WTF I hate MLK now

WTF I hate MLK now.

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then what is looting?

MLK's definition of a riot was marching on DC and encouraging his followers to get arrested so that they government would have to pay huge amounts of money to jail them. Literally voting with the dollar. A true white man.



It's funny because if he was still alive BLM would be calling him an Uncle Tom

>being this ignorant
>plainly trying to manipulate perception
fuck off shill.

Looting and burning your own communities while chanting to kill white people and for more dead cops is hardly a riot and most definitely not a language of any kind, it's pure savagery by rabid animals who need to be put down.

Personally I hope the riots keep up and intensify.

People are getting redpilled left and right.

I'm starting to see blatant downright racism on facebook. People aren't even trying to hide it. And the white guilt (mostly white female) anti-racism voice is getting softer and softer.

They keep this up and I give it maybe another year before all hell breaks loose.

Maybe then we can have some actual peace.

EXACTLY. I just finished a bio of MLK and his response to BLM would be exactly his response to the Black Power movement: criticism of their violent tactics.

Same senpai. I love when they chimp out because 1. people wake up to their bullshit and 2. actually responsible black people want to distance themselves from black lives matter.

The unheard are told what to say and think by people like Deray who are told what to say and think by people like George Soros. Good luck.

Well someone's doing the spinning...


being a nigger.

MLK wasn't promoting rioting, he was simply saying that is what happens.

MLK has been quoting that violence isn't the answer.

You lose OP

MLK was clever like gandhi because he knew he lived in a western style democracy. He needed the support of white people to achieve his goals, not fist pumping militants. Having white Christians see cops beating on non violent protesting blacks would get to them eventually. Riots, looting, and shootings would just harden them.

When George Soros of the Open (Borders) Society gets his way, if you are black, hispanic, asian, arab, indian, or white, or just a citizen of this country, you will be competing for jobs not just with the people in your city but the entire world 1st, and 3rd. You will get less not more. The employers will have the upper hand, because there are more people to choose from. You will get taxed to death like everyone else.

Doc martin Luther Kings only contribution to society is his comfy ass shoes. Nothing comes close to doc martins.

t. British skinhead


>not liking docs
shit taste senpai

I feel like I'm going to be targeted by black kids on campus if this shit continues which is fucking bullshit because I was on their side in the first place.

This was on my Facebook. The sad part is, a white person posted it and it actually got 25 likes.

shamelessly stolen from reddit
No, this is what MLK said:'

"It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard."

On top of that, MLK and most of the black population in 1968 when this was said, believed that peaceful demonstrations were the way to go about change. King also disliked the phrase "black power" because it was being used in an anti-white way and didn't appreciate the fact that it was race-baiting.

"He does not support violent tactics, including riots..."

Taken from a Times article from last July April. He does say that riots were the language of the unheard but also said they were the minority and didn't speak for other blacks. He condemned riots but said it was the result of social stagnation, which in the 60's, it was.

"King ended the speech on a note of hope and faith, not just for justice but also for achieving it in a way that was nonviolent and intersectional."

Taken from the same article he claims that riots were a result of white back-lash WHICH FOR THE TIME PERIOD was understandable because there were still lynchings, murder, the fucking fire hoses, the blatant racism - they were things we do not see, at all, today.

So, fuck you SJW, for twisting MLK's words into something that is not only no longer applicable but one that preached peace.

MLK was always a drunken, whoremongering Communist. It was only ever cuckservatives who deluded themselves into thinking that he represented some kind of unattainable ideal of colour-blind justice; everyone on the Left knew that his tactics were just part of a good-cop, bad-cop routine in concert with black militants like Malcolm X in order to rob whites of their autonomy.

>Looting a liquor store

Nice try.

also stolen from reddit

To give a bit more context:
Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.

I'm not 70 years old senpai

>A riot is the language of the unheard

Modern niggers don't riot because of injustices, they do it because they just want free shit.

Looting is the ballet theater of the american negro

>The jewish media is quoting people from fifty years ago out of context to push their agenda

oy vey

>MLK wasn't promoting rioting, he was simply saying that is what happens.

"Just sayin'" is one of the most dishonest ploys in left-wing rhetoric (and there are many others). Imagine if your house were broken into and the investigating cop said "a burglary is just the unheard voice of the poor. So if someone comes in at night and steals your stuff, this is what happens in a society without pure social justice. I'm not saying it's right, but that's what happens." How would you feel?

Malcolm X's views were a lot more similar to Martin than people would want you to believe.

And after his trip to Mecca when he started talking more about peace and harmony (while still upholding loyalty to one's own race), he was shot dead.

Granted, I hate Islam. But modern Muslims were more like modern Christians and cherrypicked only the happy bits of the text and discard the rest, I'd be cool with them. Unfortunately, people like Mr. X can pay with their life if they dare to do that.

Which is why BLM fails.

>"I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt."

What guilt? There was never any fucking guilt, especially not for the white people living in northern and western cities that they built without Negro help, and which were only later ruined by massive black migration from the South. Fuck that dishonest fornicating bastard -- the fact that our age makes him a secular saint just goes to show how extensively we are lied to on a daily basis.

OP don't fall for the SJW ploy to convince everyone that MLK supports violence and promotes hatres of whites, or people of any race. He was not that person, we all know he was not that person. Don't let them rewrite history to fit their narrative.

Hate to break it to you but MLK was a giant fucking nigger

are black people actually unheard in america in the year 2016?
and if thats the case what have people like al sharpton done the last 30 years or so

MLK was a degenerate adulterer and a communist sympathizer. the only reason our nation uplifted him is because he principally advocated for peaceful reform rather than Malcolm X style ooga-booga bullshit, thus avoiding a race war and giving the USSR the moral superiority.

Just before his death MLK was already advocating the institutionalized discrimination against whites known euphemistically as "affirmative action"... so don't fool yourself, if he hadn't taken a bullet he would have ended up in the same anti-white stance as practically every other black "civil rights" leader took by the late 1970s (because the Zeitgeist permitted and even encouraged it).

White ppl: wow, MLK is a nigger

I fucking hate people

Redistribution of wealth

>you can only criticise them if you are them!
>so no one will criticise them, because the only ones legitimate to do so want to riot and loot

Dis logic

Here that? White Americans denied a voice in universities, institutions and silenced in debate have license to riot! What are you waiting for!

But they are heard, and they aren't saying anything except "I want this stereo and this chain and this other object."

whites aren't retarded and would leave their community to cause trouble, this would start the race war

When are they going to realize that the reason their race is hated is because of THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

Fucking when?


I don't quote that communist nigger, and niggers in general are horrible at self-reflection or adhering to any set of standards.

They are doomed as a movement and as a people.

>I'm starting to see blatant downright racism on facebook. People aren't even trying to hide it. And the white guilt (mostly white female) anti-racism voice is getting softer and softer.

We're infecting the masses Sup Forums

And the blacks who do criticise the niggers are called Uncle Toms.

It's the circle of fucking life. It's never going to get any better. The black race is doomed.

i love seeing morons on facebook post that quote after some nogs burn down their neighborhoods over supposed slights, ignoring the part from the same speech that mlk said RIGHT AFTER where he says rioting is wrong and non-violence is the answer.

>I feel like I'm going to be targeted by black kids on campus if this shit continues which is fucking bullshit because I was on their side in the first place.
>I was on their side in the first place.
Burn the coal, pay the toll

If you thought that only applied to mudsharks, you were dead wrong

BLM is an angry toddler that spins in circles on the floor while shitting itself and then gets up and demands to be respected


#we peenut budda nao

Hi Cuckservative

If MLK was alive today we would consider him a race baiter in the same league as Al Sharpton, and he would be pro Black Lives Matter

I like you.

MLK? Mexican Lives're 'Kay? A new organisation to fight BLM.


Well go tell him he's wrong nigger

this has to be fake, right?
That many people can't actually be that fucking retarded

I also missed almost 5,000 shares on that post what the fuck

Lmao and get fired from his job?

>notice "fourth black president"
>go to black nationalist website
>expect to find Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson
>find Jefferson and Jackson
>see "John Hanson"
>confused as fuck
>read his bio
>John Hanson (a Moor) was actually the 1st President of the United States, he served from 1781 – 1782 and he was black
>claim he ruled through Washington who was his puppet
>elaborate historical revisionism that he actually did everything Washington did and that Washington was just a character for the people he was ruling
>last three sentences:
> He declared that the 4th Thursday of every November to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today. Even though elected, one variable that was never thought through was that America was not going to accept a Black President during the heart of the enslavement period. Enter George Washington.
>go to historical evidence section
>entire Hanson theory is based on portrait attached which gives him a dindu nose
>literally nothing else that supports any of this

Holy shit lads, I can't go any deeper. I may actually die from laughter

Niggers only nig because of all the shit the whites gave them. If they brought them over without the chains and shit and gave them education and work, we wouldn't have race problems in America. You can guys can scream kike all you want but deep down you know this is the truth.

By riot, he didn't mean burn shit to the fucking ground and generally act like a bunch of ignorant Bushmen

>If they brought them over without the chains and shit and gave them education and work
Why would they have done that?

They only brought them over because they didn't want to give other whites work, because enslaved natives do it for free.

How is that quote, in any shape or form, justifying riots?

MLK being some sort of Jesus from the 60s is a fabrication by the media anyway.
Didn't he also protest like BLM does and stop ambulances or something?
This guy had high disapproval ratings too, like 70-80%, probably for a good reason.


Thank you for genuinely correcting the record. Like you I find Islam to be an unworkable religion by many modern day adherents, but there's no denying that Malcolm's worldview pivoted as a result of his Hajj, that the experience of seeing people of all races united in devotion to the same god was the crucial moment and that this realization ultimately led to his death.

This. These idiots don't realize they're about to awaken a sleeping giant.

I don't know if he was justifying riots, but he's technically write.
If a part of population has no political representation and the game is as rigged as the US one, rioting is clearly the ONLY viable option.

Crackers BTFO

The real question then is, can we support this proccess? How could we incense this situation further?

what a fat nigger

what is the origin of those pictures?

I checked em but you still have poor taste in footwear.

>poor people steal

That is literally what people think, leaf poster.

"You'll never know our pain," cries the the black person who has never been chased down and beaten by a group of white people.

Fine then fuck MLK too btw I bet a nigger didn't make this picture. It's probably some numale or tumblrina.

...or maybe we wouldn't hate them so much if they didn't destroy everything in sight? Just maybe?

>liking MLK
>the BLM of their day
don't you all understand that the 60s was just another era of "gibs me dats"?

>encouraging his followers to get arrested so that they government would have to pay huge amounts of money to jail them
that's fucking genius