Things that trigger pol autists

Post em

Hitler was a whiny baby who would probably browse Deviant Art at this day and age.

Pic related is a trending meme on instagram right now.
It's all ogre.

>ape thinks a plantain is a banana

comedy gold

Why always bmwf? I don't fucking get it...

thats the definition of DIVERSITY goy.

Hmmmm fluffy haven't seen that in while but then again neo-Sup Forums hates the hell out of these pieces of art.


Isn't it like completely unimportant which color they are, like it's important we are all human, you know.


Kek. based Farrah.
Needless to say Normie Chimpout ensued.

"femanon hurr"

I don't get it. Does the spaghetti make you infertile

i dont get it

Based as fuck.

Hungarians are the saviors of Europe. I would bend the knee to their king and their king alone.

Can he do the same for the small amount of niggers in this country committing most of the crime

Muslim here, with a message for all the cumskins on this board:

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was jouz who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

what in the fuck

What now mods what now?

nigs get a bit shooty when it's WM/BF

That's there favorite food literally.


no never. stop being racist.

Yes. The critters are a addicted to spaghetti-like food, as you cann clearly see here

Kek confirms Muslims are devil worshipers.

Fucking holy hell.

Nice try, but Kek revealed who you really are, Satan.

>muslims are satanists confirmed
aside from that that you for all the credit, how does it feel to be a useless sand farmer?

>stop being racist
GTFO of Sup Forums, newfag


Yes, but India, with an even greater population, has none. Stfu nigger """smart"""" man

She wouldn't be worshipping it when she sees how small my cock is

I had to google plantain. Seems like monkey food to me.

well, nobody's ever heard of big pakastani cock, ahmed

these are really demented.

muh per capita

>not dogfart
Kill yourself normie scum.

haha holy shit what is the source on these

lookalike my little pony snuff porn??


Pls post video

OK gonna have to sperg out on this one

the fuck's his point? That the Olympics aren't perfectly fair?

Shit, by that logic I can say Hungary has the advantage because it doesn't have as many fast food joints.

Well thank you, sir

but thats true. women only have so many good quality haploid cells, running completely out of usable eggs by menopause. the quality of sperm only begin to drop after 40 and many men can have healthy children until death.

ayo hol up

fried plantains are actually good as shit

Damn he lookin fresh af with that dope fade N that straight hairline N beard. Can you imagine the stench she's inhaling right now

I'm still fucked up from the first time I had to solve a captua puzzle and the only Sandwiches were hamburgers.

It's like fuck you, you goddamn assholes! You know how much that hurts my brain? I'm so autistic that being alone is my safe space.*

*Hey, you guys killed off the Nazi's. It is way too late to complain about Autistic people.

post em all lad this is funny shit


The kids look black.

>chimp arguing about bananas
>terrible parent
>probable spousal abuse

sounds about right


But do a woman's eggs decrease the more they have sex? Because it seems like that's what the user was implying.

Not trying to prove a point here, I genuinely don't know. All they taught me in health class was that sex was evil and I drew comics the entire time.

>telling Sup Forums to stop being racist

may as well tell fire to stop being hot

So the character to replace ash is just a nigger version of him? That's very kek worthy in my mind even though ash is cliche as hell.

Any special requests?


decrease as they get older


Its a shame we havent finished off the middle east yet.


2/13 i think

Praise kek


Why America obsession with Black/White couple???

You must hate Asian/White couple too.

no, the older a woman gets the fewer healthy eggs she has. its got nothing to do with having sex itself.




wtf love farrah abraham now and she's a slut.

Nice try

>Muslim here
>Satanic trips
>check flag
seems legit


>fluffy ntr

good lord

Women are born with all there eggs and if menopause didn't exist they have enough to reproduce longer than a natural life span. They can not grow more eggs technically it's a limited supply however they never run out, they just get too old to carry a baby healthfully.

Frog is a sacred animal in kekism. Remove this pic or face the wrath of kek.

this comic chain is fine

i can't think of why i hate these things so much and feel the torture is their fault

>Deviant Art
nothing wrong with that

Spinnel is not a very lucky fluffy. The rest is rage-inducing. Are you ready?


I don't get it.

My body is ready

are you trying to imply that im a shill with wrongly used meme arrows because im telling you medical fact? fucking newfags i swear to god.

You asked for it

not even reading these.
gives me sick feeling.

it's funny though I enjoy things like this if the subject is women and they're raped and humiliated a lot

though I still feel sick if they die in the end

Lord kek revealed your true identity.

Honestly, I really hope this kind of thing picks up. I saw some shit about people identifying as cripples and cutting off their own limbs and shit too.

I support it 100%. The more rebellious they feel fucking up their own life, the more they'll do it.

Seeing as this entire thread is shit, I've come to help make it better.



>thread about how to trigger Sup Forums autists
>Sup Forums autist gets triggered

holy shit that last line made me kek

You don't say :^)

Don't get it.





Wall of text incoming
pls no huwt fwuffy

Now do one of these with Cats or Dogs acting like they would if they had a little more intelligence.

I take care of some indoor/outdoor cats once in a while. They are spayed or neutered and have their teeth and claws intact. (So they can defend themselves outside.)

They like to show off things they catch. One of the cats runs up to me with a mouse to show me she caught it. Eats it in front of me while it squeaks. Gets blood on her paws. Jumps up on my lap and gets the blood on my jeans.

I tell her she is a good kittie and scratch the side of her face just like she likes. She purrs contentedly.

Man I love that cat.



oh fug
