Tfw the heretical atheist movement led to the rise of widespread degeneracy, feminism, the welfare state...

>tfw the heretical atheist movement led to the rise of widespread degeneracy, feminism, the welfare state, and the refugee crisis. And atheists are still 69% Democrat

>tfw Christians led crusades, and founded the white only America that resulted in the invention of the lightbulb, electricity, car, internal combustion engine, planes, and the steam engine. Not to mention Europe as well. And we are still the vast majority of Republicans

Would cheating be considered degeneracy?


m8 i personally became an atheist due to an experience at a catholic church. But i still agree with you. It's like once a sizable population gained the belief that their actions in this life wouldn't have any consequences in another they just decided to go full retard.

>badass Christians are gonna save the world from Muslims you guys
>can't even stop atheist hipsters


Our system works yours doesn't, maybe God did make us need him. Or is that just an coincidence

"more countries for crusaders to loot as they are infidels."
>Followed by
"spit in the face of god
desecreate (desecrate) the holy places
>Followed by
>Followed by
"Filthy infidel dog, you will bow before the Church or be crushed."
>Followed by
"Every sodomite will be executed, every fornicator will be stoned, every degenerate slain, the Kingdom of God comes!"
>Followed by
"The soldiers of God will deliver them to hell."
>Followed by
"The degenerate infidel dogs have forgotten the fear the wrath of the servants of God, they will soon remember."
>Followed by
"Pagan scum, you shall bow to the Church or die."
Followed by
"Recognize the true faith or die, the filthy infidel dogs shall not have a single step."
>Followed by
"Saracen dog, your filth shall be removed from this earth and the Holy Places shall be liberated.
The infidels and how I came to hate them."
>Followed by
"Infidel filth, you shall know what is we the servants of God."
>Followed by
"The faithful of the Church and God are true in our struggle and our victory will be given due to truth."
>Followed by
"We crushed the Pagans, we crushed the Saxons, we crushed the Saracens, the infidels of today are no different, DEUS VULT AVE MARIA!"
Followed by lots of "inspiring" quotes

Liberal degeneracy has been around longer than wide spread atheism though.

Maybe there is a problem with liberal degeneracy

They converted faggot. Christianity doesn't fix atheism with force like with muslims you absolute parasite

This is one of the mysteries that won't be solved until death takes us.
Personally i feel one shouldn't need to fear divine retribution in order to be good. they should simply be good.

If there ends up being one, i hope i can say truthfully that i purposefully did more good than evil.

How do you know God exists, do you have evidence?

How about this, what does a god have to do with anything?

Except America never did that you mongrel, our bible doesn't say to do that shit like the Qur'an does

>hur dur they're both religions so they're the same

Did you not even read the second paragraph

They go hand in hand

What's it like being mentally trapped in the Medieval ages, OP?

Religion is a fucking joke and your non-existent God loves to suck cock. Jesus was just some guy with Downs' Syndrome who loved to swallow guys' cum every day.

Same here.

I asked my priest how do clouds form and why does it rain and he said god forms them and the rain is angels crying.

I quit believing that same day. I still feel like Religion is a staple in society since it gives people morals and fear of death and the after life.

More christfag LARPING

"take over the Vatican and crucify the pope
remove all Muslim believers from Europe
push Muslims back to turkey
build a wall to keep them out
improve trade relations with Russia"
>Followed by
"let the game begin!"
>Followed by
"god damn dude. now this sounds more like it."
>Followed by
"Actually I plan on becoming the new pope and killing or converting all muslims and jews"
>Followed by
"Any oklahoma folks here
Im probally going to kick in this fat neck beards teeth if he doesnt stop harassing the Catholic Church"
>Followed by
"maybe you should. This shit's all talk so far."
>Followed by
"I most likely will
The stupid fat neckbeard that keeps harassing the catholic church actually posted his address on his cults kikebook page"

A system based around the belief of the Christian God has been successful numerous times before."oh user that's a coincidence"

>do you have proof

I've seen proof, but I don't have it, maybe you missed the parts of the bible that says believe without seeing, and then you will see. In Christian community, miracles are commonplace.

>accusing us of what you are doing

Keep swallowing refugee Muslim jizz while the majority of Christians start another crusade with the second amendment fucking leaf

>internal combustion engine
>steam engine

>In Christian community, miracles are commonplace.

So common place that they're never caught on video

Belief is not a choice, it is a result. Otherwise I'd be a Christian again. Sometimes you just learn something and it changes what you believe. It's not a choice, you just begin to think differently. You can't choose to go back and believe in something you don't believe in anymore.

But I will say that I see little reason to think that Christianity, or any religion that promises afterlife is true. We'd all like to suppose that life goes on after our own death. We would like to believe that the people we most love will continue to exist. The problem is that those are things we'd /like/ to believe. We really have no evidence to suppose that they're true and we ought methodologically to be suspicious of believing something that we /very much/ want to believe.

>Christians start another crusade with the second amendment fucking leaf

Please keep going I'd love some more pathetic Christian LARPING rants

Take a look at a religion like movement like BLM

Their deity, Mike Brown, is venerated as an innocent martyr who had nothing but pure intentions. Problem is the truth is radically different, it is in fact the opposite.

The same thing is said about Islam and our current iteration of feminism. Any movement or religion that is based off of a lie will not last forever.

This was the fate of Christianity, the religion isn't coming back because it is based in lies. And there are plenty of people out there who have made this clear.

Stop wasting your time asking a god for hand outs, go out and do things for yourself

How old were you, I know scientifically adept priests

i do recognize that a lot of priests use allegory to explain things they don't understand to their audiences. it only becomes silly when they interpret it as 100% completely true. examples being the 7 days of creation and the flooding.

Mass produced first efficient, affordable car

You are right about engines though

Ahhhh, yes, hhhmmm do tell. Just how scientifically adept are they yesss

A lot of them are actually

>look up "Prince of peace painting" and who made it
>look up story behind the movie "miracles from heaven"
>look up Fatima sun miracles

"If they will not listen to Moses or the prophets, they will not listen even if the dead are raised"

OP stated Americans invented the car.

Keep plunging this country into more homosexuality, feminism, and the left

Don't go blaming that shit on us. If you kept your stupid bitches in the kitchen it wouldn't have happened.
>light bulb
Edison was likely an atheist
Was discovered, long before America. If you're referring to the work of Ben Franklin, he wasn't exactly a Christian, but he did believe in a supreme being.
>car, Internal combustion engine
Not American..
You get that one.
>steam engine
Not American.
>Christians made Europe
Ah, yeah no.
>And we are still the vast majority of Republicans
For now, yes. But if you want your party to remain viable you'll have to welcome some non-Christians into your midst which will mean supporting a secular government which will protect your personal rights of freedom of religion as well as the freedom of others.

Plenty believe in evolution and modern big bang. Since they don't conflict with bible.

>uh but they do

>"Let there be light"
>taking genesis literally

Why would we use Christianity anyway?

It isn't even a native European religion not to mention it is jewish and the deity is the deity for muslims too.

This whole thing is just one big mess, why should we burden ourselves with it?

Henry Ford made first efficient, manufacturable car. Kind of like how tanks played out with britian

Not what he said

>they should simply be good.
The only problem lies in the fact that people have different definitions of "good".

Although I'm not big on religion, what it can be useful for in certain individuals is a concrete idea of right and wrong, and a sense of moral and social responsibility to uphold their values.

Secular society could achieve this too, but there would need to be stronger pushes of universally accepted principles. Leave contrarianism to the debate room, but let actual real life have some moral absolutes. Let the culture of secular society have a sense of identity that links people together, the way religion does. Clearly, humanity is lost without that kind of connection.

Humans need something to cling onto. Something to tell them what to do. They need to feel like they are a part of something. If they don't, they fall apart.

At the risk of sounding like a fucking weeaboo, I think we could take some lessons from the Japanese.

I was like 10-12

I knew how clouds formed but I was a smart kid and wanted an answer from a non science perspective and he gave me that.

I thought how could I believe anything this man says now?

Atheism is for man-children who pretend their actions hold no consequences.

My actions does hold consequences, before society, not your skyfary.

I have seen it work for some criminals because of the fear of somebody constantly watching you and the whole support group thing.

But then again I have seen it fail spectacularly with so many groups, like criminals and blacks

>Don't go blaming that shit on us. If you kept your stupid bitches in the kitchen it wouldn't have happened.

You literally went around preaching that they should leave and helped the state allow them to leave by giving them the vote
>>light bulb
>Edison was likely an atheist

He wouldn't have made shit under the condition of your liberal atheist Sweden or Canada. Environment creates inventors

>Was discovered, long before America. If you're referring to the work of Ben Franklin, he wasn't exactly a Christian, but he did believe in a supreme being.

Same as last one

>>car, Internal combustion engine
>Not American..

I fucked up but Germany was still influenced by Christianity in the populous

>You get that one.
>>steam engine
>Not American.

Same as ICE

>>Christians made Europe
>Ah, yeah no.

They propped it up to where it is now, the left took over only recently

>>And we are still the vast majority of Republicans
>For now, yes. But if you want your party to remain viable you'll have to welcome some non-Christians into your midst which will mean supporting a secular government which will protect your personal rights of freedom of religion as well as the freedom of others.

Muslims were banned from America long before, and Republican party is generally not in favor of degeneracy. But atheists generally are

>Tfw people are converting to athisem faster then ever before.

>Tfw with the internet people take the christ red pill much faster.

>Tfw in 3 to 5 generations atheism WILL be the largest denomination.

How does it feel christfags knowing that your days are numbered

Jews made Europe happen

Christians couldn't do anything right like when they got kicked out of Japan and the complete failure known as Africa

Christianity is for man-children who need to feel like little snowflakes with a special purpose.

You clearly have *no* idea what the definition of this word is

Which doesn't surprise me since you are engaging in a fedora tier crusader role-playing exercise on a Kosovan cuckolding forum

>How do you know God exists, do you have evidence?

>How about this, what does a god have to do with anything?

Wow, deep. Fedora tipping faggot.

Because America functioned eat better with it. And the New testament explicitly separated itself from what we now call Jews, and any other "abrahamic" text that may have come after it

Under Christianity
>no women leaders or voters
>no hostile refugees
>no homosexuality, transgenders, or SJWs
>no open marriages
>More marriage among whites
>"If a man does not work he should not eat"
>utilitarianism allowing for arrest and war on terrorists
>not being scared of racism, but still not endorsing genocide of innocents

>mfw Cucklics are on par with gaytheists for degeneracy
>mfw evangelicals are the last bastion of hope in the Christian world

You can't even offend, leaf. You're like that booger-eating cousin no one wants to talk about, but worse.

It's not my fault God doesn't exist.



We already have secular laws for that stuff. Sounds to me like you want some white nationalist government. Why not start from scratch instead of trying to build on a shaky foundation? The Bible has too many flaws in it and will eventually be subverted again and thus we will end up right back here. Christians share their religion with too many people and will end up trying to bring more people in again. Why not cut the god out and just do the things you want?

Eh, without America, cars wouldn't have been made what they were

I guess it should be said "America invented the first commercial car"

The fedora actually believes this, fuck lad I think you missed the memo. White people in white countries (the bulk of the atheist population) are being out breed by Mohammad, juan, and Jamal. Last I checked they ain't so keen to being edgy faggots like you, but they're just niggers by different names nothing more nothing less.

He was probably BSing you

That man does not completely define the whole church, learn 2 think

>You literally went around preaching that they should leave and helped the state allow them to leave by giving them the vote
Yeah sure, a tiny speck of atheists hypnotized your poor women folk into rebelling. Get a clue idiot, feminism is just shitty female nature. Manginas of all religious beliefs screwed up there.
>liberal atheist Sweden or Canada.
You seem to be confused. Atheism isn't socialism.
>same as last one
In what way, electricity was discovered a long time ago. Christianity had nothing to do with that.
>Muh Germany
Yeah, we're seeing how the strong and powerful Christians are handling that country. Turning the other cheek right into oblivion.
>They propped it up to where it is now, the left took over only recently
If by propped it up you mean you were there with many other religions and now you're becoming a cliff-note in the pages of history then sure whatever.
>Muslims were banned from America.
Niggers should have been banned to, but that is also irrelevant.
>Republican party is generally not in favor of degeneracy. But atheists generally are
You seem big on generalizations. Christians still make up a majority in America and we both know they're not as moral as they once were. You can keep blaming atheists directly for this, but the newest generation of liberals, women especially, are the real culprit of our cultural assassination.

A degenerate society that punishes natural behavior and encourages degeneracy? The state is your god


Atheism is part of the redpill.
>the most bitter pill to swallow
>t. /pol faggot

>out breed

Sounds like some projection there

If you embrace nature then stop circumcising yourselves

>that punishes natural behavior

I was going to make a jew joke here but this REALLY is a case for getting away from the Jews.

>no hostile refugees

What is America?
Muh good Christians part of that reason.
Don't believe me?
Check how Christians in America voted through the late 80's to the early 2000's.
They were the good ones.
>utilitarianism allowing for arrest...
"Greater good"
Seems turning the other cheek has been more popular.
Moral high ground and all that.
>not being scared of racism, still endorsing genocide
You said mentioned utilitarianism before, either it is or it isn't.
Stop cherry picking.

So what if they out breed?

Whites are smarter

Quality > Quantity

Le green text arrow maymay, I take it your new here. Oh and you seem to have forgotten the counter argument in your post pal.


>Yeah sure, a tiny speck of atheists hypnotized your poor women folk into rebelling. Get a clue idiot, feminism is just shitty female nature. Manginas of all religious beliefs screwed up there.

Who gave them the right? It was men like you who didn't care what the bible says and helped them get there

>implying suffrage was 100% womyn

>You seem to be confused. Atheism isn't socialism.
>>same as last one

Atheism is degeneracy, and women's suffrage you fuck. Connect the dots

>In what way, electricity was discovered a long time ago. Christianity had nothing to do with that.

There I go again with slightly incorrect terms, I meant first to discover how to utilize it

>Yeah, we're seeing how the strong and powerful Christians are handling that country. Turning the other cheek right into oblivion.

Yeah no, that's just atheist women who are empowered by atheist men

>If by propped it up you mean you were there with many other religions and now you're becoming a cliff-note in the pages of history then sure whatever.

We got it to modern technology

>Niggers should have been banned to, but that is also irrelevant.

You mentioned freedom of religion so I made that comment

>You seem big on generalizations. Christians still make up a majority in America and we both know they're not as moral as they once were. You can keep blaming atheists directly for this, but the newest generation of liberals, women especially, are the real culprit of our cultural assassination.

Yes but atheist men are still largely voting for their parties. And yes we are not as moral, the atheists run the media and schools as well, corrupting our kids.

That's not even a Catholic or Christian thing, it's an ethnic thing

When judgment day comes only Woden's sons and Freo's daughters will survive.

We will see to it; the Anglo will prevail.

Are you illiterate?

Not per say, eventually quantity will not match quality. Even a fully armored tank is no match for a constant onslaught of bullets and frags.

>Dawkins and his ilk spend decades going after """""religion""""" (which up until 10 years ago was pretty much Christianity)
>is pretty successful in his constant attacks on Christianity
>nu atheism liberalism takes over Britain/Europe just as he hopes
>but wait, now those nu atheist liberals who are attacking Christianity are completely bending over backwards to Islam and it's suicide bombing and rapings
>>bending over continues as Islam hordes arrive in droves

>Dawkins in 2016: "B-but I meant ALL religions are bad, guys!"

>Enjoy your shithole country

Still not an argument pal.

Never had one friend


A smart white person will kick these foreign invaders out and keep them out. Then your worries about being overrun won't be that bad.

>not quoting Hitchens.

Hitchens died, Dawkins was embraced.
Sadly Dawkins wasn't edgy enough.

Poor Dawkins... he doesn't deserve this to happen.

>Personally i feel one shouldn't need to fear divine retribution in order to be good. they should simply be good.

The simple fact is that someone can't be good without a higher standard. You can justify that porn is good. You can justify that homosexuality is good. You can justify that divorce is good. Then later, transexuality, and next bestiality and pedophilia I'm sure. All despite the proven adverse effects that people wanted to ignore about these things to be special snowflake humanistic contrarians. I got hooked onto the atheism bandwagon as a teen after my parent's divorce because it gave me little bursts of feeling smart to get by on. But all it really gave me was emptiness. Then got hooked on anime and the weird porn that followed because cum felt nice. Stopped before drugs and homosexuality but I'm sure that's what would come next. All the time I did that, I wanted to be a good person, but was perverted by the human standards around me so didn't know what being a good person really meant to be.

Maybe in a perfect society we could drop God and have morality. But in today's world especially, God is probably the only concrete thing that can hold a lot of people to morality.

Personally I don't really care if you literally believe in a God ornot. But if you are an Atheist, you're part of the degeneration machine.

>the majority

Those words cannot be together even as an implied concept

Best Australian post I've seen all day

>Blaming others around you
I think the problem is YOU

You need to look at yourself and stop relying on others

>Stopped before drugs and homosexuality
>and homosexuality

So any second you might just get the urge to get fucked in the ass? Sounds like you're mentally fucking ill

>People with their own absolutely individual beliefs making up a society that works

Yeah no, this is why we are where we are

was it that, or was it simply manipulation of the masses

Not according to today's atheist standards

The atheists on this board aren't even a fraction of real atheists

>>People with their own absolutely individual beliefs making up a society that works

We're completely lawless! I can kill a man because I think it's right, and get away with it!

No god=no objective good=degeneracy

But I guess it's just a coincidence we need the order of God to have our societies function, amirite?

No, but now you can fuck a man, and become a woman

>being atheist
>being unable to think objectively


>69% Democrat


>still not a hive mind
>not due to post 2000's jewish infiltration into atheism
Stretch some more, we've got plenty of room at the redpill inn.

No I never did, but if I was born to be a teenager in the last few years, maybe. But I watched Common Filth's vine compilations and I see some kids who probably had the same level of emptiness I had, they were just born in time to be caught in the x-sexual trend. I've always thought it was ridiculous, but all it would have taken is to have been born a couple of years later. The thing is, if your family life is disrupted when you're still developing mentally, yeah you're going to be put out of wack. If you don't recognise it and take steps to combat it, you're just going to fall into whatever habits the world tells you to do. It's the source of emo kids 15 years ago, all your teenage atheists a 5-10 years ago, and all your genderqueer polyboy otherkin transexual genderpunk whatever-the-fuck tumblrites nowadays, who I really do feel bad for.

I don't even think they're mentally ill, they've just grown up in a time where they haven't just not heard anything bad about being a fag, but they've grown up in a time where it has been a thing to celebrate. Scary and a bit sad to think about.

I did, but at the same time if you look at yourself you have to look at the larger social forces that have affected you. No one exists in a vacuum, and that's why I've come to think the way I have.

The men who founded America weren't simple christians.

>Sun Miracles
>[praising intensifies]

why do you have to believe in god to be a good christian?

Christian values are the best values.

>nuclear family that focuses on raising the kids as best as possible

>forgiveness and nonaggression while also allowing for self defense.

>do not fuck a bunch of people because sex is literally the closest thing people can do with each other.

>just because someone does not believe what you believe does not mean they should be harmed, try to show them the light but if they do not want to see let them be. (unless they are violent and harmful then exterminate, innocent lives must be protected)

but "nooooooo its all about the magic man in the sky" KYS you liberal kike muffin

You're right.