Fellow burgers, how many Trump signs in people's yards do you see in your area?

Fellow burgers, how many Trump signs in people's yards do you see in your area?

I just looked outside and saw none.

One of my neighbors had his stolen.

there aren't any election signs up in my area. it's nice

I haven't left my house in like a month.

really no signs for anybody. It's strange, normally you'd see a lot by this point in time

there's a few for local races and things like governor, but barely even any of those

i wonder if she fucked that dog

None. But also no yard signs for anybody else.

Although I did spot a grownup with a bernie bumper sticker today alongside a feel the bern sticker.

I've never seen even one in real life.

I've seen 2 trump signs and plenty of bumper stickers. The signs were in some really nice yards. almost magazine worthy.

I drive by a trump sign up close to a neighbors house. I was planning on buying about ten of them and putting them in really high places or hard to reach places around.

Billboards are being taken out, and local artists are painting trump murals on them.



none although i have seen a fair number of bumper stickers

Whenever I'm driving, I see at least one Trump sign. There are also a lot of huge ass Trump signs. I never really see any Hillary signs, and I have yet to see any for Jill or Gary. Funny, considering that the polls and predictions claim Hillary will win New Hampshire.

silly leaf
there's a few here.

And yes, I'm from New Hampshire.

i live in central IL the amount of signs i see dont matter for crook county will ultimitly make us a democrat state.

I live in Seattle, so none. Aren't very many Hilary signs either. These leftists are still buttblasted about Bernie.

...although I did once see one for coal. Not even a guy NAMED Coal, just "vote coal". I guess a lump of coal would be a better president than Trump.

I haven't seen any and I live in Arizona.

>that pic
You just KNOW

There is one down the street from me and someone punched out the T and the P and it says "RUM." I don't know what kind of message that's supposed to send, but I giggled anyways. I live in Florida, so you'd think I would see more, but I rarely see them.

I have a neighbor who probably looks at pol based on his signage and bumper stickers. He has a husky too.

I live in an urban city and have only seen two Clinton bumper stickers. I have seen many Bernie signs.

How to tell a trump supporter


A few. Have never seen an pro hillary shit..see a lot of Never Hillary bumper stickers on late model ford pick ups

This polls are rigged


Dozens. Yard signs, bumper stickers, huge trump flag. South Jersey shore.

Quite a few despite living in CT. Haven't seen a Hillary sign yet, but I live in a nearly all white town. Despite how unlikely it is, Trump might have a chance for CT.

I wish

I see them wherever I go. I see stickers on people's car, I see signs in people's yards, and it's not just in my immediate area. When I went on vacation last month, all the way from here (middle of VA) to there (northern SC) I was seeing stickers, and there were loads of Trump signs in people's yards while I was there.

I have never seen a Hillary sticker nor sign. I've never actually even met someone who supports Hillary. I knew people who supported Bernie, but I don't see them anymore.

A dozen Signs and stickers for trump. A hillary for prison tshirt. One car had hill, sjw of course. Two still carry the mark of sanders. I even sa a Johnson sticker.


Does the girl in OP's pic have any nude pics? Reverse image shows nothing but I'm guessing that's part of a picture set.

quit a few here in WA but can't find one Hilary sign. One guy even flies a huge Trump flag.

Fellow CTfag i can relate, a healthy number of Trump signage around the newington/berlin area. The more north and north western you go, the more signs.

I truly believe the silent majority thing is real. I bet every dude in america that isnt a gelded nu-male is voting for him and wont tell anyone.

I want to buy a hat and stickers but i cant risk getting mugged or vandalized. I bet alot of people feel this way

Western WA here. I've seen one hillary for prison sign, that's it. Mostly a bunch of local gov signs.

Where in WA? Has to be fairly east of I5.

I haven't seen any Trump signs.

Seen a ton of Hillary and Bernie signs still up.

My Trump sign is inside my room, right next to my body armor and AR-15.

I would put it outside, but then i'd have to kill people who messed with it.

I don't mess with Hillary signs, I sneak into the owners homes with my night vision goggles and they disappear. And the sign remains.

None. No Hillary signs either.

You guys know most people don't do this stupid sign shit, right?


Yards dont exist in india. Unless its designated for shitting.

No one has a sign around here for anyone. This town just doesn't give a fuck.

I did see a bernie sticker one time a couple of months ago and that was it.

I live in Newington too. That's crazy

>Fellow burgers, how many Trump signs in people's yards do you see in your area?
I've never seen a single Trump sign in my entire city and I live in the most conservative city in my state.


Damn, what are the chances? Its good to know i walk amongst pollacks around this miserably koolaid blue state

Agreed. I'm in the E.Green elementary area.

Pfft, I'm voting Trump but ain't no way I'm putting a sign out about it.

Democrats are a bunch of intolerant shitheads. If I put a Trump sign out, they'd literally throw a rock through my window or worse. (They are also passive-aggressive shitheads. I'm not afraid of them confronting me about it. They won't. Chickenshits. But they'd key my car, no question.)

Seriously, the Democratic Party has really turned into a cesspool of shitheads over the last 15 years or so. Didn't used to be like this.

a surprising amount considering i live in vermont

4. from Pennsylvania.

Oakland. 0
I did see one by Pleasanton on a big piece of land next to the freeway though.

God I hate nu-male betas

What the fuck is this double nigger, that makes feel great about not being him, wearing? Some cowboy shit?


W-we're still gonna MAGA r-right?

>Mexican part of Milwaukee

Zero...I don't live in a trailer park and my neighborhood isn't poor

Dude im from vermont and after bernie got dropped the only signs and bumper stickers i see are trump the only hillary anything ive seen is down at my local democrat headquarters

0, actually. The exact same amount as Johnson, Stein, and Clinton signs that I've seen.

I think he fancies himself as some sort of circus host or some shit, that's my interpretation anyway.

I'm not sure if I can drive through a single white neighborhood without seeing Trump signs.

Maryland here.

Im not one to sperg about this
>that outfit
>those fucking jeans
>that highly feminine expression
spooky stuff bro

I really see just Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, and local politicians here.

Lot of people not gonna vote where I live.

A hell of a lot more than I see Hillary signs. Which is wierd because I am in a college town...but it is in a rural part of upstate NY.

With that said, while I certainly see more Trump signs than Hillary signs, there are comparatively much fewer campaign signs this year for either party than in previous years.

People just seem to be uninspired to put up signs for either candidate.

I live in Colorado. It's all Bernie out here.
Kinda sucks

One, this January. It was sign sort of like those that realtors put on your lawn and it said TRUMP/CARSON 2016
Living in California, I find it amazing I've seen even one.

0 and im in a rural town

Baltimore resident. There's one trump sign in a window, and one sign that says make xx street great again.
I've also seen a lot of TRUMBO signs (baseball player) that say make Baltimore great again.

Northeast Ohio.

Probably one on every block. I haven't seen a Hillary sign yet.

I live in rural Pa. I see them all the time. I would see a moderate amount before he won the republican ticket, and afterwords they came up everywhere. I did see a lot of bernie signs when he still had his cultists, but it was mostly from younger, shitty sjws or college kids. Those signs are gone now. Me and my friend saw a pro Hillary bumper sticker on a pick up truck and are convinced someone put it there as a prank. Honest to god, I'd be a little scared to put a pro hillary sticker on my car or sign in my yard.

Can i buy one of those lawnposters here in germany? I know i cant take Part in your election, but at least i want to Show my Support for him.

Appalachian NC, none here. There used to be a few Cruz signs though.

I live in Virginia Beach, a rare Trump sign pops up here but gets stolen quickly. There are some Hillary for Prison stickers stuck to things around town. I did a lot of traveling around the state within the month, and Trump signs are ALL OVER the countryside.

I have never seen a Hillary sign. Well, I saw some back when she ran against Obama.

I'm in Texas. General presidential election signs are rare, but I see local election (constable, mayor, etc) signs by the dozen.

pass about a dozen on the way to work and probably atleast as many "say no to the status quo" signs....not really sure about those

in case you are wondering, upstate ny

I live in Chicago, openly displaying support for Trump is a fucking death sentence.

Plenty in auburn and ravensdale though

Northeastern Washington here. I've seen some through Spokane, a few on the highways, and quite a few through some of the smaller towns surrounding Spokane. I've seen quite a few Bernie signs too.

Good news is that I've never seen a Hillary sign.

I've seen more Trump and Bernie (lol) signs than Hillary, I live in Pennsylvania and I drive around a lot.
Just to be clear, I've seen a whopping zero Hillary signs. I have absolutely zero anecdotal evidence of her campaign or her potential voters even existing at this point.

I've only seen one ever

But local/state election signs are everywhere

Only have seen one Shillary sign, which just so happened to have been on the ground beat up.

The Trump sign disappeared the day after I saw it

he's got black painted fingernails and what appears to be one of those cylinder lighters that only meth and crack heads use.

509 bro here can confirm, stevens, ferry and pend orielle counties are 100% trump pretty much the entire eastern portion of Washington. If it wasn't for Seattle, Washington would be a red state

Perfect. Almost in his format too.

>A hillary for prison tshirt
Ha ha, no shit. I've seen one of those too, sported by some guy that had to be in his early 20's.
I bet that faggot is browsing Sup Forums right now.

I live in Missouri. No signs for anyone. Maybe a few Bernie bumper stickers. Saw a lady wearing a Hillary for Prison t-shirt. Nobody here really cares.

Nearly every house. I like in a small town in MD. In Baltimore County. All White. All working people.

Multiple houses with Trump signage and/or flying Trump flags. No Hillary stuff. See one car on the drive to work with a Bernie sticker on the left side of the trunk, and on the right another sticker "but I'll settle for Hillary". Still some occasional Bernie stickers, you know exactly what the driver will look like before you even pull up alongside. Sad! LI by the way.

South West PA here and I see them everywhere.

None, I live in Immigrantana-Niggerville, Illinois

I live in a small town on the outskirts of the state capitol. Every single presidential sign I see is for Trump, except for the one house of bernouts in denial

only people in my area that don't have a trump sign are blacks

None because people people vandalize trump supporters here in CA but noone likes Clinton at all.

They just want to kill white male Trump supporters. They don't want to vote Clinton because they're too dumb to realize that she will legalize what they want. Maybe it's that whole thug life thing where they only want to kill white people because it is illegal.

On a side note, was at the dentist getting a cleaning the other day, and Trump is on as the newscaster says "what has Donald Trump said to upset everyone blah blag" (regarding 2nd amendment) and my dental hygienist goes "what else is new". Think she's anti-Trump. Trump comes on the news a few minutes later in all his glory and I smirk and she looks at me and tells me "I love him so much, I can't wait to vote for him" It was like meeting someone else from Skull & Bones, we talked the entire appointment, well as much as you can with your teeth being cleaned.

Oh but I see plenty of BLM signs in peoples' yards

Almost every house in my neighborhood (FL). I haven't seen a single Hillary bumper sticker or yard sign, only "Hillary for prison". Feels gud.

Polls are ridic. Trump has this state by a landslide.

b-b-but the polls!