This is pretty sad

This is pretty sad...

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The only sad thing here is a leaf trying to prove any point whatsoever.


more like brainwashed....

The highly educated are women since they get in so cheap

academia is full of virtue signaling and oikophobia. not surprised.

Sad that poors are easily targeted by populism and racism, I agree








>grouping electricians with people who live their entire life on welfare

thanks for correcting the record

>womens studies masters

Highly educated on what? Certainly not politics.

>50% of PhDs are worthless gender studies bullshit
>50% of PhDs are opposed to Trump
This math checks out

Doctorate in gender studies = highly educated.

>we support the disadvantaged, those who need help
>unless they vote trump, then they izzzz dumdddddd idiotz
libs are funny

(((highly educated)))

I want to see this but in degree percentages

I bet you all the liberal arts money wasters are voting for Hillary.

Degrees in what? Salon shit, social sciences, womyn of colors rising movement? Degrees are not equal to a higher educated political decision.

>voting for hillary

ITT: We separate the plebeians from people of a higher intelligence.

>statistics lie when they disagree with my thought-bubble

Is this image accurate?


LOL DRUMPF #imwithher #wifesson #currentyear

>Younger population fell into the 'college' scam hard as fuck
>Results in people considering college grads as 'educated'
>Tries to prove young voters as being more likely to vote democrat as something new
>Uses the term 'educated' to try and slander the opposition

all my life i was far-right went to university 2years turned leftist by force otherwise would fail all classes, since i left university im back in the right path. Fuck higher education

>college is a scaaam maaaaaan, free your mind and smoke some bud

The exact same shit was said about Brexit.

>IQ isn't inheritable
>Black people are just as smart as white people

Pick one

Bachelors degree is a group that is normally republican. It should be close.

Democrats normally win both post-graduates and people who drop out of high school.

convince me not to vote for shillary

i dont give a shit about LE EMAILS or MUH BENGHAZI (the father of the person who died even said fuck off about it)

trump is breeding jews (his kike daughter) and is begging for nigger support
why should i vote for him

call me a gerkin if you want, but a real survey would have a third-bar showing "neither" far outpolling either candidate, as Trump is far from the ideal candidate, even for pol.

At worst I've seen my college is women studies but most graduate with generic degrees. Lots of women in nursing, pharmacy, Teaching degrees, mathematics, business, finance, economics, few asian girls with computer science and engineering degrees

Where do people make up all these fake degrees to apply to graduates? Most graduates have degrees in actual decent fields

But college is a scam man.

Don't tell me you fell for the juden's university pyramid scheme.

>IQ is important whenever it shows blacks doing worse than whites
>IQ is not important whenever it shows drumpflets doing worse than Hillaryfags

>acting like this has anything to do with my post

Dude, I have one or two college educated friends voting for hillary. Not a single one of my friends has watched a speech by either trump or hillary.
Does that sound like an educated voter to you?

whats the best alternative then

she is physically ill and loves starting wars and destabilizing everything

Getting a degree outside of Medicine or STEM these days is proof of a lack of intelligence, not intelligence.

Four years of work experience is far more useful and profitable than four years of a degree in nearly every field.

Getting a degree in the arts/humanities is even worse than getting a degree in something like marketing - at least a marketing degree will teach you useful things (though you'd normally just learn those things moving up the company ladder and GAIN money doing it)

Sup Forums, breitbart, and stormfront 24/7

with enough time, you can convince yourself that the shit you've embraced is a substitute for knowledge

good luck with employment

Weird, I don't remember being polled for this statistic. Could it be these graphs and statistics have a small controlled sample size and is used for the sole purpose of propaganda?

Really makes you think

>starting wars with mudslimes
>when pence himself was for the iraq war
wtf hillary wants to destroy mudslimes i hate her now


have you never been to a modern college? working as an independent contractor then optionally starting a bigger business after is the new successful living. you know what my fucking math teacher told me? "as long as you show up sometimes and at least take my tests, you'll pass." shit made me drop the next week. parents got mad, but now my dad is laid off and I'm the one making money

The real question is how many people in the STEM fields are voting democrat? My guess is very little. It would be in their best interest to vote republican so they can save money via tax breaks.

>Democrats spewing for months that they want to relinquish student debt and magically make college free
>people in college support them because "lol I don't have to pay for my poorly planned decision anymore!"


yeah its working out real well right about now


>confirmation bias

Good job fucking faggot.

Are you sure educated people vote for Clinton because they wouldn't look at a chart to stroke their egos.

Drugs are degenerate wastes of time.

College is indeed a money making scam. You want to learn a trade and be in demand? That is a trade school or a tech school, not a university or most colleges.

The better option is to apprenticship for something, but holy hell that shit is never even mentioned to the bulk of students going to school these days.

Colleges used to be the place you go to because that is where the knowledge was. When that stopped being AS true, they became the place the wealthier sent their kids to as some kind of finishing school to make them well-rounded. Then more and more people started going to college and it became a place of discourse of ideas and education. Arguments and debates were common place.

Now, colleges produce worthless degrees by a fuck huge number, it has become so easy to get in and pass that many jobs want a college grad for work in the past that never required such a thing and no extra pay is offered to off set the debt you earned when getting that education, and colleges are nothing more than huge echo chambers with massive restriction on basic freedoms.

This a billion times. Ever since they federalism the student loan program there is such a massive influx of liberal arts doosh bags that quite literally have no option but to vote Democrat. Most of the people studying sciences are going to lean the other way. I had 2 friends that grew up pretty red pilled but had smoke blown up their asses about "just go to college and follow your dreams!" Then they get there and realize they don't have any particular passion so they buy into the pyramid scheme of liberal arts. One is a PhD of Spanish literature in the middle of fucking Kansas, the other is some sort of civil war historian. There is no economic demand whatsoever for either of those degrees and so they have to keep up the contrived, dishonest and misleading antics of the left to keep pupils in their classes.

for americans yeah
i could care less about swedes and germs getting infested

Hillary never promised to make college free, and it wouldn't make sense for people who have already graduated to support free college anyway.

2/10, made me respond

They're just voting their pockets.



>people who were brainwashed by liberals for 4 years are more likely to vote liberal

wow, how much did the study cost?

Enjoy your pyramid scheme liberal arts degree where literally the only way to make money with it is to take out another massive loan and try to teach at a college and be a liberal cuck for the rest of your life.

Only the most strong willed people can go to college and not be indoctrinated. One of my friends who used to be right wing turned into a full blown socialist simply because the girls were.

>leafs in charge of research

but "free your mind and smoke some bud" IS college nowadays

The fuck am I looking at here?

Those numbers dont mean shit

Brexit was and still is, retarded.

How hilarious is this meme going to be 10 years from now when you can flip the numbers by just saying indebted people?

> lol were better because we're educated
Two presidential elections later...
> just because we have negative net wealth and make near minimum wage doesn't being are opinions don't matter, after all we're educated!

>lol reading is for fags XD

its basically a histogram but due to its size basically useless for anything other than big cities

Good, bring the almighty cock and swing it in Russia's face. Get rid of those slavs.

>people who rely on government loans and grants vote for the party that promises to forgiven said government loans and invest more in grants


but that's lower pay, if you even get the position
and these are the same people that make fun of Liberal Arts/Womyn's studies majors

why is an anti semite supporting donald the kike trump

Thats because most Colleges are left wing, i go to a right wing college and most support trump



Nice argument.

Really made me think.

Seeing that more and more women are higher educated compared to their male counterparts, this does not surprise me. Every woman studies group thinks just because Hillary is a woman, her opinion matters and she is fit to lead a country.


You are supporting a Jew. Fuck off.

Don,t you mean "brainwashed by their Jewish teachers / handlers in collge and universities"?


I wonder why the kids who want to college and were indoctrinated with liberal ideologies vote for the leftist.


>asking your parents from money and not having their bank account autopay your bills and credit cards

lol I knew Hillary supporters were poor cucks

What's really amazing is that despite the sheer amount of toilet paper ideology degrees that would be diluting that sample space Trump is still doing so well.

>A college degree makes me smarter
>The more intelligent you are the more you are likely to vote Hillary
I lol'd

>democrat voters

Highly educated just means you were dumb enough (irony) to waste your time and money, simply to be taught by a bunch of old Liberal Jews.

He's not doing so well in the polls innit.

Ph.D in English Literature because I hate myself. Also a Trump supporter.

Pretty much everyone I knew as a student will likely vote Hillary, though--with the exception of most of my History program classmates (I got a BA in History, too; again, because I hate myself). Most of them know what happens when shit like this goes on, which makes them less likely to vote Hillary.

I'd really like to see the breakdown by major on this data. How many have degrees in Education, for instance?

University degrees don't mean much nowadays. Especially regarding humanities majors

Hope you realize that you're an idiot and you don't have any point. Though I will say that it's true that you need to go to college to get a worthwhile job.

If you think you're better than anyone because you were brainwashed by a bunch of old Liberals, then kek.

you always can attend college somewhere else than the US. In Poland it's cheaper and you probably get a better education. Universities in Poland are also mostly taken over by marxists it's not that bad as in the US I guess.

Ok, whats better, then? What did you do that brings you tons of ca$h?

((((Colege graduate))))
Why don't these studies ever show the breakdown by career? is it because people from real fields of study are not PC?
If you don't study hard science, engineering, medicine or law you're not educated you're just getting brainwashed or in a hobby club with grading, simply as that.


Homeschooling. Go to college if you need a degree, but ignore the bullshit.

trump is a political correct candidate

da niggerz dun b needin da smartz dawg... wez gut da KANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111

By your defintion, Trump is not educated.

>post image of busty sarlacc
>...confirming oedipus complex / >90-IQ

Nice sources faggot

>Educated in poly sci and lesbian dance studies

Hehe drumpf fags, the legions of hyper smart LIBERAL ARTS majors will out debate and out smart you STUPID UNEDUCATED Drumpf supporters!

They never seem to break it down by majors. I wonder why that is.