Why is alimony a thing, exactly? Child support I can at least somewhat understand...

Why is alimony a thing, exactly? Child support I can at least somewhat understand, but why is a woman entitled to half of a man’s paycheck if she’s divorcing him?

Because women are inferior and can't fend for themselves...

...when it is convenient.

>work waiting tables while husband goes to college and medical school.
>hard work but keeps family afloat, debt free
>day after he finishes residency husband divorces you, makes 6 figures, marries hot nursing student
>you've spent 11 years working at applebees for tips, losing the opportunity costs and time while supporting your spouse in training for his high salary field. His training is really a marital asset

That's horrible. Should have forced his hand with kids

An unusually enlightened response from Sup Forums

Entitlement: The Post

Because we live in dark illogical ages.
Back in the days the man would get the kids because he can support them
Now for some fucked up reasons, the woman gets them even though she cannot support them by herself.

>This anecdote invalidates all other contrary examples
Nothing wrong with taking into account actual contributions to the relationship. But there's no moral justification for taking half your spouse's wealth when you've been doing little more than throwing a few cocktail parties.

You afraid your waifu's going to take your riches?

It just means you should never marry.

>back in the day

Back in a day women rarely had education or trade skills to survive on their own, their designated role was that of housewife.

If she for whatever reason got divorced most of them would starve without means to care for themselves without outside help.

Thus alimony was created to give them a living chance after divorce.

There was some legit reasons to divorce like drunkard husband who beat his wife/kids with no reason.

Why is it a thing today? IDK.
Probably because men nowdays are too much pussies to try to change it.

I don't understand it either. The payer of alimony was presumably used to get laid during the marriage. Why aren't they entitled to sex? It is what they were accustomed to. If a women gets alimony, a guy should get blowjobs or something.

be careful though, you also cant live with a woman for more than a year or else you will get cucked by the system and she can claim common law marriage

I support the notion for women going full independent and sharing exactly the same laws as men, so they can stop being such fucking parasites on civilization. Useless things shouldn't be entitled to anything. Alimony falls into the same group as "reparations".
>Unless the woman is physically disabled.

Why do men pay it? I don't get it, I would rather live like a bum on welfare than pay half of my earnings to an ex wife.

Haha How the fuck is alimony real hahahaha Nigga just do a pre nup like nigga claims bankruptcy Hahaha

Idk this doesnt sound like something that even happens in modern times.

If I were ever in a situation where I had to pay an ex a significant amount of money I would withdraw my savings, kidnap the girl, cut off her hands (and destroy them) along with her feet or something, call the hospital so they know where she is and can save her from bleeding out or whatever and then suicide out, probably carve slut on her forehead too or something, then that way I don't have to pay and she gets to live with being a disabled cunt.

But I'm not planning on getting married so that shouldn't be an issue, but I'm also being an internet tough guy so who knows.

>why is a woman entitled to half of a man’s paycheck if she’s divorcing him?
Because the government prefers money in the hands of women instead of men. Women tend to spend money more than men.

It really is an outdated law that severely penalizes men. Its an outdated law from when women were expected to not get an education and be housewives. But women can work now, so men shouldn't be so penalized by alimony. The entire family court system needs a complete overhaul.

The world needs more people like you.

women are graduating at a higher rate than men are
most people are uneducated so that doesn't even apply to the majority of the population
a hypothetical example not an argument and in fact not even a valid piece of evidence that an argument can be built on

I'd get fired from my job right before the settlement.

Opps now I cant live either!

um, if the husband went to college and medical school, chances are that he would come out with loads of debt.

If he were to divorce his wife, he wouldn't lose much if he didn't have many assets.

If the girl had a higher net worth than him, he may even get $$$.

I've seen this happen with the genders flipped twice in my life.

Women initiate most divorces.

And for women who study to enter a certain field but enter it:

if being educated in a field translated actually working in earning in that field, the world would be a much easier place.

> As if getting married was an ever an option.

>woman gets custody
>woman is worth shit in the job market
>child's living standards with woman are judged to be too low
>man has to pony-up the difference

not a single fucking reply! nigger

I don't understand why this law still exists
>It's tradition :^)
So was slavery, but some lanky faggot in a big hat said we can't have them anymore and people continue to support this, so why can't this law go away too?

It's pretty much slavery, forcing someone into a contract that they didn't sign. It's bullshit.

But he's still right.

Good thing I live in a state that doesn't practice common law.

Because women can vote, and so it's political suicide to try to repeal it.

Let's face it: The only people that remotely care about things like justice or loyalty are white men. Everybody else will just vote for whatever benefits them, always, which is why democracy will never work.

>work waiting tables while wife goes to college and medical school.
>hard work but keeps family afloat, debt free
>day after she finishes residency wife divorces you, makes 6 figures, marries hot chad student
>you've spent 11 years working at applebees for tips, losing the opportunity costs and time while supporting your spouse in training for her high salary field. Her training is really a marital asset

>Work hard to build up a business
>Grow it over a decade
>Have 20 millions through a decade of 120 hour weeks
>Marry cute 18 year old waitress whose parents are lower working class
>A year later, find her in bed with Juan, the gardener
>Divorce her
>Lose half your money because she's "accustomed to the upper class lifestyle".


How is it my problem you're working at Applebees?