Shit tier presidents thread
Shit tier presidents thread
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someone post bush
Fuck off Britain in space flag fag
Here's your (((You)))
Your pic related is God-tier
>supporting FDR's crippled commie loving ass
gr8 b8 m8
As someone who loathes America as it exists today and loathes modern day americans, this man is honestly one of my heroes and one of the greatest leaders in history. Without argument the greatest American president of all. Where did it all go wrong? When did the Republican party go from a party of sane people to israeli zionist shills? I blame the kike Goldwater.
reagan was a jewish puppet
>Shit tier presidents thread
>Posts a god-tier president who fixed the 70s recession
here ya go
>Americucks unironically believe this
>Btritfags unironically still believe the UK is still an empire
Name another president or prime minister who ended the Cold War.
Goldwater was the savior, you fool. Do you know nothing of Goldwater?
>started with Reagan
My nigga.
Both Bushes. Also Carter and Ford.
Does naming the president that caused the great depresssion trigger you senpai?
>Double the debt
>Still at war with Afghanistan
>Caused refugee crisis because incompetent against based Assad
>Got rid of based nationalist Gheddafi, the savior of Africa
>Funds ISIS
>Non-stop attack on guns
>Made it legal for government to use propaganda on citizens
>Wrote TPP, the end of sovereignty as we know it.
>No legal weed
>Didn't kill NSA
>Cut NASA funding and made us have to piggy back with China
>Blubbering idiot without his precious teleprompter
He is literally just a tool for globalism. Nothing more.
Top tier bait thread.
You forgot
>killed OBL
You also forgot
>legitimize BLM hate group and riots sponsored by them.
kek nice one Brit
Where's the body?
Indian ocean. With MH370 probably.
I don't suppose you have pictures of the body, do you?
With information gathered by GWB. This was his only accomplishment, by the way.
Are you legitimately retarded or do aussies not give a shit about the history of other countries like us?
Lincoln washington reagan both bushes nixon teddy taft wilson grover ford eisenhower
You're more than welcome to fish the body out yourself if you want
That accomplishment trumps everything else he's done, good or bad.
hope you noticed
things are worse now
So there's no proof that the body is in the Ocean other than Obango and the word of a leaf, right?
Why does anyone think Obama "killed Bin Laden"?
He never made it a priority to look for him, and just said "go for it" when the same people protecting him finally slipped up (fucking Pakis...), it's fucking stupid to claim that Obama did jack shit other than NOT prevent going in for the kill when we finally had the intel. Fucking retarded Canadians, I swear, you need a beating for being so dumb.
Declared war on Mexico for manifest destiny
>Shit tier presidents thread
That zero dark 30 movie is all the proof needed apparently
The word of POTUS is good enough. If you don't think that's true, then start impeachment proceedings.
Says the burger.
>The word of POTUS is good enough.
Holy shit kid, isn't it time for bed?
If the word of the POTUS is good enough then does that mean Hillary isn't qualified to be president?
What a pathetic country
Woodrow Wilson
> Federal Reserve
> Income Tax
> World War I
> League of Nations, which he couldn't even do right.
> Sedition Act
Absolute shit tier.
>income tax
It was Lincoln introduced the first federal income tax.
The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from theanti-Stalinist Leftto the camp ofAmerican conservatism.[4]
It was literally communist merchants switching the party because the Democrats were not pro Israel enough.
FDR saved capitalism you clueless faggot.
Your country is literally a prison.
>shit tier presidents thread
>posts fourth greatest president ever
you disagree, you commie
>A fucking Leaf.
Obama did what any president would have done in his shoes. There was nothing special about him giving that order. And Obama didn't jump off a Black hawk and kill OBL, Navy Seals did.
its australia dude
>only knowing Democrat revisionism
Income tax was unconstitutional and was only instituted for less than a year during the Civil War as an emergency measure. The Revenue Act of 1861 was almost immediately replaced with the Revenue Act of 1862 which replaced the income tax with a tax on goods and services. Wilson and his cronies literally added an amendment to the constitution to allow an income tax (16th)
Holy shit I cannot believe nobody has posted Jimmy Carter's picture. Most fucking miserable time to live in the US.
If only you knew how badly the cripple and his successors fucked us.
Pretty sure the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Great Depression were worse periods to live through, but the Seventies were pretty fucking awful.
Technically it ended under Bush I, but I understand your point.
Bush I wasn't bad, but Bush II was (though the problems were due to the actual people in charge, Bush was just the face of the operation) really bad. Ford had the same type of situation as Bush II, honestly. Carter wasn't bad. He was blamed for the energy crisis and stagflation (which actually began under Nixon), but these aren't issues the president is responsible for/can affect.
> Lincoln, Teddy, Washington, Eisenhower
Those weren't bad, kek. Lincoln and Washington are almost always top 5, Teddy is often top 10, but at least top 15, and Eisenhower is generally considered the best president of the 20th century (him or FDR are generally selected, so maybe just since 1950).
Yeah, Wilson kind of sucked, but because he was an academic, many teachers/professors look more kindly on him. They also credit him for the UN because he tried to make the League of Nations work.
Guys, the actual worst presidents (in no particular order) were Buchanan, Andrew Johnson (not Jackson, though he wasn't great), Pierce, Harding, and Grant. Honorable mentions to Nixon (only good thing he did was policy with China), Hoover (not for the Great Depression, he had nothing to do with that because presidents have virtually no effect on the economy), and Bush II.
>honorable mentions to Nixon
I don't know what you're talking about. Nixon was probably the best and most qualified president of the Cold War. There's a reason he was handed this monster of a reelection. Watergate ruined his image and therefore his legacy.
>ended War in Vietnam
>opened relations with China
>policy of detente towards Soviet Union started nuclear disarmament and beginning of the end of the cold war
>move to Petrodoller saves US economy from collapse
>EPA sets clean air and water standards
>federalized medicare
>started War on Cancer
>oversaw desegregation smoothly
Most qualified? Possibly. He did have either the highest or second highest IQ of all US presidents, however, high IQ doesn't correlate with good presidents (Hoover was number 1 or 2, whichever Nixon wasn't). Some of your points are right, mostly just foreign policy, though (which was largely due to Kissinger).
Desegregation wasn't really Nixon, that was more of an LBJ thing (analogous to how the cold war ended during H. W. Bush, but that was really just due to Reagan's efforts).
Some of the bad things Nixon did were beginning the war on drugs, which has been a catastrophic failure. Actually that can be said of the majority of Nixon's "law and order" actions.
On top of this, Nixon abused the ever loving shit out of his executive power. I really don't care about Watergate, but everything he did to cover it up and silence people (including his actions when the Pentagon papers were leaked, which really contributed to the end of the Vietnam war) was very scary.
On top of that, many of Nixon's policy decisions were to help his donors. That's some real Hillary Clinton level shit. I will acknowledge that most if not all presidents did this, but not to the level Nixon did. He was really corrupt.
On top of that, the economy went to shit under him with stagflation. That said, I know that Nixon was not responsible for this, as presidents are seldom responsible for economic crises, however, many analysts will include this.
Nixon may have been one of the most qualified, but technically based on her resume, so is Hillary Clinton. That doesn't mean she would be a good president, though.
Also, Nixon didn't end the Vietnam war. He claimed to have plans to do so, but resigned before he could. He resigned a full 8-9 months before the end of the war.
he's definitely among the worst. I'd put him in the top 3
I'm torn between either him, Andrew Johnson (the guy who presided after lincoln, not the badass on the $20) or Ulysses S. Grant as the single worst
Kissinger is fair.
I said he oversaw desegregation smoothly, not that he started it. Enforcing the laws were still a challenge. Nixon successfully bridged the gap between segregationists and liberals who had two very different visions for how the laws would be enforced
His War on Drugs was more education and rehab. The mass incarceration didn't really start until Reagan. It did set a terrible precedent however
It's interesting that you accredit his foreign policy to Kissinger but not the Pentagon Papers when Nixon originally wanted the papers published until Kissinger convinced him otherwise.
I agree he was most certainly a crook
This is very false. Nixon's entire Vietnam policy was Vietnamization so that the US could return home with the strategic objective in tact so that it wouldn't be like Iraq where we lose the nation instantly. Of course, this didn't work at all but at least he tried. Troop levels declined throughout his presidency and in 1973 he ended conscription and was able to bring the POWs home. Interesting that you used the Bush ended the Cold War fallacy when condemning it earlier. See troop levels attached
>When did the Republican party go from a party of sane people to israeli zionist shills?
When the batshit second-coming evangelists took over.
>I blame the kike Goldwater.
Then you're a fucking moron. Goldwater was an anti-zionist.
goldwater was a mafia connected shill, who imported slave labour from mexico and drove the navajo off their land.
>(((Goldwater))) was not a ringer
just saying, why do so many people try to counter an argument with something completely off topic? not insulting you or saying that you're wrong, I don't hate americans or anything, but your post was irrelevant to the discussion and was only posted to insult and anger the other person, instead of countering their argument. why?
>body buried at sea to protect the feelings of terrorists
Mikheal Gorbachev or whatever his name is.
He ended the Soviet Union. The Cold War was all but over and the Soviet Union a rotten shell of its former self when he took power
The great depression resulted from his economic policies. Are you legitimately retarded or do you leftists not give a shit about the history of your own presidents like us?
Also FDR snubbed Jesse Owens the black olympian, so much for your progressive hero
The Democrats took over schooling.
History "education" in America is just DEMOCRATS GOOD, REPUBLICANS BAD all the way through college
Based Goldwater.
Vile Leaf
FDR: The Man Who Sold the World
Started World War 2. Killed Nazi Germany. Secured the World for Communist and the Soviet Union.
Led to the Civil Rights Movement and White Genocide.
Created Israel.
Woodrow Wilson
Ronald Reagan
Bush Jr. (Nice guy, though)
Kennedy was our last good president and a powerful message was sent with his assassination.
>Woodrow Wilson
Communist Supervillain
Which one
Yeah, the top three were shitty presidents. Guys who set the international elite up above their country and people.
>granted illegals invasion licence
>anything but shit-tier
Lincoln. Wilson. FDR.
Three Communist Supervillains. One Country.
We all die.
Evil has a name.
This fag is under american control and influence and its our president. He is so fuccking gay, even his wife hates him. Don't send us faggots amerikanski spyes.
Dude, Lincoln was based. He wanted to send the blacks back to Africa
Was getting assassinated part of his plan?
Tell me, why do you free the blacks?
Thank God only 1 person posted William Harrison. I'm related to him and the other one.
One hundred and fifty years after Abraham Lincoln's death, the full story of his extraordinary relationship with Jews is told here for the first time. Lincoln and the Jews: A History provides listeners both with a captivating narrative of his interactions with Jews and and the opportunity to immerse themselves in rare manuscripts. Lincoln's lifetime coincided with the emergence of Jews on the national scene in the United States. When he was born, in 1809, scarcely 3,000 Jews lived in the entire country. By the time of his assassination in 1865, large-scale immigration had brought that number up to more than 150,000. Many Americans were alarmed by this development and treated Jews as second-class citizens and religious outsiders. Lincoln exhibited precisely the opposite tendency. He befriended Jews from a young age, promoted Jewish equality, appointed numerous Jews to public office, had Jewish advisers and supporters starting already from the early 1850s, as well as later during his two presidential campaigns. Through his actions and his rhetoric-replacing "Christian nation," for example, with "this nation under God"-he embraced Jews as insiders. The volume uncovers a new and previously unknown feature of Abraham Lincoln's life, one that broadened him, and, as a result, broadened America.
>Goldwater was an anti-zionist.
>we have pledged ourselves to go to war if she has to go to war.
They make it sound like the Jews started the Civil War.
Maybe they did, but failed, and killed Lincoln for winning.
Apparently the Jews did start the Civil War.
Lincoln and the Jew Boys started the war and won.
Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
Both of them carrying following tittles: King of Saudi Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia.
They are responsible oil prices going down after 70's, oil crisises were only reason why Soviet Economy didn't tank at least decade earlier.
>muh Jews love black people
Please stop
They're the ones who brought 'em here.
They're the ones who made them who they are.
King Jew: "I summon you! Niggachu!"
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