You're pic related

>you're pic related
>you're in a show having a good roast with celebrities
>loads of fun
>out of the blue, Amy Schumer of all people walks on stage, takes the mic and makes fun of your best friend that died in a car crash with you

What would be a politically correct way to react to this situation?

vid related

Other urls found in this thread:

>fuck you amy
mike tyson saying what's on everyone's mind

this physically hurts to watch
the correct way to deal with this is to let the backlash literally drown "her"


Kill and then rape her and call her fat and a bad fuck on live TV

he was not amused

You go to a roast, you get mocked.
That's how it works.

If he didn't want jokes about his dead buttbud, he should have stayed home.

That was terrible. Im sure he himself wishes it was him that went instead of Ryan. Steve O is such an easy guy to make fun of that going there wasn't necessary at all.

There's a thing called class and making fun of someones dead friend and telling them they should die instead is the opposite.

Then again vagina and girl farts lol!

make this face

This is a man's soul getting crushed. Fuck Amy Schumer

No one cares about celebrities, Steve-O was in his prime when he was fucking with wildlife in Wild Boyz. Amy Schumer is not funny.

The only people that matter there are, Steve-O, Mike Tyson, and Gaddafi.

I don't get why I should know people whom I never talked to or had made a difference in my life. Fucking hollywood shills.

Ask her to hang out and express your feelings

>Sup Forums jokes about dunn's death mercilessly
>amy fatass shumer does the same thing

not sure what i expected

I have made Ryan Dunn jokes before, people don't take kindly to them. personally I think if they are clever, as with anything, it can be funny. I watched this video expecting to come into this thread defending her

but damn. that was some shit. making a joke about someone's dead friend would have been one thing. would have been poor taste, but kinda expected at these events. I could never imagine joking to someone that they should have died instead of their friend, especially seeing as their friend genuinely did die.

would be like saying to a parent who lost a kid in a miscarriage "bet you wish it could been you, huh? also, you're a waste"

lmaooooo, every time i watch this i forget about based mike

This is old. Isn't this from the Charlie Sheen roast? God, I wish I could've been here when Sheen was going on his tirade about the Jews. What a time it would've been.

>inb4 checking the flag
Big fucking difference between anonymous sperglords making jokes to themselves on the internet and someone going up to Steve-O himself and making a joke at a public event.

joking about it online is one thing, saying somebody should have died instead of their friend, to their face and on national television is entirely different

plus it wasn't even remotely clever.

This bitch deserved a big, masculine slap to the face

W-we.. I-i thought.. I thought we made a promise to ignore Canadians.

Based Mike

Christ. I mean I'm a fan of offensive humor but this was neither funny nor appropriate.

Remember when she stole all that material (many of it from other female comedians no less) from other people's acts and then tried to pass it off as her own? What ever came of that people just stopped talking about it even though a lot of it was really blatant. Do the rules just not apply to her?

Steve-O should've gotten up and beat the fuck out of her lmao

first time i laughed at an amy schumer joke to be honest.

respect for the dead is the only thing I have left. That will no longer be a virtue of mine when amy dies

>fuck you amy
based mike tyson telling it how it is.

why do leafs post steve-o when they make those millennial threads?

No, she's a female "comedian" so any attempt to end her career, even if you're just stating what she did, would get you branded as a misogynist that doesn't want women in comedy

Mike Tyson is absolutely based and my hero. He also supports Trump.


I hope he genuinely meant that

It's Mike Tyson, the man is simply incapable of pretense.

MFW Amy Schumer walks on stage


Fucking gay celebrity shit. Wish Tyson would beat all of them into pulp on camera.

the man himself said it best


It's just tasteless, user. There are many ways to joke about a dead friend (even recently) that can help with healing, if it's done with the right context and a sense of taste and goodwill.

In this case, all Amy did was callously reference his dead friend in an entirely unclever and gratuitous way. It's like...if someone has cancer, it's fine to rip em with a clever cancer joke that fits their personality. It's not fine to just reference "lol u have cancer." What's the point? All you're doing is reminding everyone of a sad thing. Now, she still made a "joke", but it was pretty base, low hanging fruit: "lol u shudda died tee hee"

Roasts are supposed to be blunt, off-the-cuff, and ruthless fun—not painful bashings and hurt fee fees.

Comedy central fakes his pissed reaction. In reality he laughed at the joke but the kikes at cc made him look pissed for ratings

not posting her entire segment

his was response was "that silly little whore was just doing her job"

dont post that unfunny kike slut.

>jeff ross is a jewish cuck

Why has no one killed her yet? What if it happened and the entire world kicked into utopia mode?

there are jokes which are fine then there are jokes that cross the line.

Mocking a close friend of yours who died and saying it should of been you is crossing the line way too far. You just don't go there at all.

>Why has no one killed her yet?
They can't find the vitals organs.