Hey /pol i've browsed these threads for a while now, and it seems you guys are sad.
you're always posting bitter memes about how the world is falling apart, how your country is being destroyed by immigration, how women have a special status and society and so forth
but that's it. you're just posting about it, instead of crying about social change why don't you do something about it?
do you think blacklivesmatter or feminist people just post online about their plights in today's society?
and posts like "race war now" "the jews did it" "i hate black people" have literally no impact on todays society
why don't you become the change you wish to see, rather than talk to anonymous strangers on the web about it?
even this forum is not unified, you all just spew your beliefs and wait for some (You's) to confirm your biased views
we live in 2016, there is no future, there is no past, there it only the now.
we have a great tool at our disposal to inspire others and create social change within our own community, let's use it
Isaiah Cox
>do you think feminist people just post online about their plights in today's society? 99% do. and the ones that dont just spew the exact same rhetoric into the empty air and BLM people just destroy shit and scream at people. all they really do is cause destruction and chaos without actually helping anyone
Austin Bailey
>but that's it. you're just posting about it, instead of crying about social change why don't you do something about it? No power. The average person has no power to change anything. You need to be on Soros level to change the world
Michael White
that's exactly the point, i think the population of /pol has a highly than average intelligence and this can cause people to be cynical about how the world is operating.
but i think there is hope for the west, i think there is hope for the people.
it's not about hillary or donald trump, the fate of the elections is already established, there is no "redpilling normies".
but we can all focus our energy on creating positive social change.
the youth will always inherit the future.
Cameron Lewis
well, ya can't go gun down nogs and snackbars in the street without destroying your life, so bitching online will have to do
Isaiah Cook
i don't believe this to be true, sure capitalism has a huge stake in today's society, money talks yes.
but we too can spark social change by becoming a factor, no matter how small to change the world from within.
but if we are not unified we are individuals, the only reason certain social movements are happening is because a large enough group always has influence on things like elections and buying power.
we can be the force
Jason Reed
violence is not the answer, there is no point in killing people.
we have technology, we have to spread the word of peace and harmony, this is the only way we can achieve a large enough number to persuade more people to join our cause, the right cause
Elijah Russell
I'll bite, what do you do exactly to "win" people over to "our" cause?
Owen Roberts
>focus energy on positive change it wont do shit unless you have political or financial power. i'd rather post frog memes and watch the world burn