I single-handedly took on the all the Jews by myself


Here is the future you choose.
Trump is an undercover Democrats meant to make himself more famous and sabotage the Republican's chances of winning.

Hillary is the Illuminati & Zionists puppet for the next 8 years.

You all could have backed my crazy campaign.

If you take into account that I single-handedly took on the all the Jews by myself.

Sup Forums we could have Meme'ed me to the White House.

You all let me down.

Now comes the punishment.

You're going to be punished with all your hopes and dreams turned into a fucking living hell.

If you thought USA was bad now. If you thought the SJW are bad. Just you wait. It will get 200x worse.

Jews have a plan to destroy all the Whites.

Just look at George Soros. I have been saying it's him all along.

It does not matter how much truth I bring to you sheep. This Bright Lamb is moving on. You're going to be slaughtered. I could have saved you.

The future is Bright. Lambr1ght. It's bright for me. I was willing to share it with you. And you're not that bright.

You're more interested in joke and ridicule than humanity and justice. Since this is your choice, you'll get nothing.

2016=1984 the book.
We're all fucked, American prosperity is extinct. Slavery or revolution our are the future.

My predictions.
Economic collapse of stockmarket "correction" hyperinflation. 30% unemployment, no growth. Martial law.

Don't call it a grave. This is the future, you choose.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Trump is an undercover Democrats meant to make himself more famous and sabotage the Republican's chances of winning.

Nice meme

Go back to your shitty youtube channel

Yeeeeah. Let me correct that record for you, buddy.

Women—white women in particular—expire at 18.

By then they're shameless roasties and damaged goods with gaping pussies the diameter of a fist. Most American girls lose their virginity at the ripe age of 12 to virile drug dealers, the constant stream of violent sex, feminist theory, chick flics and media brainwashing corroding their vulnerable minds into irreparably degenerate vipers and slaves to impulse, incapable of properly rearing a child.

The ultimate redpill: To uncuck society the age of consent must be lowered. Why are Millennials having less sex? They need fresh, tight pussies. Despite their brainwashing, their mammalian minds instinctually understand that the pussy on the market right now is rancid and beyond the reproductive peak.

why did you get so fat you fat fuck

Nice /tg/ ID buddy

Aspergers detected.

Who's the 40 BMI neet in the pic?

who is this boner condoner ?


there is literally nothing wrong with slaanesh worship

How have you not died of a hilariously embarrassing accident yet

go away evil dogger!

remain objective, Wayne

Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.

well it's obvious as fuck to anyone with firing neurons

I don't know who this obese neckbeard is and I don't think I'd want to.

Real cute. I'll expand the Wayne dictionary by a factor of 711 now. Every filename you have ever used. Every turn of phrase. Everything.

go away evil dogger

>Now comes the punishment.

When did you become so mean, Wayne?

You used to be such a nice guy.

I was thinking about you today Wayne. Thanks for posting.

I forgot about you, Lamb.
I voted for you, I swear!

Wayne, you're an embarrassment to Sup Forums

Just some fag that thinks he trolls Sup Forums by linking to his shit "talk show" youtube channel.

Then once he gets assblasted by the comments, he inevitably claims that he "wins" because he got views and comments.

Seriously, this is aspergers at its finest folks.

Cut back on the burgers you fat fuck

Duh. If he was capable of being memed into greatness, we would have done so by the grace of Kek. It just wasn't meant to be. Sorry, Wayne.


Did you eat 'em all or what?

Fuck you. You're literally worse than Soros.

How in the fuck do you know so much about Wayne (assuming your account of his life is true)

He's a lolcow almost on CWC levels at this point.

Dude's gonna turn full tranny within two years.

This is Sup Forums

all those dicks went straight to your hips wayne

>our are the future
>our are the

You cant even bother to take trolling seriously what hope do you have for real people jobs

Wayne, you look like you put on more than 50 pounds within a very short timespan, maybe a few months? You're unwell.

To bad trump wants to attack isis which is against the jewish agenda you fag. Hes not and undercovered agent hes just blue pilled rich guy wanting to make a difference

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Well color my neurons unfired.

Was wayne alwys that fat? Jesus dude even taft wasn't this bad how are you going to be president now?

Who the fuck are you?

I really hope pic is unrelated.