Did anyone else in the Portland/Vancouver area just fucking feel that!?

Did anyone else in the Portland/Vancouver area just fucking feel that!?


It is fucking 1 am EST.

I just bought a house for my wife and I'm going to tell her tomorrow.

I am not about to embrace happenings tonight.

you had a 2.4

Date: 17th Aug 2016 07:53 PM
Continent: North-America
Country: United States
Location: Dollar Corner, Washington
Magnitude: 2.4
Depth: 13.17 km

Godzilla followed the chinks

just finished taking a shit, so yeah i felt something.

>I just bought a house for my wife

Do you live in the cuckshed nextdoor?

I felt an Oklahoman shit shaker yesterday.

Thanks frackers!

pls no bully


Washington fag here. Holy fuck I just felt something, too. I'm opposite the Cascades.

Not politics related.

Rabbid Florida cannibal here. I felt it too.

The Australian invasion has begun, leaf.

Trudeau surrendered before we even landed

Holy shit guys turn on cnn!!!

Yeah I felt that..

Damn it if there's a happening 6 months after I move I'm gonna be pissed. Also 360 > 503

Guys it's snowing. I live in Colorado. Front range.


Pics or fake.

Australian earthquake.

stfu steven

pierce county fag here. i felt nothing

>pls no bully
Do you have any idea where you are?

holy shit guys! look at your penis it's shrinking!

Yep I'm pretty much sitting on top of it

The super volcano?

Like that stops risk threads

Vancouver WA
shit islander

I'd send the emus m8

Ours now

lol that was my powerful orgasm...sorry 'bout that