>watching rambo 3
>russia vs afghanistan
>at the end of the movie, troutman says "inshallah" to a "rebel" that helped save their asses
Did we not know that the afghans hated us back then or something?
pic related, at the end of the movie
>watching rambo 3
>russia vs afghanistan
>at the end of the movie, troutman says "inshallah" to a "rebel" that helped save their asses
Did we not know that the afghans hated us back then or something?
pic related, at the end of the movie
Other urls found in this thread:
Back then they didn't hate us.
Afghans have always been our only true ally in the middle east.
We were their allies against the Ruskies.
That was until OBL figures out that we were heavily tied in with israel.
uri: en.wikipedia.org
Those are Nuristanis
They are in no way average afghans.
sadly, they are, been there and seen them for myself. so many afghans with blue eyes, the funny thing is im asian and always mistaken for being chinese, well i am of chinese descent, but they look more white than your avg canadian/amurigin
this is what it said on the VHS release, that is the PC'd version
Reagan said that Al Quieda leaders was the equivilent of our founding fathers
Afghans were total bros before somebody whacked Massoud.
It was basically the equivalent of killing their Bismark. Afghanistan is gonna be fucked for along time.
why didnt he attack israel then? why attack us?
>implying he didn't attack the real ZOG
just means "god willing". us christians use it as well (regularly)
the afghanistan part is just USA being the source of cancer in the middle east, and opposing russia by all means necessary
>not Israeli HQ
Seriously? Were you in the Canadian Forces?
I don't really mind the old Muj having MANPADs to use against Russia, though (same way I wouldn't mind someone supplying the Taliban the same)
Makes it more fair
Muslims have been trying to attack Israel for the past 70 years without much success.
kill yourself you cuck
>hurr helping terrorists is good
reminder Al-Qaeda is CIA created
If I remember correctly originally it's said that the movie was dedicated to Taliban, which was pro-US at time
Russia and the US aren't any better than the Muj, you mong.
Charlie Wilson's War
You'll understand.
This was a different time. The Muja were our allies, and the US helped to train them.
Fuck off, Abdullah, isn't it call to prayer about now?
>attacks jewish headquaters
>no jews die
I wonder why this be like it is
fight ussr = freedom fighters
fight usa = terrorist
> full circle
>jews allow it to happen
>start wars
Why do people always think having blue eyes and colored hair is a great thing? Plenty of ethnicity in Asia do and you know what? They're all dumb and backwards compared to the swarthy south Europeans. Sure, they may have a common ancestor with whites in Europe but whites also probably have a common ancestor with niggers. The difference is the evolution of these groups. Whites in Europe became smart while whites in other places not so much.
That's the edited version. It specificially dedicated the movie to the Mujadeen before it got changed. Dumb move desu
>tfw you probably can't download the version with the un cucked ending
can someone who was in afghanistan enlighten me on how rare these people actually are. Are they like unicorns or do they actually exist.
Afghanistan was a borderline 1st world country back in the 60s-70s. They weren't radicalized, the women wore normal clothes and were free to study at colleges, they had democracy and a budding economy. Then the shit hit the fan, their leader got capped and warring factions tried to take control, one sponsored by the Soviet Union, the other by the USA. The Soviets "lost", aka decided it wasn't worth it, letting the taliban and al-queda take control and turn the country into the islamic shithole it is today.
Maybe if its new democracy can ever gets it feet off the ground, it can return to being a decent country. I am sure Islam will fuck them up again though.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Russians are always the bad guys
>Afghanistan was a borderline 1st world country back in the 60s-70s
Theres a lot of red headed, blue eyed pashtuni. Its trippy seeing a red hair, blue eyed dude with a huge scraggly beard, decked out in jihadi pajamas.
>"I seem to recall"
yeah -- that's sounds like drumpf's "best words"
They weren't anywhere near first world. The cities were a lot more modern than they are now but the rural areas were no different than they are now.
this is correct.
it was either send 'murican troops in or let natives battle the commies for us. and it's always cheaper / more politically expedient / less costly to 'murican lives to let locals wage war against commies instead of doing it yourself, what with the costs of troops and lives and infrastructure and all.
of course, the locals kinda did their job, raped some goats and then bit the hand that fed them. arguably still better than a middle east "vietnam", and not something easily predictable. as a nation, if you can convince others to wage war on your behalf instead of doing it yourself, that's 9/10 the better option.
and yes, original rambo III titled dedication to mujahideen at the end.
The US was partners with the Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s while they were fighting the Soviets in Afghanastan. One of the leaders whom the US funded in Afghanistan was actually from Saudi Arabia. His name? Osama Bin Laden.
>Did we not know that the afghans hated us back then or something?
They changed it.
oy vey goyim.
back then people were going LE BASED AFGHAN FIGHTERS cause they were fighting the commies for us. turns out they hate everyone!
This is also related
You realize at the time you guys were arming the Mujahadeen against the Russians right? This was propaganda.
>This was propaganda.
People actually thought the Mujahideen was the good guys.
Remember how Rambo gave his dead Vietnamese girlfriend's jade Buddha pendant to the afghani kid as a good luck charm? Well now you are aware that the other mujahideen/future taliban almost certainly cut that kid's head off for practicing sorcery when they saw him wearing it.
pic in case anybody doesn't remember
this movie is a comedy here
They never really hated us until we started bombing them about sixteen years ago now.
You know that Osama was literally a CiA asset, he met with president bush at the White House, there are pictures of them shaking hands. We founded AQ and supplied them with their weapons.
Fun fact; although Osama is widely blamed for 911 he denied responsibility and was never formally charged with anything. In fact, nobody from Afghanistan was. The patsy they charged with planning the attack was and had been in prison in the US before and during 911, still locked him up for life despite it being literally impossible for him to have been involved. Another one was living in Germany and allegedly knew someone who knew someone that was involed which he denied but was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for the hijacking anyway.
are the """"Soviet Attack Helicopters"""" that show up in 1980's action movies as laughable to Russian audiences as I imagine? since they're always just an American civilian helicopter with random wings and missiles and metal plates glued to the outside...
My personal favorite are winter hats. When I was a kid I watched it with my dad. He was laughing at such stuff, I didn't notice such things back then.
This is a two-way street, bro, so nothing unusual.
Stop sneering, Ivan. The proud Afghans are the West's bestest of allies.
>let's make a generic US coast guard helicopter by repainting the most recognizable helicopter in the world
America is truly evil.
well, they are nice-looking hats.
Yes I saqw Rambo, all of them
and yes murka
your jewish special mind fucker masters make excellent propaganda flicks completely spun around from the actual facts.
as always.
Afghanistan isn't in the middle east.
Afghanistan was to USA what Cuba was to the soviet union
First Blood was actually a good movie though.
the WTC was just a capitalistic transfer of wealth , goyim
nothing personal
it's just a bloody moon shame it didnt help create a greater israel, like it was planned.
Didn't it used to mention the mujahedeen?