/Hobbies General/

What are some practical hobbies that build character?

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Learn languages and draw.


Home improvement/fortification.

Working out.

Cooking, reading, raising your children, camping, backpacking, skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, traveling, building computers, doing house repair, roofing, plumbing, electricity etc. making/writing music, making threads on Sup Forums that are related to politics

Hunting. By doing so, you:

Preserve classic, quintessential manly skill that's sadly falling by the wayside. Learn about nature. Learn marksmanship. Learn to appreciate where meat comes from. Learn survival skills.

anime, vidya, Sup Forums.

do whatever it is YOU want to do faggot.

I'm not going to tell you to live my lifestyle, because you might not like my idea of relaxation.

A lot of great recommendations.Thanks a lot.

>because you might not like my idea of relaxation.

What do you mean by this?

I am currently
>Learning German
>Practicing the Violin
>Practicing my cooking
>Gymnasium (Should I go to MMA, KravMaga or [insert obscure, non-maymay martial art]?)
>Reading non-fiction
That's it, I should draw or something

Muay Thai is pretty good imo f.a.m.

Go innawoods and rebuild human civilization from scratch

Just do boxing, it will serve you best.

If you really want a meme martial art, do BJJ.

Learn an instrument
Read classic literature
Collecting something of worth

Currently I am trying to learn a second language, hopefully when I'm nearing fluency level I will start on a third.

Going to start archery and Kendo.

Play pingpong/table tennis for fun.

Read political novels

Vidya games

When I go out of work I pass by a place with Kick Boxing, MMA, ValeTodo ("Everything goes" in spanish) and Muay Thai. Gonna see what and work on my discipline

If you have some disposable income I strongly recommend racing cars.

What are you, some 14 year old emo chick?

Real hobbies right here.

No one wants to go outside unless you are catching Pokemon together.

Netflix and chill all night though.

I do not want to neglect my legs, I see it as a waste of body to not use them, this is more about discipline than being a gentleman saving m'Ladies from danger.


I study history because for some reason I enjoy it. I believe you can predict the future by looking into the past.

Learning guitar

Read. It is my duty as an American to learn as much as I can in order to better myself and my family.

That is what I do besides shitposting.

trying to find your exact fetish and extend edging time to maximize seminal output

Then do kick boxing.

>than being a gentleman saving m'Ladies from danger.
Then why the fuck do you want to do some martial art, just stop being a pussy and train in boxing.


m8, that is not happening, Mexico is Hillary's america, one of the strictest gun control laws in the world, yet every criminal has a gun or a stab-staby, I am not going to be a hero (in both senses of the word) just to feel macho. This is about discipline and hitting my wife more efficiently

What the fuck are you talking about, boxing with teach you how to throw a proper punch, and how to take one.

Do you have autism? Why are you bringing up this macho shit. It has nothing to do with that.

Amateur radio

Boxing only uses half of the body, it won't retain my attention. Idiots here never use their legs, never. Why not exploiting that?

Well, Harrison ford, Jesus Christ, and other notable badasses were into carpentry

learning an instrument doesn't really build character but it's healthy for your brain, prevents dementia/Alzheimer's down the road, etc

Probably why rockstars can do ungodly amounts of drugs and booze and still be alive into their 70's

You do not neglect your legs in boxing. You just dont kick. Boxing has the fastest footwork of any Stand up art and your Mexican so your probably gonna be good at it. Muay Thai is also good. and you use knees, kicks, and elbows, but it is much more slower paced and not as fun in my opinion. I have competed in amateur fights in both. If your looking at grappling Judo is pretty cool but it will break down your body really fast.

Not quite sure.

>I laugh at people who think the holocaust happened, because i know it didn't
>I deeply love National-Socialism
>I hate Satanic/Zionist jews
>I believe that all races are different and we should not mix, but we should also respect each other
>I hate normalfags who only cares about drinking, sending snapchat pictures, uploading food pictures on facebook
>Im trying to find good books about how humans work, history etc..
>I truly wanna save Europe, and not just Europe, the entire world from evil like zionism

im a fuck up

This is very good fun but I'm not sure it's character building

>second language
>martial art

To be honest, character is a certain je ne sais quoi that some people just have. Life experience adds and builds character but you have to be a naturally extraverted person to share these experiences with people and articulate this in a captivating way.

Don't waste your youth reading nonfiction, 16 - 24 is for the classics

>lives in Sweden
You must Un-cuck your country user

My high-school chemistry teacher made her thesis in math (I do not know what happened in her career) about the relationship between musical and mathematical abilities
Thank you, if I am ever ina fight I want to end it as soon as possible. I was ignoring the fact that you do use your legs in boxing, just not for a direct attack, however, if you see the fighting style of your average thug you can clearly see they they almost never use their lower body, I see that as an exploit.
I spended the entire night watching Doggo rescue and transformations from an indian organization, my heart melts when I see them happy after having a shit life. The closes thing I have is a friend who helps in sterilization campaigns, she is cool, she gave her German Shepard a replica 1939 iron cross as a collar
If I enjoy it then I do not consider it a waste of time, but I do want to re-read a lot of books I had to read for school, my teacher had great taste

Good lad.

>Im trying to find good books about how humans work[...]
What about Julian Jaynes: "Origin of Consciousness Breakdown of Bicameral Mind"? I have not stared it, but I got that recommendation

Thank you. Any books are good

nice one

If only that was true...
>(Poor trees)

You've never been to /ic/, have you?

Try some Camus if you haven't already :)
You sound like a good lad, Sven.
Also, check out the band Fyrdung!

Well if you do muay thai you will quickly learn how devastating leg kicks can be. They are fantastic against the average thug who is not trained to deal with them. Whatever you chose make sure the training is high quality and that your gym is producing capable competitive fighters. And i would recommend also giving boxing a look as it is very cheap and a different experience than kickboxing. Good luck with whatever you decide.

A lot of these are great, also

raising livestock(hogs, chickens, cows, goats)
training dogs
whatever creative interest that compels you

basically create food or culture

I try to improve myself in 3 basic areas, my physical, mental, and day to day skills.
Physical is that I play Rugby, so all my exercise is tailored around doing that. Running, lifting, etc to be put to use in a contact, competitive sport.
Mental is that I try to learn something. At lunch at work I eat at my desk and practice French on Duolingo, and at home I try to make progress through my books, one at a time. Currently I'm reading The Divine Comedy by Dante.
Thirdly, my day to day skills is just to get better at what I regularly do. Cooking, I try to make healthy and good tasting food. At work I try to a better job (I'm an accountant, a lot of it feels like puzzle solving. Strangely enough I've never been bored at work even though I don't care for it at all). On Sup Forums, I try to shitpost as much as possible to live up to my leafy reputation.

>Working out.

>Studying history, all ages.
Learn to see patterns in events, helps to understand the world you live in.

If you can do even simple math in your head you have an advantage over most people. It is immensely helpful in your day to day life.

Immensely improves your ability to solve complex problems. Programming is taking a problem and breaking it down into solvable pieces. You learn what types of problems can be solved with different series of actions. A series of steps to solve a problem is called an algorithm. Once you learn an algorithm you can apply it elsewhere, and eventually you learn more and more abstract algorithms to use. The important skill is not so much manipulating a computer, but training yourself to solve problems effectively.
For example, my brother and I milked cows for a year. When we started we were taught the process everyone had been using for years. Over time we intentionally analyzed the process and identified inneficient steps. By the second month we were the fastest milkers because we consciously identified and eliminated/modified inneficient steps. Instead of placing the dipcups in the center I placed mine on the end where I came in after each iteration, the few seconds I saved walking to get the cup each time shaved off about 5 minutes each hour. Small changes add up especially when you have many.

Literally anything outside that doesn't involve whoring yourself or pokemon go

It certainly works for me. Gives me the drive to excel and push myself beyond my limits. I've had more insane experiences going racing than doing anything else. Terrifying road trips, sketchy nights with junkies, sometimes no sleep at all, physical and mental exhaustion, and of course silly hijinks, all the pain and work is worth it when you finally manage to stand on the podium above the big tractor trailer teams. I do some jiu jitsu, lift casually, and shoot guns too but everything is second to racing.

Thank you, I will give it a try. I do not know if I should wish to use it or not, meh, maybe I should take more risks on my life, being so careful usually hides fear and insecurities.

Aikido is practical and effective.

Drawing absolutelly does build character when you avoid echo-chambers like DeviantArt.

Those who actually want to improve take their time to practice figure drawing, learn anatomy, composition, color theory, perspective .

It's like writting. You can't dismiss the hobby because of Sonic fanfics

Well my advice is to not use it if you dont need to. Dont go trying to get into fights. No matter how well trained you are someone could have a knife or a gun or have 3 buddies with them that will stomp your ass. Training will give you a confidence boost though and it feels good to know that you can handle yourself if you need to.

Yeah, i wish all books were good

Isnt Fyrdung Skinhead neo-nazi level? Im not a skinhead, im a true National-Socialist

Monthly Confession

I've gone once a month for the past three months

It's the best thing I've ever done with my life

by the grace of God it has lead me to a deeper understanding of the truth and brought me closer to God

That's good to hear, the thing is that I never get into fights, not even verbal nor passive ones, and I am pretty sure that is comes from a lack of confidence, again, I am not going to be a hero or anything, but since I heard that MartialArts help boosting your discipline I got interested.
Is /ic/ the opposite of DeviantArt? those guys will eat you right up unless you stay in /beg/ (Beginner thread) and do not rear about what they expect of themselves

I have a tenancy to burn through hobbies after I've reached a certain level of skill. It was video games for a few years, then sports, and now I'm getting close to finishing building my car the way I want it. Any suggestions on what I should tackle next, Sup Forums?

> 2008: Typical numale. Early teens, raised by liberal family and self described feminist
> 2011: Growing conservative. Was exposed to a non-liberal viewpoint for the first time by my non-partisan political science professor my first semester in college.
> 2012: Disgruntled mensch. I had my opinion invalidated for being a straight, white male for the first time by an authority figure in my life. It was the tipping point that turned me to the right.
> 2015: Displeased end elghitenment. I start to throw away old dogmas I had and stopped caring what others thought of my opinions.
> 2016: Defender of the West.

Holy fuck, I am watching a video and seems pretty good, more into the re-directing side of things but that's what I like; killing people with irony

So... your hobbies include going to Sup Forums and that's about it?

Programming, pyrotechnics, or metalworking.

It kind of is, but the music sounds good to me. But then again I can't understand Swedish.

Aikido works in several ways.
>Making killing unnecessary
Aikido gives you the knowledge and technique to disable an opponent's movement, and if absolutely required, break his wrist, arm, or leg, which in normal situations will be more than enough.
>Tactical re-direction and use of opponents as shields, good for multiple attackers
>Built so that the vast majority of techniques can be carried out bare-handed, using a long 'sword' weapon, or a two handed 'quarterstaff' weapon, plus more.

I studied it as a teenager but fell out of practice. It's always been obvious to me how effective it can be - I was a skinny boy but was using the momentum of people twice my weight to throw them across the room.

Stories like this are both sad and cool at the same time. I can't imagine growing up a cuck then changing, I was always a racist conservative since elementary school. I mean I got suspended in 3rd grade for telling some nigglet not to come near me or play with me and my friends because black kids and white kids shouldn't be together, ever.

But I'm glad you saw through the shit and changed.

I tried to listen to revolt, its about nationalism i think. Which is good. But i dont like that type of music tho :D
youtube.com/watch?v=msM7YY45DGI a nordfront, swedish version of horst wesel lied. Its not the best, but the lyrics are good

>using the momentum of people twice my weight to throw them across the room.
I can see, I do not know how that can help me fight my girlfriend (She is a man with a vagina and likes to "fight" with me) but I do see the practicality of it's philosophy.
Since you seem to be more advanced than me I will ask you; Is it bad to learn more than one style? Like them being incompatible and slowing you down at the moment of making decisions, can they be mixed with training or is it not a problem?

I was replying to the image more than OP's post. My main hobby is Scuba Diving and Skin Diving, which I consider to be a great sport. Most divers I know are the exact opposite of the "muh safe space" type, It's an activity that attracts the red-pilled.

I've been reading and writing a lot of poetry lately.

My end goal is to reclaim poetry from feminazi slam poetry bullshit and restore to its rightful place as being a manly interest, the place it had 100+ years ago.

I also have a strong emphasis on writing about masculine topics, not about picking flowers or something.

Honestly, my class only learned one style, and it was an informal enough organization that they didn't clarify which we were practising.

I don't know if the differences in technique or movement can be bridged with training, but either way I'd recommend starting with one school, and branching out if you feel the need or desire to learn more. As you practise, it should become clear if both styles can be hybridised or performed in tandem. I'm sure each style has its own strengths and weaknesses.

> turn old used bikes into fixie bikes , take off all gears and brakes and shorten the chain

> build homemade antennas and satellite dish salvage and get television from distant lands

> glue scrap wood from the dumpster together into large pieces and use power tools to make sculptures

>glue scrap wood from the dumpster together into large pieces and use power tools to make sculptures
That sounds /comfy/ brah
Not wood, but I still like seeing this video

Hunting, Fishing, Diving. Army reserve if you are that way inclined.

Meditating also builds character, because it can help you critically evaluate yourself.

Review brah? That you?