Why does it seem like everything got noticeably worse after 2007? Even after 9/11 things still seemed relatively stable in the West. But even if you compare 2006 to 2007, the years felt completely different.What the fuck happened?
Why does it seem like everything got noticeably worse after 2007...
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The financial crisis.
It shook America and the world to the core.
Most people realized just how delicate our system was.
Switched to the Berenstain universe.
it didn't, no matter how many times you make this thread
explain to me exactly how 2006 and 2007 were totally different because they seemed they age same to me
let me guess you graduated high school and went to college so things were different in your personal life? if so you are a dipshit for making this thread
U.S. Housing bubble causing worldwide economic collapse in 2008.
That and the cynicism that came out of it.
oh shit
I agree.
2007 is when I graduated high school and started college. What a paradigm shift. Also, 2007 is when I started drinking, so I guess that could have something to do with it. I will say though, 2010 was a glimmer of hope, but after that, things remained shit.
none of the effects of the financial crisis were felt before 2008
*they seemed the exact same to me0
how does that explain the different between 06 and 07?
just because 2006 and 2007 were different in tour personal life doesn't mean they were different at all compared to other consecutive years
The crash was a good thing. The bail out was the tragedy. Why in gods fuck would you use government money to make house prices go up again so boomer scum can keep having lavish retirements and the rich faggots keep their place at the top.
social media, smartphones
Internet became more available
You are looking at it as an objective collective. How is any year objectively different from the other if it isn't personal??
fuck off dumb bitch
The first NSA leak was around that time. Social media blew up between facebook and twitter. The normies flooded the internet.
>tfw i live in a meme town of 300k people
>tfw meme houses that were going for 350-400k were suddenly going for a fucking million
i knew that shit was gonna crash down even as a 14 year old fag
2006 and 2007 were the only good years of that decade I had besides summer/fall of 2001. 2008 was when facebook got big and everything went bad with the financial crisis, and nothing has been the same since. The banks should have been allowed to fail, but now they've elevated the inevitable damage that will happen when the debts can't be paid. Better to fall from 10 ft and break a leg than 1,000 ft and die.
2007 was also the year of Mecha, remember.
retards got access to smart phones and free wifi and intellect went to pot....
have you been in a coma since 2008?
what's up with that guy's sword user
then why did OP single out 2006&2007 when it doesn't matter to most of the board?
Is it an overstatement to say that this movie franchise weighs heavily on my soul? It's inconsequential compared to the Great Recession, but to me this movie marked a drop-off to a new low in human degradation.
The internet ruined us. Say what you will about the excitement of 2000 internet, aol, solitaire and the early Sup Forums.
It fucking ruined us.
2010 was 6 years ago.
I saw that movie on ketamine
Nice demographic study. You people are ruthless. Get some rest.
This man was introduced to the world
Rise of social media, inc. facebook, tumblr, okcupid and so on
Video games got markedly worse
Television finally wnet from dying to dead
Financial crisis
Obongo getting elected
>The financial crisis.
lol shut the fuck up
there's always one of you faggots in these threads
>it wuz 9/11 bruh
>duh financial criziz bruhhh
Obama's initial policy changes after taking office started actually kicking in and rippling out around the world.
Normies use the net more.
I wish. The world's become a fucking nightmare.
>That and the cynicism that came out of it.
Cynicism isn't our problem right now. In fact, it's quite opposite. Sentimentality is our prolblem.
if you honestly don't think the financial crisis royally fucked us after we had barely recovered from the dotcom bubble and financial instability because of OPEC and other shit you were probably a small child when this was happening.
>you went to bed September 10th, 2001 thinking the future was looking bright.
>if you honestly don't think the financial crisis royally fucked us after we had barely recovered from the dotcom bubble and financial instability because of OPEC and other shit you were probably a small child when this was happening.
I didn't say it was nothing. The fact is it has little to do with our present problems, which have been building up for decades.
It was a manifestation of the underlying problems which was exploited by globalists to further weaken the middle class.
Stfu child
This happened.
CERN fucking with the world line. It was also the year the last John Titor went home.
Breh, I kid you not. September 10th, my brother and I were in our finished basement playing with Micro-Machine planes.... CRASHING them into lego structures we built. Shit was so weird. My brother had a really hard time. he was about 8, he thought that we had somehow manifested 9/11 to happen.
I will never forget that.
>tfw two the dad's in my neighborhood died in the collapsing towers on 9/11
If I want to feel alive again, I go back to those times...
>It was a manifestation of the underlying problems which was exploited by globalists to further weaken the middle class.
But the financial crisis, compared to such things as mass importation of illiterates and the modern educational system, did very little to undermine the power of the middle class. Imo this is the last "real" generation of Americans. After this, the vote goes to foreigners and coddled babbies
sheeit bruh
my dad worked in 7 and my uncle was in 1 or 2
It mattered to me and am sure many other Anons enough that these treads have appeared before. The only way to objectively know if 2007 was when things started "sucking" is to ask this question to a very large amount of the population and have them vote on it. Obviously this won't be solved here but we can get a small sample of what or why that answer could be.
i turned 15, so I guess I jacked off a lot more than I did in 2006. Probably the start of my slow decline
Smartphones are invented
Economic worldwide recession
Smartphones become popular, Social Media also starts to become a worldwide sensation
SJWs and Cuckolds begin to rise in the West
Regressive left takes control of society. Smartphones take over peoples lives
Refugees flooding countries by the millions
At least I still have the memories of the last decent year
it was our punishment for electing Bush twice
It's a multifaceted problem for sure, and only one part of the larger scheme. The financial crisis undeniably had immediate and lasting effects on the middle class, exacerbating underlying problems.
I think that 02 to 07 were transitory years where we were witnessing the golden age leaving us. If I could put it in really oversimplified terms, we finally noticed that things had crossed from ok-good to noticably bad, and things have only gotten worse since then.
delete this
But this is the Berenstein universe
>Chasing Cars
Wow that vid made me cry, really.
>high school bus ride home with that girl you're crushing on
>all of those classic dance / house music tracks
Now its "EDM" bullshit.
GOD DAMN. I loved that shit. MYLO, etc...
Why is it you keep posting this thread every day?
Most people do not spend 24/7 on Sup Forums.
Well I do but, you get the point.
our precious kike overlords and their shabos goyim occupying top political and martial levels decided to go full Jew World Order or bust. At our expense as always of course.
We are in the beginning stages of WW3
Against who exactly?
Someone post that pic of where 2007 ruined everything because of Portal and the Big Bang Theory.
Hmm yes, BBT then it started going downhill, can confirm
my BRIC comrade
We're not in BRICS anymore, at least not in a military alliance with them I guess.
Unless fucking Dilma comes back, then she will probably go nuts when war with the US comes she will try to, like, destroy them.
People like her have been blaming the US for all disgraces we've ever had. If she gets the chance she would.
Normies and mentally ill fucks became dominant on the 'net
Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.
Thats the last year anime was good
The first iPhone was released, leading to the degenerate smartphone generation of today.
That's when we switched over to the Berenstain universe.
housing bubble crashed and nothing really got better since then, we just collectively acted like there was a recovery
You had been subliminally primed. As kids, you were just imaginative enough to act out the subliminal messaging via your toys. It was no coincidence.
I am totally down for believing that....
but the day before??
Do you even know how beautiful 9/11 was on that day?
I understand the theory behind the weather too. That day was absolutely P E R F E C T.
Not a cloud in the sky. Total ops GO GO.
I remember watching Bill Evans on "Eye Witness News" in the morning before school giving a weather report referencing the twin towers as his daughters.
Then.... Gone.
'cause your myopic view of society is as blinkered as Sup Forums/ution's kookspiracy-fed "red pilling" is
It's like our modern 1969. There was definitely something in the air that had a different feel to it. I think it's the iPhone and the apogee of social media. It's also funnily enough the year I discovered the Internet
>But even if you compare 2006 to 2007, the years felt completely different
How so? Because the iPhone and The Bazinga Show were released during the latter year? Neither had a huge impact on the culture at large initially, and the cancer of social media and smartphones was already steadily gaining ground for a few years by that point.
Because the financial crash? Sure the housing bubble burst that year but it wasn't really noticeable to the average person. There were rumblings of the system going bust before then even, but when it finally all came crashing down in late '08 it seemed to come out of nowhere.
Because the anointing of King O? Sure he officially began his run that year, but I remember the media really greasing the skids for him the year prior. Hell, maybe as early as '04 when he won his senate seat, made a speech on behalf of Dems, and was declared a "rockstar" of the party. But it wasn't until his win in the Iowa Caucus in early '08 that he really made a rumbling, most every one was expecting Hillary to be the next president until that point, and then she went on to go Full Jeb.
So again, I would like to hear how 2007 was so different form 2006 or the rest of that decade?
The economy was already having silent troubles here and there but for the most part the money was still flowing, but it was only when lehman got in trouble and hit the news when the GFC panic really got into high gear
It is so typical of humans, to focus the last straw put on the camel, but not the thousands of other straws piled on before it and ignore all warning signs
and we're at the same point again, all time 'highs' in the stock market, this time with a worser economy, greater debt and more geopolitical pressures which didn't exist even 3 years ago
prepare for the worst, hope for the best
>hey there Delilah starts playing
Obongo became president
"Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard but"
He was red pilled.. But Delilah did not listen and got raped and killed by Jamal.
This hilarious show aired.
Delete this!
If you were being primed to accept an event happening, is it not more reasonable to expect thr manifestation to be proximal to the event?
The memory you cite is simply a layer of the priming. Hence, was encoded strongly along with the event, due to unconscious pattern recognition.
>pre Sup Forums meme magic
What are you?
Fuck this video killed me. I'm never gonna be truly happy again.
This makes me contemplate suicide.
at first I was like meh
>Steve Irwin killed
do the right thing and take this video down
I want off this ride already Sup Forums
ride does not end until you have favelados shooting you
First year of the newly elected "conservatives in Sweden.
Sadly they were no different than the socialists.
They were worse.
Much worse.
Weeping until the pain goes away, brb.
What a weird ride watching that was
It wasn't even that good
>tfw remember good songs, good memories, everything
>tfw nothing feels right anymore
Why the fuck has it all gone so wrong? I swear everyone on Sup Forums feels this way, what is it that happened?
Oblivion, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and Breaking Benjamin were the only ones that made me feel feels. Some good music in there I'd forgotten, though.
What? Has it changed again? Is that why time is slower?
I was obsessed with oblivion.
Last year, my friend had to quit his job to babysit his son, while his gf worked. He had a 360, and I noticed he had oblivion.
We talked about it, and he told me that he tried it once, and he just wasn't interested in games like that.
I set him up with an argonian sneaking archer class, and taught him a few tricks. He logged 40 hours in a few weeks. Was great to see someone else get to live that.
I feel too much
I want to die
I crie everytime
I'd imagine most of congress house of reps etc etc are boomers themselves
iPhone to social media