After Jesse Owens won the 100m sprint at the Berlin Olympics, he received a congratulatory phone call from Hitler

>After Jesse Owens won the 100m sprint at the Berlin Olympics, he received a congratulatory phone call from Hitler.
>Jesse Owens received no congratulations from Roosevelt, his own President.
>In Hitler's Germany, Jesse Owens was allowed to stay in the same hotels as white and German athletes, and use the same elevators.
>In the US, Owens was not allowed to stay in the same hotel and had to use separate elevators because he was black.
>Hitler supported liberation of Irish, Indian, African, Asian people from white European colonialism.
>British-French allies supported colonialism.

And I'm supposed to believe Hitler was the racist?

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Of course he was racist! The jews wouldn't lie to us.

If the holocaust happened why are there so many Jews

racism is communist tricks

Goebbles considered black people in the states unfortunate.

saying Someone liking black people cant be racist is the same thing as black people cant be racist


Read about the Hindu connections between Nazi Germany. it'll all start to make a lot more sense. it's very difficult to definitively say whether or not the Holohoax happened, I think you can gain a much better perspective by trying to understand Hitler as a person, and why behaved how he did.

even independently of all the 'evidence', I don't see how anyone could seriously think Hitler would have ever supported mass killings of Jews. sure, he hated them, but he hated all religions equally. killing in war would have been justifiable, but once the Jews were no longer a threat he'd leave them be. very few Jews took up arms against the Nazis, he viewed them as an economic threat more than a physical one. to solve that he created their own currency for Jews specifically, so they could not influence Germany to the same degree. anyway after the threat was 'neutralized' (as in Jews removed from German economics), he would have never supported killed them

I can't find it anymore, but there was an interview with someone who grew up in Nazi Germany posted a while ago. It noted, amongst other things, that there was a huge cultural emphasis on sport and athletics, and that Jesse Owens was all over children's books as a role model.

any proof of this call ?

I wanna red pill some normies

There is a difference between a death camp and a concentration camp. All he did was make them concentrated and make them work to keep his empire afloat. Why kill millions when you can use them as slaves?

this. a source would be nice

gib proofs noaw

there's a video on youtube where owens himself literally says hitler was nice to him

im sure you can find it if you try

>Tfw my friend has a Jew friend
>got drunk one night and started rambling about how I fucking hate Jews, she knows I'm antisemetic
>literally tried to explain to me how her Jewish friend Kate has holocaust trauma passed down to her

The Eagle watches over us all.

Anglocucks say a lot of things.

>>Hitler supported liberation of Irish, Indian, African, Asian people from white European colonialism.

apparently Hitler did do something wrong

Pic related it's the kike

Literally satan


I entirely believe in the concept of concentration camps. it would be kind of a stretch to call them 'slaves' though.

did you know that in Nazi germany and early USSR, 70% of Jews lived in developed cities, whereas only like 20% of genuine Germans lived in cities?

the rationale behind putting them in their own camps was that Jews could continue to be rich bankers, except they wouldn't be able to rely on Germans to pull the rest of the weight. other Jews would have to do the 'undesirable' jobs, such as farming, manufacturing, etc

oh, and they got paid for their work too. there were stores/movie theaters and such where the could spent their earnings. contrary to what you say, Hitler was making Jews work in order to keep THEIR OWN civilization afloat, as opposed to swindling their way into creation of a private central bank and proceeding to wreak havoc on the economy for personal gain

"work will set you free"

She already got to her

Her life must be so hard... having to wake up at 12PM to order Jeffrey Star liquid lipstick only to find out the darker shade sold out before checkout... reminding her of the pain her great grandfather felt when he missed a holocaust reparation check.. why are Jews destined to always be victims?

I go full /pol on this bitch

Hitler supported the recovery of the former German imperial colonies (Namibia, Tanzania and Cameroon).
He supported liberation of everyone as long as it wasn't in german or german-allied clay.

Her daddy didn't put more money in her bank account so she couldn't go shopping and buy weed this week :( oy vey

hello autism

it's the easiest way to get something, without actually having to do anything.

a lot of the time they are actually victims, but seem to always leave out the part where they massively fuck with a country's economy for years prior to getting BTFO

Keep the truth alive

There's only one way to win women back familia

Proof that Hitler called him? Also it's not like Germany had a black population to segregate and place him in.

They did, actually. A very small minority.

>it's literally just melanin

Remind me why we let them vote?

Lies, that would contradict his other statement that if a race were to conquer you or your country, that you see it as an opportunity of strengthening civilisation genetically as you are inferior, that means Irish, Indian, African and Asian people would of been inferior in that time.

If that black won then it would be impossible for him to say that this black is superior to the other whites running, in other words he would be physically superior to him and couldn't accept this lone black as an exception of his own inferior race. It would also void his vague idea of the aryan race, which doesn't exist, it's far more complex and diversified than that, we're all a result of 'inter-breeding like wolves' as hitler would say, and a 'eternal stain', that means he is eternally inferior, hitler is an idiot.


whoa, I'd never heard of that practice before. it's crazy how many different styles of gas chambers the Nazis had. It's almost like they had a different design for each of the individual six million, because the stories never seem to be the same.

What's the blocked out word?

We're they living in Berlin, the city the Olympics took place in??


He absolutey wasn't racist, he was a realist. He actually was glad Jesse proved his point, that certain racial makeups are predisposed to certain qualities and traits.

Hitler didn't say the olympics would be some "aryan triumph" just that he expected whites to do well in the things they should and blacks to do well in the things they should.

The jewish racial nature is to deceive and trick and subvert. They are literally like snakes and spiders, all about hiding and entrapment.

My name

Context: gf dumped me and the school she just left for has a lot of niggers, voicing my concern

Those were not Hitler's racial theories, please educate yourself

Lmao autism
Never reveal your power level to sluts

Wait so how did the movie plot go?

kek hope she listens

Stay Woke Senpai

You are going over the edge. She won't be able to swallow the pill and you'll be ostracized
I don't believe this desu

Kys faggot, you can't pussyfoot around these bitches

She's already sucked my dick so I don't really give a fuck

it's not about superiority. it never was. more like, we do our thing, you guys do yours. the black guy was a guest, anyone hosting a guest should respect the guest.

had the guy tried to stay in Germany, there might have been a problem. had the guy tried to stay in Germany, become a banker, and quietly take control of Germanys economy via mass-usury, there'd have definitely been a problem. but seeing as he was just a guest visiting for the Olympics, of course Hitler would have treated him well, he wasn't a racist in the SJW sense of the word.

>Hitler supported liberation of Irish, Indian, African, Asian people from white European colonialism.

Wtf I hate Hitler now

yes they were, fuckface. Straight from Mein Kampf.

What you did there, I see it.

The jews really spun that story huh.

Tfw no chosen babies with this slut


There is a photo that exists with Hitler shaking hands with Jesse Owens. Others witnessed it. I wonder where it is.

>Siegfried Mischner, 83, claims that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of the Fuehrer doing just that.

Read more:

>She has a massive nose
>She is fat

my sides are in orbit, might hit the ISS

That and invading Russia right before winter.

She's coming around too


jesus holy kek

He supported Indian independence fighters just to stir up shit against the British because it was a war. He admired the British colonization of India though, even made every SS recruit sit through some British colonialism film as an example of "how to keep a continent in thrall". Someone else will have more info than me.

Nazis (national commies) and the other commies, love the BBC.

Pretty funny how Nazism ended up being "racist", when it wasn't.

I didn't know such redpilling of women was possible

>born Lev Davidovich (((Bronstein))) was a Marxist revolutionary

every time

>ISIS are not our enemy

Who is this nu-male mega cuck?

Why do kikes make up lies about Hitler? Why are Jews obsessed with destroying everything good in the world? Can someone redpill me plz.

I'm reading mein kampf

>that little kid wave at the end

She needs hard catholic dick jammed up her jewish ass.

>he thinks the jewish problem is due to their religion

But i saw the fuking movie "RACE" and hitler refused to shake his hand you retard, stop talkning shit

How can someone who didn't speak english congratulate someone?

>mfw black and redpill
>growing strangely interested in Hitler and the Nazi Party
>even knowing they wouldn't accept you anyway and would probably throw you in a camp or at best euthanize you
>yet are still skeptical of everything you've been taught


>to keep THEIR OWN civilization afloat

Nice fanfic m8.

Let's just discard everything he said about said civilization as well as what actually happened - quasi-slavery to IG Farben and other groups.
Let's ignore the fact that most deportees were Polish or Ukrainian Jews, the vast majority of which lived in poverty in shtetls rather than cities.
Let's also discard everything Antony Sutton discovered on his Wall Street financing and keep on pretending that any ideology born after 1789 is pig-disgusting degenerate BS.

Roosevelt was a Democrat. Democrats have always been racists. And Owens was one of those dirty Republicans as most all blacks were until LBJ forced them onto a new Plantation.

Hitler did not call Owens.

Complete fabrication you fucking prick.

Imagine how he felt when he stepped out there, greeted by all his fellow countrymen


Was this ever shown in the movie?

>Why do kikes make up lies about Hitler?
Same reason they make up lies about all their enemies. If you think the job they ran on Hitler was bad, you should look up what they say about Jesus.

>And I'm supposed to believe Hitler was the racist?

But Germans/Austrians love their pet Niggers and pet Mudslimes. Nothing has changed. It's more about the German/Austrian personality than anything else.


>Hitler supported decolonization because he cared about niggers
Or maybe because It would have weakened France and Britain, who he planned to invade?

Straya wouldn't lie, faggot!!! 1! 1!!

Look up the medal count, Nazi Germany dominated the Olympics, a negro winning a single event is irrelevant.

a black german soldier in an all black unit. probably from one of Germany's African colonies

you would be der Dunkelnazi

He's messaging himself idiot


Must have been nice...

>Literally just melannin

Hitler was a leftist socialist cuck.

>It's more about the German/Austrian personality than anything else.
You'd know about that sort of thing though


Read Mein Kampf, if what you say is true then i haven't heard it from the man himself. He certainly hasn't been consistently true to his words, now has he? No. He believed in the superiority of the quasi-aryan race, and had a far fetched idea of genetics. Just because you have a 'pure' linage of German, does not mean that you will automatically be superior among East Asians who once preferred a more intelligent mate and now have globally as shown in statistics, the highest IQ's on average of all due to strict selection, proof can also be seen with their appearance, asians who look like infants that haven't grown out of their baby-like facial characteristics. The mammals including neaderthals and such were thrown to the side for a reason, we fucked but we were smarter thus were superior in all forms, germans aren't. Smarts triumps physical superiority, and germans were just like all western Europeans, bar East asians.

I wonder if people in the future will deny 9/11 happening, the same way people deny the Holocaust happening now.

Post more OP


Hey, y you tell the truth?