Should pedos kill themselves Sup Forums?

Should pedos kill themselves Sup Forums?


Of course not. Then we'd have no one to lead the Church.

Just convert to Islam.

They love their pussy under developed and fresh from the womb


Stop making pedo threads; they're unsightly and pointless.

Suicide bombers do this all the time.





Yes.. yes they should.


Yes their head should be cut

Don't make me do it gyppo cunt

CP has been latent lately.
Maybe the FBI knows of a way to take this site down.
Plant evidence and then jail Hiroshima , getting the servers down

What in the ever loving fuck would happen if 4chins were taken down?

Idc only you do it n no one else understands whats going on

everyone understands what's going on since it's always obviously you thanks to your horrid English and flag.

everyone would either
go to that chan
go to a brand new imageboard
disperse into smaller corners of the internet

Civil War started with Robots leading the NEETS to glorious victory, then celebrate with chicken tendies

I only seen you spam that even if others saw so what you do is senseless


Why was this delet? Are mods really that worried?

Pedophiles should receive the medical and/or psychological help they need.

Hebephiles should be lauded and praised.

Theres no help for them but to be killed infront of their city

fuck off both

Pedophiles should receive the medical and/or psychological help.

if that dosent work, hang them.

If i see you post cp im calling sri on you

>'catholic church'

Yes. I'm going to kill myself soon. I've been posting pedo stuff here for years now because I'm a virgin and girl over 20 don't like me.

It never works our pope taught us 'if you like to sin' no pill will cure you

No they should not kill themselves.They should be rehabilitated, because the majority of them are mentally ill.Most of them suffered childhood abuses

bro are you stupid??

If they're unable to hold back their urges and don't seek treatment yes.

They should be cooked to death in ovens in a concentration camp

Woah all lower case id...


And the oven should be in the middle of town and have glass walls so everyone knows what they get for being so disgusting

Implying it's not cheaper and easyer to off them.

Very medieval way of thinking. Pedophiles obviously suffer from some sort of chemical imbalance or cross wiring in the brain like footfags or scatfags. Pedophilia is just as harmless as a foot or scat fetish as well, the only danger coming from individuals willing and able to commit rape. You might think all Pedophiles just want to go out and rape little girls, but the same could be said of any man attracted to any age group if this were the case.

A pedophile should certainly be punished if he tries to engage in sexual relations with a pre-pubescent girl, but to treat a man that does nothing but mind his own business like a demon doesn't sound right to me.

I think we should gas you, you're clearly a violent unstable psychopath.

>pedophiles are harmless
>they can be cured
Name a case of the cure working. Its like you try to cure a dog from rabia its the same chemical imbalance. If you kill all pedos and their genes they will go fully extinct
Ik youre triggered as hell. I dont want to fuck kids like you

>Implying fat fedora wearing nerds aren't the ones who defend pedophilia on a Nepali rock balancing imageboard

I wasn't here for it but it was probably cp

Not triggered but I said I'd post this whenever you shitpost so I am.

I'm not fat or ugly newscum

Can you both shut the fuck up? No one cares. Just leave each other alone.

It wasn't cp I posted it

No but it should be completely legal to hunt them like animals


Destroys any sport in hunting them down.

>>pedophiles are harmless
A pedophile that does not attempt to rape a pre-pubescent girl is no worse than a man that has a desire to and does not attempt to rape post-pubescent females.

I cannot name any such case, but the simple fact remains that pedophiles exist and not all act on their actions. I'd go as far as to say most do not. I believe they are entirely capable of living a perfectly normal life, just like a scat fetishist or a homosexual.

He's the one that wants to kill people for liking what he doesn't like, I'm just upholding what I said I'd do.

Cry more sponge bob nigger fag

What was it then?

Is that you? You look like Macklemore with AIDS.

>living a perfectly normal life.
>like a scat fetishist or a homosexual.

You know, I know you're playing me, but it's working.


I made it Japanese for the mods

That's the Romanian dork

Keep up

No they should get chemically castrated.

I'm entirely serious. How is someone with an unnatural attraction to pre-pubescent children any different than someone with an unnatural attraction to shit or men?

Bluebottle to the genitals?

MODS just fucking ban this retard already


>Cry more sponge bob nigger fag
Way to seem like the one in the right.

How do you even know its him though?

They ain't.

That doesn't mean any of them are right.



Same spam with no proof. Kill yourself
No one cares if you eat shit but when you fuck kids its a problem
Cut the balls and dick if necessary

This is why pedos must be hunted. I retract what I said before, you are not animals. You are worth less than rotting rat's shit. To call you animals is a huge compliment

He posted his pic before in one of his numerous Christfag shitposting threads, he always has the same grammar and posts the same shit. His English is horrid.

Pretty sure my solution is worse.

Its not hes retarded. Dont believe his shit man


hot steaming keks


Only if they want to. Otherwise they can keep their feelings to themselves or act on them and go to jail.

Honestly I don't care, I don't have children and I don't like children, so pedos don't offend me because I don't care if a child is hurt. Does that make me a bad person?

Some SJW tried that. The SJW was downloading and posting CP in cripplechan.

Then got v&, I think. It was fucking hilarious.

Based Monaco.

Not only are you America's greatest ally but also hate peados.

When you post in the same threads and argue with each other over and over again, you start to recognize each other.
Certainly not, and they should all be able to receive the help they need. Yet most people see pedophilia as some evil that cannot be cured.
It is a problem, and those that act on their desires and rape a pre-pubescent girl should face consequences. Just as a man that rapes a post-pubescent girl should face consequences.

>act and go to jail
No? Better prevent that from happening

I don't care anymore. Go back to slinging shit at each other and have a small terrible pointless life.

A new chan would be made.

Right, so it's better to just kill all men, since they have the potential to rape a female.

I don't know how to prevent pedophiles from molesting children, just jailing them when they are caught seems fine enough to me.

No it wont help the girl if he goes to jail after being raped. How about we dont let that happen? Pedos are incurable trust me just kill them

So it can be filled with more newfag shitheaps like you?

Shutting down 4+4 /hebe/ and shitting on that site too wasn't enough for you all?

Ok, I agree. So let's kill all men, or at least cut off all of their penises. This way nobody can get raped.

>trust me

Why should anyone listen to a Christfag underage retard who can barely speak English?

Not all women are kids
Easy peezy lemon squezzy. Kill them and those who are know whats waiting for them

Wrong post or Aspergers?

Only those that equate brainwashing with consent.

How do you know who are pedophiles before they molest or try to molest children or are caught with CP?

Yes, or it should be legal to castrate any known child predator if they have assaulted or attempted to assault any child between the ages of 0-16. If castration does not work, it should be death by either stonin or hanging

>Not all women are kids
I'd say all females are mentally children, but lets put that aside.

Why is a man attracted to pre-pubescent females that does not rape them deserving of death, yet a man attracted to post-pubescent females that does not rape them not deserving of death?

You just agreed with a guy who wants to Hunt pedos. You newcunts don't even realize why it's so obvious youre new anymore.

Send them all to a deserted island and let them do whatever.

there are more chans out here and programming and programming a new image board would not be that hard.
You should all at least acknowledge that any site in clearweb including Sup Forums doesn't provide you anonymity


This girl is 13

Stupid feminazi

No. I want to end them personally.

Because the Later isn't a suck fuck who watches porn of men doing evil shit to children. That alone is deserving of death you literal fucking retard.

Me too bro

Well, some people never did get into Sup Forums so it's more on you.

Plus I've maintained my position on hunting peados from the start. For nothing else than it would be an amusing spectacle.