This is getting awkward.
This is getting awkward
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How come the national polls keep getting better for trump but the fivethirty eight polls keep getting worse?
Actually it was down to 3% at one point. Now it is above 10%.
Nate Silver's a joke who adds points to Clinton on the polls
He's literally Longroom tier who rode Obama's success to his own career
So at that time nate silver really wants me to believe that only three percent of the american population would have voted for trump?
The polls are rigged. Same polls taken in same areas show trump at an equal or greater number than the ones shown by CNN.
No, it's probability of winning, not vote share. But Nate Aluminum is a hack.
Nate Bronze has gotten it wrong this entire election.
Why is this site (that's owned by Disney) posted every day?
This is what I think about each swing state:
Iowa - old white fags, will vote for Trump
Colorado - Weed hippies and libtards, will go for Clinton
Virginia - Establishment DCtards, will go for Clinton
New Hampshire - Live free or Die, will go Trump
Florida - Old white fags and rednecks, will go for Trump
Nevada - Area 51 Conspiracy Theorists and Trump Casino workers, will go Trump
Well you're not wrong.
The election is quite literally a tie at the moment
Like it or not, Clinton is gonna beat the unelectable faggot.
Look at the betting odds.
For example, you have to bet $350 to win $100 on Clinton; on a $100 bet on Trump get $275.
>preferring Trump's betting odds, but not his chances
tie = house decides = gop wins
or trump could pick up maines 2nd district, which falls under old white fags.
Brexit had even worse betting odds the SECOND before polls closed.
Won't come to that.
PA and MI will flip this year and the media will be sitting there scratching their heads
not so fast ;)
>citing betting odds to predict vote results
I remember that old trick
This isn't as humiliating as losing GA and AZ
Georgia is the Democrat's PA.
Everyone says it will flip, but it won't
Flip any of those light red states blue and Hillary wins. Why are trumpfags so delusional?
It is scary how you have someone who is more corrupt than Nixon yet somehow people don't turn on them like they would have years ago. I want to believe that some states will pull an upset because the dems will think they have it in the bag as the Trump supporters go out with motivation.
kek has spoken! ;)
Because they are light red to show how dumb you are. Just like flipping a light blue gives Trump a win.
Clinton has a heavy lead among poverts and blacks. Doubt Trump will win Michigan, although Penn is trending red.
Do you really think he's gonna win though? My money's on Clinton.
Brits are about as incoherent as Americans, but Brexit had a lot less magnitude than polling for the most powerful office on earth.
Clinton's lead with blacks is not really a lead she has their vote but she doesn't have their support. An upset "can" occur and Trumps black support in polls has nearly doubled recently as people start to notice the democrats are fucking them over.
Clinton won't be able to count on the black vote this year. The rest of Michigan already hates her
I'm not going to put it on my official map but I have a feeling it will flip
Wtf is this bullshit. Utah, Nebraska, Indiana, and South Carolina? Utah went 72% for Mitt, Nebraska is entirely red except for 1 district that went for Obama that has since been Gerrymandered, Indiana is Pence's home state, and South Carolina is true Jesusland.
UK polling is every bit as sophisticated as US, they even used larger sample sizes generally.
That guy is autistic
>voting for a party that wants you to be dependent of gibs all your live without any chance of getting out of your shitty ghetto
I REALLY can't understand why the fuck blacks can't see this.
Errrr no trumptard, Clinton starts with an electoral college lead. EVEN if Trump manages to win 7 key swing states he will still lose the election.
>full blue
ok idiot
just stop you're making me laugh too hard
dat 17 point lead tho
Lmao I tried to find a mistake in that map, and I couldn't besides NH, which will realistically go blue. I just realized how fucked Trump is unless he pulls a Hail Mary in Pennsylvania.
>focuses on NH and maine, ignore the big swing states
It went blue in 2012 trumptard. You didn't even address the big states hahahaha, I shall enjoy drinking your tears after Hillary wins in a landslide.
All the states he needs are leaning red but you can keep moving the goalposts if you want.
>Tears of joy
Do you want some protein as well?
It's gone blue in every election going back 1992 (except 2000 b/c Nader) so obviously only a shill would claim Tump won't win.
>hurrr numbers don't matter
>all we need is meme magic
Grow the fuck up
>all polls close
ok leaf
He's still losing in all of them. I'm not sure how you spin that as a victory
Says who?
>basing everything on the one poll that called 600 people around UNH and asked them leading questions
Holy shit mate, you're worse than some of the ALL POLLS ARE RIGGED fags on here
>implying I'm not just entertained by the massive outlier
Fuck off. Also, asking "Which candidate will you vote for" is pretty straightforward methodology so also fuck off with your "leading questions"
If Trump can pull anywhere near 20% of the black vote, this election is over.
In Nebraska, we vote do electoral votes by district instead of winner take all, so Hillary could get 270 because the negroes in Omaha turned that district blue for Obama.
These are scientific polls. But of course leave it to Trump supporters to not understand science.
No, that district was gerrymandered after 2008, Romney won it by 7%
It is definitely possible to manipulate polling... but not ALL of the polls EVERYWHERE
Blacks had a lower turnout than whites even with Obama, blacks are only 13% of the population, and a lot of that 13% is in jail or can't vote b/c of voter id and long lines.
Was that 2008? I thought Obama won it in 2012. I guess that's good to know, I thought it might be contested because Hilary was in Omaha not too long ago.
>Which candidate will you vote for
They ask after a bunch of Khan shit
I cannot wait for someone to accuse me of shilling because I post this image in every thread with Electoral Maps in it.
Pic related is literally Trump's best chances. NH isn't turning Red. It hasn't been red since 2000, and even then it was super close. PA isn't going red. Its getting close to being deep Hillary. Ohio and Floridia are the only actual toss up Swing States right now. Pic Related is what will happen. Screenshot this post and everytime I post the map. I am gonna be extremely close to correct or Clinton is going to get even more states than I listed here.
>If you stop deluding yourself for 10 seconds you may be able to help Trump win!
If you stop deluding yourself for 10 seconds you may be able to help Trump win!
Oh god please be a tie the butt hurt would be enormous
>Entire Democrat Base of Tie-Deciders vote Hillary
>Half the Republicans Vote Trump
>The rest go for Kasich or Cruz
Yeah man, the butthurt would be enormous :^)
get your eyes checked and read the post again nigger.
What? I agreed, the butt hurt would be enormous.
What do I need to reread?
Go easy on him. He's just being paid to post here and was told everyone's pro Trump so he must twist everything into anti Trump
We have been going to easy on shills and newfags lately, this board should be awash in gore.
shes within single digits of trump in utah, mormans hate trump, and shes within striking distance in south carolina, arizona georgia etc.
he is though, just thought you should know.
>bet $1k on Trump
>1 to 6 gorillion to win
>Trump inevitably wins because jew would prefer to lie to himself than tell the bitter truth
>be rich
>outjew the jew
Trump and Clinton are fighting head to head in a close race!!!
[spoiler] over Georgia, a state that has been republican for the last 20 years. lmao [/spoiler]
I already put 370 euros on him, I'll get 4.6x as much back if he wins, gonna put more on it as we get nearer if the odds stay this favourable
>It hasn't been red since 2000,
Whoa, a whole 16 years?
>the polls are rigged because they vary
You are an idiot.
Also, Trump's down in every national poll except one from July 23 and one from September of last year.
>Trump +5
>becomes Clinton +1
>everybody still listens to that (((guy)))
You're basing that off a trend that is the combination of Hillary's convention peak and Trump's shit week valley. Trump people did that too saying he could win Minnesota and Wisconsin during his peak and Hillary's rig the primary valley.
The polls with non shit methodologies have already stabilized to within the margin of error and Republicans will be coming back now that Trump's talking policy again. Anyone who says the election isn't a coin flip is silly
the election isn't a coin flip.
it's going to be a historical beatdown on the level of 72 or 84
hillary would have to get on stage Kramer style and just start screaming the N word to make it a coin flip.
Trump made himself lose purely by himself.
it's beautiful
Yeah, it's getting awkward for Silver, how is he going to explain the fact that he included highly skewed polls in his data thus fucking up his odds miserably?
You are blinded by your own ideologies. Both Trump and Clinton's positions are extremely fragile, but Trump being an unknown outsider is in a much stronger position.
His black support literally doubled overnight after giving a speech about how he was going to encourage charter schools and clean the streets. (see ) That's how poor of a position Clinton is actually in. Trump can dictate his poll numbers, either up or down, by simply saying stuff.
Clinton is every reason not to vote for a candidate wrapped into one and Trump goes through periods of brilliance and others of being a bumbling buffoon. No one in the real world likes either of them.
This race is very far from over
>the N word
What the hell, leaf? Just say nigger. Feel the liberation. Your hair line will grow back. Your testicles will drop. Your dog will come back to life. Do it.
This just makes me want to vote for him more.
wtf I am now a #JebHead
Who exactly is that guy and why should anyone care he has a pole up his ass?
>Being light red
They should be SOLID red. These are states republicans need to count on being locked in to win.
>can't vote b/c of voter id
You stupid fucking nigger that makes no difference. Voter ID only prevents illegals from voting. Niggers, even felon niggers generally have a driver's license. If you have a bank account you have a govt issued ID. To get welfare like SNAP you have to SHOW AN ID!
I don't know if you have noticed, but democrats have been taking over and winning more states while Republicans have continuously been losing ground.
>says who
>polls (all of them)
>... ok T_T
>tfw you won't even vote
either way I win. I am invincible under any leadership, and in that moment I will be euphoric
and even if I'm not, I'll get to chimp out and do whatever I want once my internet and home is affected to the point where I can no longer do what I love.
>damage control by drumpf supporters
pathetic, I'm with her.
Okay Sup Forums which Obama 2012 State is Trump most likely to carry?
Which Romney 2012 State is Clinton most likely to carry?
Romney didn't win Florida you idiot. But based on that map
>Trump likely to win Ohio
>Clinton most likely to win Florida but likely won't win any of them
That's the most buttfrustrated I have ever seen anybody in my life. Who is that?
Sorry you're right, I pulled the wrong google image.
Also I think Trump is most likely to flip Iowa or possibly Florida.
Clinton is most likely to flip North Carolina.
Its the only way she could be elected. Put somebody up that everybody hates even more than her. Trump is doing a favor for an old friend.
Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Florida are probably Trump. He needs one more to win
North Carolina's staying red especially after Trump's black support spike. But ya, that's most likely to be blue