I hate (((Ben Garrison))) now.

Sup Forums BTFO

What did the mask mean.........

Yeah right, now someone post the unedited version.

Why does he wear the mask?

>let's all pretend like it's not true

It's not true! WTF! I'm so outraged

>it's true, we are all pathetic losers

b.b. but shrek is drek?!

I love how he made this during the one week shrek got spammed all over the place so it became the centerpiece of the entire comic

for you


>on MY Sup Forums?

GYT OWT MAH Sup Forums


This is what happens when an "older" person gets too deep into a younger generations memes.

He's likely lost all semblance of sanity.

That what happen when him enter Sup Forums first time.
Him Right now.

>estrogen in food

Anyone got the original?

Because if he takes it off, his anonymity will die


every time

FYI newfags this is like 4 years old

Can someone explain the jokes and the references in this picture because I don't get it.

It's a surprise that he hate's Sup Forums? The edits of his work made him pretty much un-hirable as a cartoonist. He's a libertarian, not a Sup Forums-goer.



>draws cartoons for a living
>calls others losers

Shit's old
Post the original

We need a CTR version of this. The jew edit doesnt cut it

Dude, I'm sorry, but you seriously have to try harder than that.


Why do you hate us, Ben?

Too close to home ay op?

Dont blame him. A huge ammount of faggots trash his based pro-trump work from here. He actually makes really great stuff.

I too what depressed to learn someone as great as Ben "Throw that jigaboo in a zoo" Garrison was nothing more but a libertarian faggot cuckold cuckservative American Constitutionalist.

You faggots ruined his career with your Jew Edits. As much as i like Garrison, for him to describe what Sup Forums did to him as "Epic Fails in Trolling" is a flat out lie. He got trolled so hard that people actually think hes part of The KKK.

wtf, i hate ben now,. does he not realize that we never forgive and never forget, does he not expect us??

>over 30 replies
>no one notices it was made 2 years ago before he came around (or at least came around to cripplechan)
I guess Sup Forums did get blown out, but not in the way OP intended

This one is fucking ancient, you fucking seasonal migrant redditors.
God I can't wait until this election is over, you all have to go back.

This TBQH familia

Newfag here. What did that guy do to piss you guys off so much anyway? Hell, most of his cartoons seem to have the same ideology as this place.

I'm guessing someone photoshoped his cartoon and instead of just ignoring it he got mad?

He makes cartoons about big banks, evil government.

Some people made nazi edits and left Ben's signature in.

I mistook a fake version of his works once on twitter as the real deal. He told me it wasn't his and not his style anyways. He seems cool. Feels bad that cunts on this board are fucking with a man that doesn't deserve it.

it's just bantz

Ben Garrisson is a big boi he can take it.

I'm too tired to explain the nuanced detailed history of it all as it involves a lot of shit.
Shut the fuck up Ben.

Very innacurate depiction. Where are the piss jugs and god damn water filters?

He is talking about the chanology geeks, not Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is beautiful hate on a cold day. You cannot hate hate.


Stop posting edits!

needs more neckbeard

Stop posting bad photoshops kike. Ben "6 million was just the start" Garrison will come to get you.



Now lurks on Sup Forums and makes trump memes