I am losing the will power to go on

I just got rejected by another girl because of my support of rightism and Trump.

I really want to say strong and not be blue pilled by this constant rejection by females solely because of my political stance is becoming too harsh.

What do I do Sup Forums? How do I stay strong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe if you stop using the words bluepill and redpill people wont think youre a fucking aspergers retard

Dont talk politics with women.

For one they dont care and for two if they do care they care mostly about leftist ideologies.

You first date them and then slowly start dropping it on them when you are already together.

Are you sure it's because of your views ?

My GF is really racist. Feels good man.jpg

Find girls who won't do that? there are lots

They're out there, lad, they're out there. Don't lose hope.


Just lie to the cunts. You can't have serious conversations with women, m8.

Dodged a bullet.

just quit being a fag lol
Just separate your private ideals from your social life and, you know, function like a propper human being.

Thanks guys.

I do avoid politics but when asked I want to have a backbone and state what I believe in.

Where do I find conservative cuties.???

>implying this happening
>implying OP isn't CTR shill
>implying all women, especially leftcucks don't want the BTC

Even if this actually happened, it's a moot point. It's like cucks here saying that "all" "white" "girls" "like" black "men." If it's true of a woman, good. You know know who's shit-tier.

I've never had a relationship/friendship of any kind last for more than a month. I don't talk to anyone outside of work. And I haven't had any close relationships with people in years. I'm almost always terrible at it, and I always hate it.

That being said, why would you want to go through the same checkpoints that have been gone through billions of times?

I don't have much personal experience with people, but I have observed them quite a bit. And while they don't all act the same, they usually make the same decisions when it comes to certain things.

Become celibate like me. I've been stress free for six months now.

Just lie fuck her go to the bathroom come out with your trump hat on say thanks and leave

Church. Or anywhere besides a bar or (((sociology department))). They're easy to spot because they have natural hair, no tattoos and no problem glasses.

this this this

When you become an individual in the warped ways of Western society and seek truth and reality, you will often find yourself alone amidst a sea of people.. Not just in the social justice aspect but also in the fact that you refuse to indulge in degeneracy that emanates throughout Western society.

I, too, want to die..

I already told her to leave. It's just that now at night I feel empty. We got along well but then politics just had to come and ruin it.

Trumpeting has little to do with grills. You, on the other hand, talking about politics and annoying everyone, have.
That, or the grill is retared. But so you are, since you were stupid or desperate enough to date one.

Be strong for real.

do people here meet actual girls IRL or find a slut on goybook or whatever apps the Jews shove in your face?

Any girl who talks politics is either a frigid dyke or a Jewess. A girl decides on you based on looks, social standing, and finances.

I feel like an entire fake world exists that people live in. I'm glad to not be part of it.

only the brave can be a patriot in these troubled times

for he is hated and scorned and is a social pariah!

but as his movement gains ground the meek join him for only then you have nothing to lose

be a patriot user! the founding fathers are watching!

What did you say that scared her off?

are you sure you're not a fucking autistic loser? Your post screams autistic loser

>waaah girls don't like it when I support an oppressive regime/meme candidate

Wigged Cheeto isn't respectable in general, but his behavior toward women is deplorable: youtube.com/watch?v=LyxuCb5r3VQ

You're just giving them an easier out than having to tell you that they aren't physically attracted to you.

Can we get a head count on mexicans here? State would be appreciated too so I know where to stay away from.


called her mrs piggy

like you aint ever called someone names user

stop pretending like unless you are fucking jesus you cant run for office

clinton has done much worse

>support of rightism and Trump
This always makes me laugh. Trumps not a conservative and ironically had more in common with Bernie Sanders on the issues.

how to deal with females 101

>be strong, aggressive but not overly pushy
>display dominance
>don't talk politics, religion, etc with them (not yet)
>get them infatuated with you
>break their spirit
>force them to adopt your morals, religion, political stances
>dump them to the curb and move on to the next one

Boomers said "pull yourselves up by the boot straps" and "give a firm hand shake". Look where we ended up.

trump is right though

sure paying tax to pay for everyones healthcare sucks!

but watching kids and women die in the street is worse

Its okay OP

My girl is voting for Hillary and loves to hate on white people, she is Asian.

Ironically though, I have gotten her to start cooking for me, calling me daddy, and listening to my somewhat outrageous demands.

I drop a curious redpill here or there, her programming is too strong to go full 1488. But, hang out with me enough, and you will start to see the the manufactured narrative crack.

Anyone else realize that the way to unfeminist a girl is to basically rape her, force her to cook for you, and basically just treat her like shit?

really makes me think

move out of new york and stay stronk brother

I just said that Hillary Clinton isn't my cup of tea.

I barely mentioned Trump because I felt no need to but she just assumed I was a Trumper and said I'm an idiot for thinking that Hillary isn't the best.

closest ive ever got to an asian is a indian girl who had a load of chinese DNA by coming from the near its border

well done user

you're controlled by the women, youre not the alpha trump wants you to be. dont give a fuck about them and do your think. if you succeed in life everything comes on its own.

Dont be a god damn faggot, your ancestors haven't made you to see you fail. live your life without depending on hoes

you dun fucked up user, youre supposed to say

>yeah i really like hillary, shes going to be the first woman president, isnt that amazing?

My gf went from blue haired liberal to actual racist in just three years. If you can't find a good one, make one.

>trying to tell women what you think they want to hear

oh yes, great plan, Romeo

I told her I think the election is probably going to be a win for her, but I said I don't really think she's the best we've ever had.

Geez why are people and women in general so uncompromising?

Maybe she was just a cunt?

irony is the ultimate redpill

>rejected because of support of rightism
I've honestly never had this problem, and I've been known in my circle of friends as a "right wing crazy" since college. I ended up marrying a girl I met at a young republicans meeting. Perhaps your problem OP is that you're hanging around with low class women?

This user knows.
Read up champs Stasi tactics in full effect:


> He doesn't know how to hide his power level

Listen dipshit, you can't come right out of the gate with your most controversial beliefs. You have to make them like you first. Google "The Halo Effect", most people are susceptible to it, especially women. TL;DR how they think of you will affect their opinions of you, and your opinions will affect how they think of you. I sincerely hope that there's more to your personality than your status as a Trump supporter.

to be honest even if you said 'oh theyre both terrible candidates' she still wouldve been offended probably

You need more red pills. Then you would know that women cant think logically and have no business in politics whatsoever.
Your desire to talk with them about politics originates from your misconception of women being equals.
Women exist to be good mothers and housewives first, everything esle comes second.
Never forget this.
Just make her happy and dependent on you before you reveal your true ideals if you do at all.

I go to school in Illinois. There are so few conservative women. I listened to peoples advice on this board and tried to "convert" them, but it doesn't seem to work. It's ridiculous how much they refuse to be seen as that one conservative

My girlfriend was a latent alt-rightist all along, she just was in such a disgustingly liberal environment that she had no idea that it was even possible to describe politically incorrect opinions until she met me. She's finally liberated.

Mould them like the clay that they are

Pass what you have on to someone else who does want to go on. Liquidate your stuff and paypal it to me so I can keep on keeping on.

Showing support for Trump just shows your a dumbass. Great girls dont generally go for dumbasses. Lower your standard to trailer park trash and youll have better luck.

why would you date a fucking democrat ?


Dont be a fucking baby you little piece of shit honestly, changing your political opinion because of your lack of game is pathetic

I'm openly racist at a very left wing cucked university but people don't give a fuck cause i'm a good athlete and attractive

feels good man

> 2008: Typical numale. Early teens, raised by liberal family and self described feminist
> 2011: Growing conservative. Was exposed to a non-liberal viewpoint for the first time by my non-partisan political science professor my first semester in college.
> 2012: Disgruntled mensch. I had my opinion invalidated for being a straight, white male for the first time by an authority figure in my life. It was the tipping point that turned me to the right.
> 2015: Displeased end elghitenment. I start to throw away old dogmas I had and stopped caring what others thought of my opinions.
> 2016: Defender of the West.

Is stuff really that bad there?
My girlfriend and I both like Trump and have a burning hatred for the current invasion.

Its Illinois and im originally from California. School and work have taken me to these places.

I cant stand it anymore.

If you're weak and unattractive, why are you right wing?

Im not weak, I stick to my values and beliefs

I'm just asking how everyone else deals with it as a way to reinforce my beliefs and the notion I'm doing the right thing.

most of the time the mass majority is wrong man. most people are not going to agree with you not just women. friends, family. its not your job to make them decide, all you can do is reasonably show your opinion and why you think it. if they tell you to fuck off then let it go. but sadly alot of people are immature and cant deal with disagreeing with somebody in this day and age. just let it bounce off you man and move on

move to the south you idiot

100% CTR thread
"Dont talk politics or you will get no girls!"

They rejected you because you are a fat wierdo

OP maybe you should stop being an autistic faggot and realize this site is a joke and not take any of this shit seriously




>mass majority
This fucking place....

Remember you ancestors and your compatriots before you. Keep your family in mind, what world do you want your children to inherit? Do it for them.

Date redpilled girls.


What does CTR mean again?

Why not denounce Hilary for the lying cheating NWO controlled shit she is instead of saying how good trump is. He isn't good he's the better one in a shower of shit. The rest of the world supports him because we're laughing at you, we just can't wait for Trump vs Kanye 2020 then we won't just laugh, we'll die laughing! Your laws are paid for by lobbyists and your president hopefuls are a joke. Stay free America

why does this bother you? if people believe MSM at large they are being lied to about tons of shit. its just a fact. so many lies in education and media and they pretend its a fact. the average person ends up in a mediocre state unless they break free of this. nothing is exactly how it's told to you, there are ripples and layers to everything in this world.

my gf is anti lgbt and is against beaners and niggers :D Far right wing

^^^^This user gets it^^^

Its because you sound like a pusssy when you tell them OP...I talk to girls all the time and tell them I support trump..they ask why but I have to dumb it down for them and at the same time you have to sound confident

That's fair advice. Should I just give up this time though?

politics are not attractive you dumbshit.

when politics get brought up you need to be the cool guy that changes the subject to a dick joke, making it well known that the dick joke is more important than politics.

then when you finally do get a gf, you slowly redpill her little by little until she is fully redpilled but never overdosed. Eventually she will just think thats how she always was.

only tell woman what they want to her to keep them calm and fertile

You sound autistic. I'm not saying that as an insult.

You should just be politically neutral with a tendency to support conservative ideas.

You don't get thrown in the bastard pile that way

start by texting em pics of taylor swift with hitler quotes

my sides

the only trumpcuck I know IRL who tries to 'redpill' people gets really upset and worked up if you mention hillary clinton in a positive light or insult trump, he's borderline shouting at the top of his lungs and running out of breath, it's hilarious in a cringey sort of way. people have told him he needs to control his outbursts

I can only picture OP doing this on campus or at work and wondering why girls don't like him, lololol

You don't begin to redpill girls before you're in a relationship with them dumbass.

Get a waifu

>Being honest with women
Dude just lie to them, also you live in America all of your women are stupid whores that cant ever be loyal period so give up on trying to find an ideal wife.

>lovesick faggot

Hold me, user. I'm only 18 and I'm feeling this real bad.

Ive had this same problem.

So I asked my dad what I should do. He said "user, they're women. Just listen and compliment them.". It's definitely the best strategy.

It's honestly suicidal to go any farther right than a left leaning moderate. Women just cannot handle it. I don't know why but people are incredibly uncompromising for some reason when it comes to politics.

I've had girls freak out on me because I said I liked the second amendment. It's just not the climate were you can have an honest opinion.

Just lie user. You won't find your perfect wife. So settle for the next best thing and live a lie. It's easier that way. Vote Trump but just act like a cuck in public.