Hey, you guys wanna do an actual anti-BLM meet-up/protest and actually get a race war going?

Hey, you guys wanna do an actual anti-BLM meet-up/protest and actually get a race war going?
Willing to meet up anywhere in CA, let's do this...

Unless you're too scared that is

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=why do jews want white genocide

/Bay Aryan/ here

Sure I'll be right there

i'm not jewish

Fuck off FBI

top kek bump

Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.



Not scared

We post about race wars all the time, but then when it actually comes down to it you guys don't want to?


Way to go announcing it in this shithole

Im sure the feds arents going to take interest.

>wanting to start a race war AGAINST blacks

How the fuck is that being Jewish?


Los Angeles goyim here.
Sounds cool, I'll come if it's close.

no meetups. just get shit done

>registered to vote

Dont vote. dont participate in this hoax and fraud called "democracy"

start denouncing "democracy" as a hoax and fraud and shoah, start admitting your government is kike occupied to the world.

this is the only way to put a wrench in their gear wicked gear works, next to taking up arms and start a revolution.

No need for that. Trump rallys cover this.

And he got hundret million followers.

OC fag reporting in.

Oh and it's cool if it's a meetup, and to represent a different viewpoint in this liberal hellhole, or meet fellow people.

It's just very few people on Sup Forums are actual stormfags and no one takes this race war stuff seriously.
That's my opinion though, so whatever.

Don't do what the elites want you to do. Race war is playing into their agenda, we need to UNITE against the crooks at the top.

Guys, I just looked up on google "why do jews want white genocide"

pic related what i found

>google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=why do jews want white genocide

So, how do we go about this race war? I'm pretty sure whites are more tacitly-advantaged than Harambe's

Calling all blacks. Let's meet up with them and bring your family.

Starting classes again at SF state next week. Help.



Lazy cunts.

>calling me a jew cause you're too scared to fight back against blacks who kill our cops

Yeah, this many times over, its not said enough

'black lives mater'

so black lives are mothers?

lol fuck the cops, they protect the kike.

so let them get buried along with the kikes.

Does this work for everyone?

Literally willing to go out and do this.

lets meet up in oakland im ready brother

How can we be reduced to having to conduct movements completely anonymously a website no ones heard of? BLM, Occupy, gay pride, and all sorts of other degenerate organizations get to post openly about their plans on Twitter and Facebook, and even get plenty of news coverage. Meanwhile, like rats, we're relegated to conspiring in the dark alleyways of 4cahn. Do you realize how cucked we already are? Do you understand that it very well may be too late to do anything? Soon we'll be dead with complete state persecution of anyone peddling even remotely patriotic or nationalistic ideas.


Their kike governemnt is already hard at work at disarming them.

in about 10 more years americans will be as disarmed as australia or russia

stop making fun of me u stoopid nigger >>:(

>when it actually comes down to it you guys don't want to?
FBI spotted
Fuck off. You guys need training.

that LA location looks pretty good fám.
works for me. but where are you located?

t. not NSA

You're literally fucking a disgrace to this board.

>Guys, lets do a meet-up and get rid of these BLM faggots
>N-nice try F-FBI...

fucking kek

im in humboldt sadly

Based Australia more angry than we are..

Drop by tomorrow. I'm there all day.

11000 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90024

I'm not sure about anywhere else, but there should be enough anons for bay area and LA/OC county meets.

Ookland, Coonifornia here

I'll go. List a time and place, preferably in the Bay Area.

I'll even bring things that trigger niggers and cause them to act out violently (pic related)

im not in LA, this guy is though:

Indict the Bitch already.

Watch that edge kid, don't flaunt it around carelessly lest you might get shanked by some street coon.

cucked: ex based edition

bring guns or whatever, but dont bring the fucking flag dude, they'll all go
our goal is to look like normal white people, not insane nazis, then when black people get all mad at us, and if they take action against us (like if one of us were to get killed in action) it would encourage more normies to come and fight against BLM

but we cant go out and say "FUCK BLM" ect ect, we need FACTS


humboldt ey?

where at? I've bee to willow creek and whale gulch/ whitethorn area

I would totally move there, if that shit wasn't seemingly drying up (more accurately, if jefferson seceded from the rest of Cali so they no longer had to give them all of their water)

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish the event in the first Superman movie actually happened and the entire coast of California fell into the Pacific. That would be the fastest way to uncuck California.

I know that's the FBI headquarters, I didn't even have to look it up.

that's a huge federal building, you didn't even include the suite number.
the FBI is #1700

well, I'm in fremont

we should at the very least form a right wing death squad just in case

We need to set them off so we can empty volley after volley of rifle fire into them though.

Get Trump into office, first. Then we'll start cracking down. Promise.

Right now we don't have anyone on our side.


i would do an anti BLM protest but not under a thread incites the race war for big brother reasons.

What are you talking about? The suite number is right there. Christ.

I'll meet in the So Cal area

Pref Los Angeles county

I am in Pasadena

im in mckinleyville bro

what could possibly go wrong

Their mistake was not going all the way and wasting the niggers

okay, so we have one meet-up location in LA,

any other places I should add?

post where you live and how far you're willing to go if you faggots are actually serious about this

dont back out you fucking niggers


If they had kill a couple of the niggers going after them, they could've elevated Sup Forums to global notoriety and turned the trial into a repeat of Munich '23

Fremont, I'm pretty much willing to go pretty far.

maybe oakland? san francisco? I'll take bart if it's somewhere in the city

well, why haven't we started a standard pool party yet?

that's the only way for us to become political agitators

oh btw, trial is January 9th, 2017

mark yo calendars

Uh... Humboldt county meetup where? Looks like somewhere on 299...

If I was humboldt I would of course meet up in shelter cove

it's even named like the beginning of a civil war battle

i'd meet up at that one bar where all the farmers n fisherman assholes hangout

Mac town ey

email me

thedatapagan @ gmail

just write black lives matter shit everywhere and make them look bad

SoCal fag here I've been doing it for months. Even had a news story run for writing blm all over a mosque lol

Its not bad. I graduated there... twice!
Stay out of Caesar C. Quad if you value sanity.

Shelter cove is a sick beach.

Oakland is a complete nigger city, we'd get killed there in literally 3 seconds. San Francisco is probably a better option.


Calling ALL CALI anons who are actually ready to meet up and fight back instead of sitting at home posting on a chinese cartoon image board

>99.9% niggers

Yeah no. The one time I went to Oakland I overslept on the train and passed thru San Francisco and ended up in Oakland

>walk out to Burger King while waiting for next bus
>be there for 2 minutes
>4 Asians in a car pull up and start talking shit to 1 nigger walking his pit bull
>nigger lets his dog go and starts shooting

Fuck Oakland I was there for 2 fucking minutes and hauled ass back to Bart didn't even get my food

Gay area.

Sac beer.

San Francisco is loaded with Antifa, though.

I live on the east coast. If this is worth while I will fly out, I have family through the whole west coast.....

Everyone ITT just needs to start an anti BLM peaceful protest in the same neighborhood at the same time as BLM

Yeah, a lot of pic related faggots here

The only way to make sure this doesn't become some kind of honeypot is to send pictures and names, if they are a shit skin they are out. Not like I'll be able to join, although I agree with some of ya'll sentiments and views I don't exactly count as "white". So good luck and don't get caught.

Concord is relatively safe, lots of hispanics who hate blacks. Lots of liberals too poor to live in San Francisco.

I live in the central part of Cali. I'm interested in this.



Maybe should all meet at a remote yet fairly accessible location like Garin Regional and discuss our nefarious plans outside of the prying eyes of the security cameras.

We can all identify each other by wearing the same color jacket or something.

Isnt Antifa that anti-black/anti-gay group or whatever?.... Wouldn't that sort of benefit us?


HAHAHA I hate these faggots I moved to SoCal so now I gotta deal with le sureños

Lel who listens to poles anyway

we don't have to march through the streets

we can simply be a subversion division at first; printing propaganda, sewing subversion, growing our ranks with contact info & asite, etc.

Wrong. That's a common misunderstanding. We want a race war that we can watch and post about from the sidelines. Not one we have to fight in. Leave it to Rednecks and niggers to fight.

Meet on the walkway over hwy 80 at University ave.

Closest meet up to del norte county?

>We post about race wars all the time, but then when it actually comes down to it you guys don't want to?
>accompanying this with a normie-tier meme

feds pls go

>google antifa
Nope, nevermind...

no need to be user, not at all


>Pre-Nursing major at SF state
>Nursing and other Science related majors are Underfunded and Understaffed due to budget issues
>tution is more this year after the "fight for 5%" negociations
>All of my classes are full even before my enrollment appointment
>Ethnic studies programs keep eating the funds and making it more difficult to fund necessary classes from other majors

yea exactly

we need to form a small group of people with high agency, we can't be so high time preference that we are fucking rioting in the streets

we meet up, we make nefarious plans

we print propaganda

we put it in strategic areas we think will have the largest amount of turnaround, using imagery to hit our target audience

we swell our ranks

Huntington beach here. I have a confederate flag with trumps face on it. Garunteed to trigger commies

Santa Rosa here, we could go leave a memorial nerf gun on andy lopez's grave