
>36 years old
>short and little dick
>bench 370, squat 495 for reps
>sex 8 times with 4 girls total and they were disappointed by little dick
>longest "relationship" was a month, didn't fuck her
>every decent girl I meet is taken
>starting to give up on the idea of women and relationships

What does Sup Forums think about the gymcel lifestyle? Is Pattaya the future here?

Other urls found in this thread:,H5W33uo

How little are we talking

What's the length where you guys would just say fuck it and kill yourself?

I'd become a woman at 5 or under

Family and morals triumph dick size user, find a nice girl and have a family your 36 for christ sakes you should have children already

2 inches


i saw my friends dick and felt bad. later i fucked his wife and she got off like never before and kept trying to sneak around with me i had to stop it cuz she sloppy at stealth

if you're going to kys take hillary with you pls

Hmmm. What's the length where you could no longer really pleasure a woman?

I'd want to atleast give it a try before killing myself