There is literally nothing good related to smoking tobacco...

There is literally nothing good related to smoking tobacco, if you do it you are actually a degenerate and life denying pangy cunt who puts free choice above common sense. Further more it encourages people to be impulse driven and void of self control or reflection. I honestly believe if you get a disease that is directly linked to smoking you should not be eligible for medical care. Why should the bottom of humanities barrel be kept alive? All economic and tax arguments aside, lets talk pure pragmatism with no restraints. Smoking is one manifestation of poor character traits, why tolerate it?

Pretty sure everybody agrees, what exactly did you want to talk about with this?

Most smokers started when they were like 13 and dumb and impressionable
>kinda like OP
Then they develop an addiction that is literally harder to kick than heroin, cut them some slack
The real enemy is big tobacco

>There is literally nothing good related to smoking tobacco, if you do it you are actually a degenerate and life denying pangy cunt who puts free choice above common sense.
No shit, genius.

>t. smoker for 7 years

biggest mistake of my life.

I have never known a single smoker who advocates for smoking. every single last one of them says nobody should EVER do it.

The only smoker I ever knew of who promoted it shamelessly dead an ironic death from cancer at a tragically early age (pic related)

Do we really need like 4 threads to discuss this?

>the nonsmokers let their losing last thread last only 10 seconds before shitting up a new one. When was the last time anybody blew on a tobacco molecule upon you? After two different forms of filtration? Nobody. Because that means you wanna fuck that person and nonsmokers don't have sex

Ugh. 3AM posts

There is literally nothing good related to Australians, if you are one you are actually a degenerate and life denying pangy cunt who puts free choice above common sense. Further more it encourages people to be impulse driven and void of self control or reflection. I honestly believe if you get a disease and are Australian you should not be eligible for medical care. Why should the bottom of humanities barrel be kept alive? All economic and tax arguments aside, lets talk pure pragmatism with no restraints. Being Australian is one manifestation of poor character traits, why tolerate them?

>not smoking a pipe every blue moon

Letting your self be controlled by addiction is pathetic, enjoying something isn't. Fuck off.

But girls like that didnt talk to me in highschool unless I smoked and I wanted emo pussy.

So if I die from my smoking I did when I was younger the pussy was worth it...the pussy was definitely worth it...

I see the anti-smoking fourteen year olds saw that they could rustle the jimmies of people who either promote smoking and aren't bluepilled or smoke themselves. All that means is I can redpill more people so they can realize smoking isn't bad for the human body.

>why tolerate it?
creepy fucker

Pancreatic cancer and cancer in general isn't caused by smoking but actually protects against tumor growth. That guy Hicks quit and then got cancer two years later. He started smoking after being diagnosed but it was too late.

Free choice always trumps common sense you fucking shill

>Pancreatic cancer
Wait, what? I though the died of leukemia?

>cancer in general isn't caused by smoking but actually protects against tumor growth.
[citation needed]

This source literally proves it.

This is what happened to my dad back in the 70s. It wasn't common knowledge that cigarettes were harmful and dangerous. Hell, for a time early on, doctors recommended smoking once in a while to clear your lungs lol. Cut old people slack, they know smoking is bad now, but they're addicted and it is enjoyable to them. Fuck kids who pick up the habit though, no excuse today.

>quitting smoking can trigger cancer. It makes sense that many cancer patients are nonsmokers and former smokers. The idea that smokers should quit is putting them in jeopardy.

And how does that compare to people who have are not nor have ever been smokers

Smoking is supposed to repress genetic tumors, so nonsmokers with cancer evidently die sooner than smokers who get cancer because their just too genetically destined and even smoking won't protect them.

sucking dick causes cancer too you faggot.

The fuck does that mean anti-smoking shill you don't know anything.

i hate these fucks so much, the smoke of tobacco literally chokes me, its so horrid and repulsive i see groups of people walking all smoking, it just yells they do it cause everyone else does it fuck sake think for yourself for a minute, my downstairs neighbor smokes aswell and all that shit floats up in my room i feel like il die of cancer before any of these fucktards do.

>There is literally nothing good related to smoking tobacco
Well at least smoking tobacco is protective against parkinson's disease.