Orgrimmar is for the orcs. Why the fuck is a troll leading us. The dwarves are rising up and kicking out the gnomes let's follow them and kick this foreigner out of our city.
Kick this foreigner out of our capital city
Other urls found in this thread:
>He doesn't know
Oh boy...
Donald Trump = Grommash Hellscream?
do you like sylvanas?
I wouldn't mind is there was systemic racism in Warcraft considering how liberal it is right now
it was only the dark iron niggers that kicked the gnomes out. once they got cucked by the badass bronzebeards and based wildhammers gnomebros were allowed back in. fug u.
Which WoW race is the best and why is it Orcs?
>not being a blue muslim
>not being a small green jew
>have more then three fingers
>not sissy elves
>not a manlet race
>not a dog or cow
>created death knights
>ride on dire wolves
>superior armies
>gave Jaina and Yrel good green dicking
>superior sorcery then alliance
and etc.
Orcs are fags m8
They were only decent in III and earlier
pfft if you only care about garrosh and thrall otherwise their a cool race
Orcs are what today's "refugees" are.
>Listened to some outsider who showed up out of the blue one day and told them that the people they had been living with for fucking ever were going to genocide them any day now
>Got hopped up on demon blood and started butchering their neighbors
>Committed all manner of atrocities
>Found out there was another planet full of resources
>Looked around and realized they had killed their planet
>Invaded the new planet and tried to kill every living thing
>Got put in camps instead of killed because the people on the new planet were bleeding heart morons
>Break out of the camps and start killing people again, this time it's supposed to be justified
>"We gud bois, we dindu nuffin"
>Try to kill everyone that doesn't offer them gibs
>Pretend they have a right to live on the new planet
vol'jin.... is dead.
orcs didn't create death knights my man, kil'jeaden did
This should be obvious for most people. Why don't they see this
he is an orc though
Bump so others can see this
now its Silvanis. Silvanis = Shillary
Who else remembers this guy?
>he still plays blizzard games after the MASSIVE disappoint """""""""""""""Diablo"""""""""""""""" 3
Overwatch is pretty fun and full of waifu bait
>'s a console pleb
>kil'jeaden is an orc
Nigga what
Can play both :)
>Orgrimmar is for the orcs. Why the fuck is a troll leading us.
wtf happened? When I quit in early Wrath Orgrimmar had always been led by Thrall.
>playing or caring about any WoW other than vanilla
thrall is the best character ever written in any form of media
breh you gotta admit bc was hotshit
wotlk did suck, truu, everything else after...lets forget it
thrall became a liberal
To be fair BC was pretty good and the game hadn't been castrated yet. Wrath is when it really started to turn to shit. They made it so easy to level a character starting in wrath. They also started doing faction switches, character sex changes, name changes, and a bunch of other casual shit to dumb down the game for normies who couldn't spend 4-5 months leveling a character all the way to 80.
good people user.. the good people
Thrall has been bro-tier with vol-jin since day one he's honourary orc
>not garrosh
literally everything in the world started going to shit around the time blizzard decided to become degenerate.
>bc comes out, game is based as FUCK
>wotlk comes out, game is still pretty based, levels of degeneracy at sustainable levels
>cataclysm comes out, degeneracy (maximum casual levels, maximum ez classes, raids, etc) has now become the norm
>panda comes out, game is beyond saving
now apply that to the past 6 years irl.
alright Sup Forums, what's the best horde race for shaman?
hint - there's only one right answer
we wuz deathknights
only a Warcraft 4™ can save the day and make lordaeron great again
Here's the thing people. This is why the horde cannot allow refugees into our nation. Look at the alliance. They accepted draenei refugees, and they trusted those under the influence of the burning legion (medivh and garona). And they haven't been the same ever since. Sad. Alliance low energy.
We need to protect our borders. We are at war with the legion. They are coming in by the thousands into our world, and voljin's policies were a total disaster btw. We need to make the Horde Great Again. We don't win anymore. I look at BGs, and you look at Alterac Valley, disaster, and we don't win anymore! Believe me, we are gonna start winning; we are gonna win so much your gonna be sick of it. You wont know what to do with all your [Mark of Honor]s.
And lastly we don't make good deals. The goblins. They make great deals. The best deals. They are killing us in trade, that needs to stop. And they are suppose to be on our side? If they want to profit from being in the horde, they are gonna have to pay. Believe me. Make the Horde Great again!
literally third world
do you know who lives in tents? defeated peoples
All media got shit as a result of widesperad of degenerates. Its only just slow starting to pick back up now as the pendulum shifts back.
WoW is in Weekend at Bernies stage now and beyond saving regardless tho
BE Master race
All others are niggers
Bash'a no falor talah
You disgust me. I bet you play male blood elf DK you prancing faggot.
>mana-addicted faggot elves
kill yourself desu
Thrall is a pussy ass human sympathizer who was enslaved and also captured by humans like 5 times. He also let blood elves and undead in the horde and hasn't even taken any action as warchief since Garrosh was appointed.
Fuck off goblin jews
Noting wrong with playing shammy goblin
Bet you are mining and jewelcrafting as well you filthy shit the light shall burn you demon
Kick Orcs from Azeroth. You have to go back
>To Draenor
I'm resto shammy and I'm in alchemy you elf cuck
Kil'Jaeden is NOT Orc/nigger.
>calls someone else cuck
Beta af
Nothing wrong with keeping the team alive. I bet you're a fire mage belf that gets killed easly and blames it all on healers because you're standing in an enemy aoe. Also nothing wrong with health insurance. Don't forget the 6 gotillian dead goblins from cataclysm.
I can take care for myself, don't need to hide behind some Tauren who's hairy shithole you have to powder after he dropped 13 Stones. Healing others is like feeding niggers in Africa and wondering why the plague gets bigger and bigger
Post non jew proof that any goblin died I dare you
Healers are faggots
Goblin jews
Tanks enjoy spanking irl
BE masterrace pure and superior
Loud and proud Dwarf
Loud and proud manlet
skip it to the footbomb scene, deathwing attacks island killing goblins
Sorry i cant watch 45 min of boredom and shill to see some faked proof staged for media
>not playing a Demon Hunter devoting your life to Lord Illidan
Sylvanas is BASED af, literally the most redpilled character in the whole warcraft universe.
I kinda want to pop his bubble.
Also: Educate yourself faggot. I play alliance, and even I know that while vol'jin hasn't done a lot as warchief in game, lore wise he's a fucking badass.
Lok'tar Vol'jin.
F To pay respects
More like garrosh ming ming.
He's dead yo, Sylvanas is the Warchief now
>to pop his bubble
You're a huge faggot, why is anyone still playing this shit in 2016.
>hopping on the demon hunter train
>an elf who is also a zombie
>Green Jesus
>Not the most hilariously over-the-top minor villain in Western canon
Gunna have to bait harder than that.
I absolutely agree with you, best minor villain ever.
isn't he dead in Legion
fuck I want to play so bad but I can't because of school and work
whose idea was it to release the expansion in fucking September????
>not playing tbc on private server
>not playing a cuddly panda
as soon as I heard about wow removing the hunter deadzone I quit, that's a step too far at babbifying the game
fucking casuals runing the game since 2007
>playing a hunter in any given year
r o f l
Bro, Vol'jin is dead. He died during the invasion of the broken isles, so did king vryn. Silvanis leads the hoard now.
>Playing class for 7 year old Legolas wannabes
I never played a hunter
I played a druid
removing the deadzone made Hunters even easier to play, now I believe they don't ever have to use a mele weapon
survival is now a melee spec that uses spears only no bows
they also ruined the talent tree system
their excuse was >everyone uses the same talent tree anyway
even though I had 3 different talent trees for the same spec
Keep the Tauren at least, we need that steak supply.
Want her to brutally rape me with that undead puss
You faggots are what's wrong with games nowadays.
Quit paying blizzard for shit games, and maybe they'll start making better ones.
is playing female characters as a male degenerate??
apparently. a few autists over at /wowg/ think it is
would you consider it to be degenerate if the roles were reversed?
It was awesome during wotlk
> you'll never get to be in Shattrah during peak hours of BC prime time when the city was fileld with people
> You'll never compete in the Aldor vs. Scryer group events that happened all day and night all the time for fun as fuck dailies
> You'll never get the satisfaction of grindring up to that nether drake and stunting on faggots with lesser mounts
> You'll never get to participate in the world boss raids outside Black Temple where we dragged the Boss (can't remember his name) to the center of the city to kill the big light thing
> You'll never get to feel like you're living in the outlands, only going to the normie normal world for holliday events where you blow the minds of every level 10-50 normie toon that will never be max level.
Why fucking live user I want to die
Nope,that's why I'm asking. Being making female elves to troll virgin artists since vanilla.
Autists* autocorrect lol.
>TFW Tauren
>TFW most racially pure city in Azeroth
>TFW your city is built hundreds of feet aboce the ground making illegal immigration and invasion impossible
yes, females playing as males are fucking gross. like, it's just inherently disgusting and they are true degenerates who lust for boyfriends for their male character/are hardcore dykes that want to transition irl
Gnomeregan is Europe atm.
>Technological advancement over other factions
>No religion
>Occupied by Troggs (Mudshits)
>Occupied by Lepers (Brainwashed Leftists)
>NEVER AGAIN will anyone have that satistfaction of leaving on your mic in Ventrillo or Cross Fire to catch the sound of you dinging to 70
> NEVER AGAIN will that moment of silence be observed by your guildmates before they lose their fucking minds
> NEVER AGAIN will people get collectively trashed with 28+ of their guildmates and go do Battlegrounds or shitty raids to celebrate
> NEVER AGAIN will you build up that progress, compete against your peers to see who can scrape together the best pvp gear, which was attainable if your worked hard and made you feel like a pvp god
> NEVER AGAIN will classic Alterac Valley BG 40 v 40 ever happen again where games last 4+ hours because of the huge battles that take place resulting in hard struggles to progress and upgrade their armies with npc upgrades
> NEVER AGAIN will you get that satisfaction of killing that last boss to end the hours long struggle and everyone goes crazy in chat
Kill me
Orcs are nigger tier
This is suffering I want BC back
Don't die yet I want to wallow in nostalgia for awhile shit post please Sup Forums
There were already quests during garrosh's reign where during an alliance skirmish he sent blood elves as meat shields and bait without a care about their lives and you had to rescue them.
But another thing was how draenei are anatomically the same as the erodar (galactic demons that make up a large % of the burning legion) but the draenei are the peaceful uncorrupted and free thinking race. But as draenei look similar to erodar (their skin is blue whole erodarians are red) they came to azaroth, and the blood elves beloved they were erodar, and began killing them indiscriminately thinking they were saving the world, only to find out that were actually peaceful. Which made them side with the alliance.
Also pandarians even referred to the whole "alliance vs horde" as a race war
ORC LIVES MATTER! ORC LIVES MATTER! Stormwind city guards killed my cousin!