>watching the Olympics
>all of these hot as fuck black and mixed race top level athletes
>literally the fittest humans on the planet
>every last medalist non white
>le proud Americans
>change the channel to CNN
>Trump giving speech in Wisconsin
>idiot cant even read a written speech convincingly
>"everything is terrible and going wrong in America"
>retarded crowd clapping out of sync
>99.9% middle aged white
>literally every person is overweight with sweat stains
>clapping intensifies
>front three rows full of mobility scooters
>camera pans out, every last person has fat spilling over their metal chair
>retarded lady mumbles some incoherent question about Obama starting riots
>more rigorous clapping
Watching the Olympics
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Yeah, Shaniqua the obese negro is just a folk tale.
Why else do you think Trump is constantly saying to make America great again.
Massive change needs to be had, fats need to be incriminatted again.
>literally the fittest humans on the planet
from the evolutionary perspective their physical fitness is redundant since the domestication of horses
Wowie zowie, strong athletes should be respected for devoting their lives to some primitively athletic test. Those blacks are fucking morons who listen to #justdoit Nike funded athletic scientists and have warrior sprinter genes. Wow oh my gosh goooo America woo. The olympics are a giant corporate and diversity distraction and fundamentally retarded. You know why people keep roofing and nothing is done to stop it? Because it's not important whatsoever and it doesn't matter that Jamaica juices their apes because there is nothing at stake, it's not worth the effort to properly investigate anything. Goo Usain woo! I'm gonna buy some nike gear and get back in shape cuz I like da lumpics. ;>D
Such hatred.
What a dumb purile salty American.
You take your pills, user?
Is this your first time actually watching the Olympics?
i dont find most female olympic athletes attractive. i mean, their bodies and performances are an amazing spectacle but they just dont get my dick hard. too broad-shouldered and shit
some of them get the perfect level of THICC though, it depends on the sport
>camera pans
Now i know you didnt watch shit. The camera never pans at a trump rally.
>watching the Olympics
>majority of medalists are white people
>realize how racist the Olympics are
>turn off the Television and remind myself WE WUZ KANGZ
World class runners being disproportionately black doesn't change that american blacks are fatter than whites
>hot as fuck black
Stopped and saged.
>run fast, throw things far, lift heavy stuff, jump high
>greatest of all human accomplishments
Call me when one of these cunts invents hyperdrive technology.
Nike Oregon project, literal juice fest to keep Nike sponsors as the top dawgs, no one cares.
> go Simone bikes and black swimmer girl and Muslim fencer woo!
The olympics are simply retarded, go watch NASCAR while you're at it, seems to fit your tastes well.
You went off the rails user. Time to come home. Sage, etc.
I guess I'm a #hackforblacks now
stop making negress threads
>1 post by this ID
Thank you for correcting the record.
>go to the medal tables
>add up all the medals won by white people, asian people, and black people
>literally whites, then asians, then blacks
>literally can't believe how fucking bullshit this is because blacks are the best athletes and win the fewest medals
Niggers are 13% of the population
Who honestly gives a fuck? How can you be this salty about minority athletes? The media doesn't even circlejerk about them like they do with celebrities.
>every last medalist non white
On earth or in America? Because on Earth they're like almost 25% now. Half of Latin America is black, 10% of many European countries are black, Aborigines and Papua New Guinea is black, many southern Indians are near black.
Orientals are the largest and whites the smallest populations. This shows you how racist sports are for white people, being they are the least in number and win the most medals and make the most money in sports, its racism.
>on a nationalist board
>don't respect an old nationalist tradition
All sports are businesses. Have some pride in your country
>one white guy carries the entire country on his back
>minority women take the credit
Wow it's just like real life.
USA is the only country competing?
It's propaganda, it's pushing an agenda, it's not important, it's influencing people. People look up to these stupid fucking athletes who spout nonsense in interviews like "I tried to do me best proud to be here to rep my country" when the reality is they are unhealthily obsessed with getting recognition for doing an inane task like throwing a ball or running to the point where they take substances that destroy their bodies to go and act all modest on tv while they secretly jack off to themselves. These are the role models of our children.
Southern Indians are basically black white people. I work with a Sri Lankan guy, and he pretty much looks like this.
>contributing to the Nation Strength
Yo, OP. You know you're watching something that has nothing to do with building the structure of a nation?
Do you think people that play sports, who are physically fit, basically being used as slaves for entertainment, for the Jewish Media Machine really contribute? Do you think these athletes try to expand their intellect, or their bodies. This is an absolute shit argument. You can go ahead and check Sup Forums no one fucking cares.
As a former Chicago native, the Cubs are doing AMAZING. I was wasted in their bleachers when I was in college.
>about 950 Olympic medals to be awarded
>white people win more than 500 of them
>asians win almost 300
where were you when you realized the Olympics and sports was just welfare for white people?
He's black.
People care more about the Grammy's than the Olympics. And nobody watches the Grammy's.
Aren't you just a ball of sunshine.
He looks like a burnt white guy.
>literally the fittest humans on the planet
actually, no
anyone who knows shit about exercise / the humane body et al. knows that athletes are at their weakest and most injury prone right before and after competition -- they peek in order to try attain a for-the-nonce level and then crash
of course, burgers know about as much about health and fitness as they do about literacy, mathematics, science, history...*
And thats what will kill zhe reditards.
The liberals.
The mentall ill.
wow, after the toilet cleans the seat it then gives you toilet paper to properly dispose of the shit!
yeah, thats what black people look like.
Seems like it
What's your point?...You want America to be Africa or something?
>literally every person is overweight with sweat stains
>clapping intensifies
>front three rows full of mobility scooters
>camera pans out, every last person has fat spilling over their metal chair
>retarded lady mumbles some incoherent question about Obama starting riots
>more rigorous clapping
As a whole Republicans seem a lot more gross than Democrats. Which makes the idea of them being "right wing" suspect. Republicans give conservatism a bad name
Golly gee user, you make it sound like their are pronounced genetic differences between people, like there are different and distinct races. But thats wrong, we are all one race, the human race! I am disappointed in you.
>they peek in order to try attain a for-the-nonce level and then crash
You had one job with your pop-nationalist shitpost. One. Job.
Ever seen a black win swimming? Didn't think so.
Just this year a black woman won gold in a swimming event.
quality post, mate
I can really relate to this post. Before Sup Forums had that loyal nigress meme going on I was fine. Now I have massive jungle fever and have had a mixed gf for 8 months.
Who cares about the Olympics? It just a Chadfest. Fuck that multicultural bullshit.
I don't think it's any secret that Black people are good sprinters. It's in their genetics.
Now stop being a faggot who makes shitty threads.