Did America a favor earlier today

Did America a favor earlier today.

well played brother

This video is old and he was arrested by the cops for reckless driving.


>there are people who will willingly display they are a manchild by defacing personal property in broad daylight thinking they are cool and desired by anyone
These are the same people who purposefully hit dogs on the side of the road.
They should unironically kill themselves.

Any Jeep-fags on here know what warning light that is illuminated under his tach?

Did America a favor earlier today.

nice breh you should totally come to the commune tonight

>caring about dogs

top kek

That faggot driver didn't do anything


Grabbed the exif data, contacted the local police ;^)
thanks for having your inspection sticker visible in the webm
have a nice day

>unironically not enjoying the adrenaline rush from hitting dogs, cats and any other filthy beast on the side of the road with your truck.

Go back to tumblr you fucking faggot, you probably drive a fiat, assuming you're even old enough to drive.

thats really worrying dude

mohammed pls go

>literal subhumans
You will be culled soon.

>damage control

>le anyone who dislikes dogs is a muslim meme


Most off-roading that jeep will ever see in its life.

>le anyone who dislikes dogs is a muslim meme
well UK is a muslim country now

Just gives more support for trump when people see the other side acting like this.
Keep it up brother.

Why would non-whites even post here? Don't you have your own websites?


dude... no

did your mothers make you post that?

>goes to throw a stone without even thinking about it
its like chimpout style reactions are natural to them.

This is old retard and the person was already arrested. Good job falling for OP's shit tier bait.

Welp that's illegal

destruction of private property nice one dick

I'm pretty sure he was joking

looks like e-brake light, i'd have to check my dash to be sure

maybe a no seatbelt

That's not how that meme arrow is used fag

>it's wrong to post about killing animals
>inironically posts in support of killing other people

Never change Sup Forums

I'd do that too if someone was trying to hit me with a car and I am whiter then white.

I guess since most whites are numale faggots its not to be surprised you think violence is oh so awful instead of a great way of getting shit done like our ancestors.

I saw this video when it came out and the first thing I did was plant Trump signs infront of concrete bollards.


Wouldn't expect anything less out of a fucktard Democrat. Probably will go out and shoot up a school next.



>Trump is so racist
>LOL Trump supporters are retards
>Better vote for Hillary

It should be legal and encouraged to run these fucking savages down.

>Using a wrangler TJ for evil

> Be retarded
> Commit crime
> Film it
> Upload it

>fascist in action
You have just desecrated someone else's first amendment rights.

I never said violence was awful.
A rock isnt going to do shit to a truck.
Im saying they are idiots (apparently like you).

hes already been doxxed and handled

Lost hard

>unironically posts in support of killing other people
The difference is wild and domestic animals are innocent beings whereas humans have the capacity to willfully and knowingly do wrong. Those are the people who need culling.