of course.


Tatto's are for pussies
Carve designs into your arms like a man



I have blood Group that im diabetic and what I am allergic to. On the inside of my left Arm so in case I get unconcious or have an attack the idiots at the Hospital know what's going on with me

the only passable tattoo


Christ's coming invalidated all the Mosaic laws like not being allowed to eat pork or wear mixed fabrics. Saying that Christians still believe in the old testament isn't the same as saying that they follow old testament laws.

MAtthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

A German tradition huh?

Only get a tatto about family or your home town.

Why don't they just have them removed?

If you aren't a soldier, a tat means you're a faggot.
You want to look pretty for the other boys.
Just get some jewelry, or a nice pair of heels.

>sweet digits, but check these dubs
>oy vey

No tattoos.