I'm sick of fucking multiculturalism and diversity. Iron forge is the dwarf capital city. Fuck the gnomes it's not our fault they ruined their capital city.
When is this bitch gonna kick the gnomes out of iron forge
>wasting time playing WoW
Wow lad
stormwind is in greater need of ethnic cleansing, non-humans littering every fucking street corner, it's fucking sickening
kek go suck nigger dick faggot
The defias brotherhood was a conspiracy! Varian and Katrana are both assholes that refused to pay them.
>Gyppo trying to delegate his own people's daily task to an actual human
Smh desu senpai
I'm telling you guys right now, Katrana Prestor is a fucking dragon in disguise!
There are Dark Iron Dwarves inside of blackrock mountain! They found mithril bombs at the base of Molten Core.
At least you don't have a (((goblin))) infestation
Garrosh did nothing wrong
This is bullshit. Sylvanas is a fucking criminal and should not be elected Warchief.
She's responsible for the Wrathgate incident, and she's been linked to Dreadlords in the past.
Wtf when are the orcs going to reclaim their homeland
Gnomeregan dungeon was breddy cool back when WoW wasn't shit.
without gobbos orgrimmar would not have been established
gul'dan a good boi he dindu nuffin he just wants a better life for his orcs
Seriously fuck gnomes. They're whiny refugees whom refuse to integrate with dwarf society.
Never. It died with trump err I mean garrosh.
Exactly they're almost as bad as them jewgobbos the horse has
Without the Goblins the Horde would be facefucked by the Alliance. They're the logistical and technological muscles of the Horde. But I'm sure you can just go back to slurping down demon sperm to have a chance against the myriad of races that want Orcs dead.
Yes good goyim!!! Horde needs the (((goblins))) for survival, and not the other way around.
I get what you're doing and it would be pretty damn funny if I hadnt seen it before but seriously the fucking Trolls offer less to the Horde than the Goblins.
Havent played WoW since MoP, whats this new expansion like? Thinking about coming back.
>Mfw I have played a gnome warlock for over 10 years now
Fuck off. Play the masterrace
Now that is some classic shit.
Dalaran is coming back as the sanctuary city
Katrana Prestor is the most experienced leader that has ever taken temporary place of a King in the history of Stormwind. She is an inspiration for women, is going to bring the Black Iron Dwarves to the Alliance by immigration, knows that only the extremists are violent and Magni's bigotry cannot defeat her love.
In all seriousness, the goblins have been extremely useful to the horde, but u don't trust them. They are devoted to profit, and as soon as there isn't a profit in the horde they will betray them.
Trolls are basically useless, but they're basically bound to the orcs.
I didn't know they made a girl king of sw. That's lame
The amount of bums lining the streets of Stormwind is appalling, Deathwing should've gassed the entire city desu
Prestor was Onyxia mate, remember vanilla?
I started playing in bc. But yeah
>mfw racemixing with superior night elf genes
Goblins are part of the Horde because Thrall beat the shit out of Gallywix and forced him to trade exclusively with them. Goblins are literal jews, they can only win economically. The moment you punch one in the face the entire race submits.
>mfw darnassus is over 90 percent night elf and don't have to worry about dirty ass gnomes pandering dog shit human halfbreeds and non white humans in my capital city. Our women are also better
The way Varien died was fucking bullshit. And sad.
Why the fuck do we allow elves into the alliance.
Pointy eared purple fucks need to take their ass back to the jungle they come from.
Why do we allow dwarfes and gnomes into the alliance? Fucking manlets.
You guys really are trying to take the shitposting mantle away from the Canadians aren't you?
Gallywix was kicking the shit out of Garrosh street brawler style before he got shot in one MoP story.
Fully agree. Just like Admiral Taylor deserved 1000x better than the pathetic death he's being given on Draenor.
Seems like Metzen is leaning SJW on this one.
>reminding me of this.
Why would you go and do that then?
I was genuinely angry at his off screen death, and after that he just becomes some bumfuck normie follower.
>be master race human in goldshire
>try and get a room at the inn
>no luck some dirty elf got there first and now it needs cleaning
>apparently night elves are savages who haven't invented toilet paper because "muh nature"
>go to inn bar instead
>some drunk dwarf is drinking and babbling in drunken dwarven language
>try and order mead but they've run out because the dwarf and his buddies have been drinking all fucking day
>really pissed now just want to get on my mount and go back to capital city
>loud bang outside
>run outside
>its some fucking gnome with his fucking mechanical ostrich that blew up
>it spooked the horses and now my ride is gone
I can't fucking deal with all this multicultruism anymore. If this wasn't bad enough a fucking illegal alien race has now become a faction in the alliance making humans even more of a minority. I bet the horde doesn't have to deal with this bullshit.
>still playing WoW
>posting about it on Sup Forums
Is this an autism containment thread?
Anyone else disappoined they didn't make Anduin into a femboi? He had some potential in MoP.
RIP potential rule 34.
That's why you never trust a woman.
of course not my dude we discuss serious stuff here like race wars, yellowstone blowing up and the coming of the end of times
>Taylor dies because of Nazgrim
>Vol'jin dies because of Varian
>both pairs have similar post-death circumstances
wish they'd just actually pick a side to favour instead of playing the dumb balancing act
This so much. I hate how hard they try to make every fight somehow stalemate.
Also the faggy way they're trying to make it world of peacecraft between the factions.
So then lads, how ARE we going to Make Azeroth Great Again?
Submitting to the legion.
Dont know about you guys but I'm going back to venerating the Old Gods. Fuck Sylvanas and fuck Anduin.