Alright Sup Forums. So for those of you that haven't seen this already...

Alright Sup Forums. So for those of you that haven't seen this already, it's a kickstarter for an idea called "Shut-App", basically a list of counter-arguments for common conservative talking points. The guy that made it is some California cuck who claims to be a "World Champion Debater", and the $300 kickstarter reward is the chance to personally debate him on a topic of your choosing.

My idea is that we pool $300 together, and debate him as a collective, supporting a very Sup Forums-oriented point like "The Nazis were the good guys". Whenever he makes an argument we post any counterpoints we have and then vote on the best response.

Being a commie sure is lucrative now-a-days.

I'm going to use my girlfriend to set up one of these because we all know women get paid more. When we get $50k what happens when we don't deliver because fuck those faggots

Holy fuck, this guy is jewing 10 grand out of people for writing out a list of internet arguments.

Why aren't we doing this?

Yet another cringeworthy SJW attempt by a bunch of angry nerds
Kill yourself OP

I'm not going to send money to you, Mr. Cohen

>Hey Sup Forums, let's give this cuck money.
>That will show him.

You're being a cuck by wanting to donate to him.

advertising on Sup Forums will get you smited

> making money off the fact that liberals are too dumb to think for themselves and devise arguments

>pool $300 together

Fuck off Yoni

> kickscammer

These liberals are going to be in for a rude awakening.

Don't they know how badly this would backfire? How do they think they're not going to get laughed out of every argument or debate if they openly have to use an app to respond to you?

Shut up and take my money satan

gr8 post

Stop selling your shit here, faggot


I'd lend my flag to OP just to complete the image.

Hey guys I think it's a great idea. So we cough up a bit of cash to demolish this stupid liberal in an argument. He probably won't even get funded anyways! It would be worth it to see what happens when we prove to him that Donald Trump is a good candidate

This is rediclous. As if we didn't have a problem a spoon feeding problem already. The reason we're in this mess is because we basically recite our preferred idol of choices ideas. Holy hell does this make me mad. So instead of actually gaining intelligence and coming up with unique ideas we're going to just follow some cuck around? This is literally intellectual incest. Nobody is perfect therefore nobody can have perfect ideas.

pretend to be a woman of colour who came up with the idea and then had it stolen by this white man.

Why even have an opinion if you need to pull out your smart phone and recite a canned response written by somebody else in order to defend it?

Jesus, Sup Forums. What sort of spineless, unprincipled, weak cucks are living among us?

just make an app that spits out counter-signal memes for fashy goys

it's my original idea so you can send all royalties and donations by paypals to davidkun(at)ocn(dot)ne(dot)jp

Gave me a stroke

>I'd lend my flag to OP just to complete the image.
Why are israeli posters so based?

Does Kickstarter have any accountability?

Can I just take peoples' shekels, or do I actually need to post proof I'm working on my project?