>post a thread about Israel not having the right to exist >watch kikes from all different flags shit their pants >watch them call me arab >watch them pretend to be normal poster who "prefers Jews over Muslims"
What can we do to help Palestinians take back their land? Why can't Israelis take care of their own country instead of leeching off American tax dollars for their so called "right to exist"?
>pic related, poh little jew boy crying after his dad got killed
we need isreal so that we can kick all the kikes and have them stay where we put them
Andrew Diaz
Jews are way worse than muzzies. At least muzzies are a manageable foe. Theyre stupid and have low-tech. Jews make their way to the top of every major institution and use it to manipulate, control, and influence - including bringing Muslims into our countries as a form of biological weaponry.
Dylan White
Jackson Long
Muslims are essentially niggers.
At least jews bring something to the table. If they weren't mostly leftist cucks in powerful places I wouldn't give a fuck about them
Sebastian Morgan
During the Great Happening, if Israel fights off the enemy countries surrounding it and wins, they have won their right to exist.
The day draws near when said test will be applied, as it must be with every nation...
Justin Morris
Nicholas Nguyen
Aiden Johnson
Grayson Perry
The key is to quit trusting them. Then their house of cards fall.