>doesn't release his tax returns
>kicks babies and mothers out of rallies
>wants others to assassinate his opponents
>KKK endorsed him
>Scam artist
>Draft dodger
>"Traditional marriage is good" "Nevermind the fact that I have multiple divorces"
>his supporters are violent towards peaceful protesters
>only world leaders who like him are dictators
>has relationship with Putin
>"Please Russia, hack my opponent"
>"Why can't we use nukes?"
>"hurrr global warming is a conspiracy theory. Why is it so warm suddenly?"
>failed businessman
>leeched off from his parents
>racist, sexist, islamophobic bigot
And you still think Hillary doesn't deserve to win? She's so much better.
Doesn't release his tax returns
Why are you making these threads every day?
Hillary is more qualified to be President and thats why she will win responsible voters know this
GOP SHOULD have had some next-level DNC efforts internally to make sure Jeb or Cruz won the primary.
But they didn't and now they're fucked.
How about a new GOP rule for presidential candidates: you have to have literally held ANY public office, in your life.
I want to remind people not to vote for Drumpf every day
Xir gets it
Don't forget he also
>took 2 billion from all over the world for charity and only spent 10% on actual charity
>how he sold 20% of our America's uranium reserves to the Russian government.
>how he tells rape victims that they are delusional crazies that should be ignored.
>how something like 90 investigators and political opponents have died in various plane and car accidents
Oh wait.
Neat opinions Joukahainen
facts are not opinions honey
Kill yourself, you are what is wrong with America
You sly dog