What episode did you find yourself disagreeing with them (Matt and Trey)?

What episode did you find yourself disagreeing with them (Matt and Trey)?

None, because I don't care

I mean, that's fair.

Stem cell research should be legal, it's okay to be gay. Atlas Shrugged is a shitty book. Sexual harassment gets overblown.

There is no way that radio telescope would have fit in Cartman's ass.

No wait, DISAGREEING. Fuck my reading comprehension.

The anti/pro-smoking episode.

Too late. You're forever known as a bigoted piece of shit.

>ADHD doesn't real
>parents just don't know how to discipline their kids

I mean, funny as fuck episode (And the hardest boss in the fucking game), but kind of weird they think global warming is make believe. That sounds like a Seth MacFarlane opinion, really.

Wasn't that one just going after the fact that Hollywood dickwads will launch smear campaigns or muddle facts to accomplish whatever they want like Micheal Moore?

I don't like smoking and kinda hate Big Tabbaco, which is moving onto Weed.

I felt that it was more about making fun of Gore's obsession with it than whether it's real or not.

Most people I know don't think it's make believe. They think it's basically a brokering chip at this point. It's the new "Russians have nukes in Cuba" Doomsday card that liberals throw around. Despite them never going after China or investing in Alternative energy that doesn't result in China throwing poisonous metals into the ocean.

Also Al Gore is kind of a cunt.

They stated in a couple of interviews they said ManBearPig is an allegory for Global Warming in that it's "fake".

Rainforest schmainforest. I listened to their commentary on it and literally the only reason they hate the rain forest is because they had a bad vacation in costa rica. He said it was "humid" and had snakes. Did he even LOOK UP costa rica before going there? What they fuck did he expect? I forgot if Matt or Trey said it but they also said they were afraid of snakes too and they didn't like that so many snakes were there. Who the hell is still afraid of snakes still? And this proves that Stan is one of their self inserts due to him being afraid of snakes in the episode.

Every pro-randy one.

I fucking hate Randy.

South Park is, for better or for worse, against anyone who wants to create change in current society. It's very reactionary in that sense - pretty much every time a character in South Park is shown wanting to change the status quo, they are either evil or stupid. About the only exception seems to be gay rights.

The faggot episode.

I mean they even made an episode explaining why a white person can never understand the hurt a black person might feel from being called a nigger, then they turn around and say "faggot isn't offensive just get over it"

This sounds more like they were basing an episode off their bad experiences into a humorous way rather than ACTUALLY saying the rainforest should be torn down.

The "moral at the end" of fuck the rainforest kind of seemed like a parody on their own morals, not a genuine one.

The few times they've said there's no proof of global warming

He fit DisneyLand in there, he can fit a telescope.

Are they being ironic in "Britney's new look?" Because they are making fun of people who are way too obsessed with celebrities lives and never leave them alone, even though 2/3 of south park is about making fun of celebrities lives. I see some people take the moral seriously, but don't realize that its really hypocritical if it is serious. But I'm not sure though.

I remember it stung, having 2 of my comedy heroes ripping on Pokemon as a kid. Now as an adult I can shrug it off since it's not meant to be taken seriously.

Plus it's funny how they were the hipster "kids these days" genwunners back when all there was was Gen 1


I mean, hypocrisy doesn't (shouldn't) affect the underlying message, eg. who better to warn against the dangers of heroin than a heroin addict. It should really only reflect on the person, not their arguments.

The parody of The Day After Tomorrow was funny but I don't agree with the climate change denial

Also don't agree with a lot of the religious stuff they put in but I know I'm probably in the minority on the board

Calling Rosie O'Donnell a fat monster isn't really the same as stalking and harassing her to the point where she commits suicide and then harassing her ghost in the afterlife. At least they're still being productive by making a funny cartoon which is more than can be said for paparazzi.

Pretty much all of last season where they just gave into the SJW mindset.

And I'm still salty that we had a whole season of build towards the most anticlimactic ending ever.

I feel like the thing with advertisements in the last season finale was really overblown and didn't fit with what they were building up to. Either that or I just didn't get the joke.

Pretty much everything about Mrs Garrison. Comparing being transgender to wanting to be a dolphin or a black person while turning one of the funny characters completely unbearable for a couple of seasons.

Yeah for some reason the first 3 episodes made fun of SJWs but then the show went full SJW. People still praise that season too. We'll be getting more of that bullshit since PC Principal is in the show next season.

As a treehugger their anti-environment bias is annoying. I know it's a joke but, what the hell is their beef with hippies?

Because people in real life who want to change society are usually just assholes with bloated egos? South Park's not attacking them for wanting to change society, it's attacking them because they know the biggest modern-day activists are just twats who want to bring attention to themselves while acting like they're a moral superior to everyone around them. Like the last season ended with PC Principal realizing social justice was all right as long as you didn't act like an asshole to white people about it. Trey and Matt don't hate the message, they just hate the attitude behind the message.

They're gross and I can't think of any instance where a hippie or the modern day equivalent SJW have made actual change in America.

Protesters and petitioners are not the same as hippies.

too late. the other way actually made you sound unique instead of a cookie cutter piece of crap.

I don't like him much either. I think Crème Fraîche is the episode where I just didn't care about his shenanigans anymore. He's becoming a slightly less random Peter Griffin and I miss when he was Stan's goofy dad and episodes featured the kids.

Because they haven't accomplished anything. They just sit around, smoke pot, have casual sex, and essentially nothing productive to their cause, but want to be taken as seriously as people actually trying to achieve something.

I think they've admitted they were wrong about that recently. Although Mrs. Garrison was still an annoying character.

I disagree with the Safe Space episode. One of the celebrities they made fun of went through anorexia and thus has a very good reason to filter out comments about her weight as anorexia frequently causes PTSD. If she can't use Twitter she can't reach out to her fans so she can't quit social media that easily and you just can't get over PTSD or an eating disorder easily. Not to mention that neither Matt Stone or Trey Parker have any social media accounts I doubt they know what it would be like for a celebrity to be harassed online.

this, it was back when there was some actual humor or irony to the "morals". I didn't actually think they hated the rainforest jeez. the episode remains funny because the idea of an anti-rainforest PSA is funny. the bulk of the episode is not seriously arguing against the rainforest, it's just silly shit (which is fine).

When they said immigration is a good thing.
When they said Trayvon dindu nuffin.
Pretty much any religion episode where Trey just puts on his jaded, gen-x fedora.

He was better as a slightly goofy geologist than well, a crazy person.

(Also I hate Butters.)

Yeah but Matt and Trey are actual faggots.

Also the word Nigger is still seen as derogatory for nigs, while most of the free world doesn't feel the same way about faggots. That was the point of the episode. Even Gay people hate faggots.

Watch the commentary. They pretty much call themselves hypocrites.

They wanted people to back off, just this one time, because she might actually kill herself.

It's not from any particular episode, but I kind of get annoyed every time smoking gets brought up. One or both of them is clearer a smoker and has a major victim complex about people trying to tell him/them how shitty and stupid of a "hobby" it is and they use the show as a platform to try and vent and paint anyone who's against smoking as an irrational idiot.

Nigger is also a term that is exclusively a derogatory term. Terms like faggot or chink were terms turned into offensive slurs, but still hold their original meaning.

i can't tell if this is sarcastic or not sine Sup Forums has gone full comblr recently

>being transsexual is bullshit on the level of wanting to be a dolphin or a Jew who can play basketball
>there is nothing wrong with former alcoholic enjoying a drink
I have mixed feelings about the second one. I know people with personality disorders who were treated for alcohol addiction, but were perfectly able to drink responsibly once their underlying issues got sorted out. I know a dude who wasn't drinking for years, got tempted to get one drink and started a binge in a moment.

Celebrities shouldn't be using Twitter in the first place.

I wonder why they cared for her in particular? Spears is a typical example of what the music industry does to young performers. And they completely called that Miley Cyrus would fall from grace.

>literally missing the point of the butt out episode

It's criticising the tactics of anti smoking groups not the message.

Came in here to post this. The anti-smoking campaign has always been funded by "Big Smoke" (That hurts just typing it). I mean, last season they did a joke about the "Drink responsibly" campaign which is the same thing.

I wonder what their thoughts are about this episode now. They have to know by now that they fell for the bait.

They said they hated the 12 step approach where you have to admit that you're completely powerless to overcome your addiction.

>it's not from any particular episode
>>literally missing the point of the butt out episode
>literally missing the point of my post

Maybe next time slugger.

>bawwww poor me with my first world problems not being able to bring myself to eat

Fuck anorexics

You're going to want to get some sleep user! Your big 15th birthday part is tomorrow and you don't wanna be sleepy for it. I know what mommy got you ;)

When else do they comment on smoking? Or rather, when else do they comment on people who are anti smoking?

Careful with that edge. They say children can hurt themselves.

>being transsexual is bullshit on the level of wanting to be a dolphin or a Jew who can play basketball

But, that's right.

They've never been to an AA meeting.

Man Bear Pig and Douche and Turd.

Nope, expected this reply though. My best friend went through it and couldn't even eat if there were others in the room with her even after she had gained most of her weight back on. It's an incredibly nasty disorder with a very high death rate. The chance of someone else getting it again even if I don't know her is disturbing to me (Demi Lovato isn't very famous where I live). My friend is not the only girl I know who went through it, I know at least five others.

And don't get me wrong the other celebrities were being douches. I just thought that Demi Lovato was a bad example to use.

But user, they've seen internet videos about it so they must know a lot about it. Remember Insheeption?

boo hoo poor celebrity x is having such a tough time, she purposefully didn't eat and now we're meant to feel bad for her.

Anorexics are as bad as the obese.

I'm warning you now. Don't make me angry. If you do you'll have to invite 4 friends instead of 5. Now go to sleep buddy.

I was mostly thinking of the tolerance episode. Where they go to the tolerance museum and everyones preaching acceptance and stuff, then when they're leaving they see a guy smoking and all start yelling at him that he's horrible and telling him to go away. And the smoker is like "but i'm not even on your property" but they just keep yelling at him.

I can just imagine 1 or both of them in some public place, trying to light up a cigarette but getting told it's not allowed because of new laws, and them getting all butthurt and storming out in a withdrawal driven rage to head into the studio and start writing a scene about how anit-smokers are all just hypocritical assholes who just bully the poor innocent smokers all the time for no reason.

You seem to be confusing couldn't eat with wouldn't eat. She could eat, she just chose not to because "bawwww im so fat what if friends judge me for eating the daily recommend intake bawwwww".

Anorexia is the definition of first world problems, maybe instead of being so scared of being judged because you're """"fat"""" you should worry about people thinking you're a self obsessed moron.

Heh. They also mention that it was Flea from RHCP that convinced him to go there cause it was so safe and awesome. Surprised they didn't have him in the episode. Petty sure Flea runs around like Blanka down there.

I also love that episode for 1) Cliiiiick and 2) I learned that bien means ok cause Mr Mackey keeps saying M'bien instead of M'kay.

Nobody unironically uses faggot to refer to a bundle of sticks

are you honest to God retarded

Nigger was also "turned" into a derogatory term.

Laws preventing smoking in public are bullshit though.

Its funny how you're complaining about matt and trey portraying anti smoking people as irrational while being irrational.

At one point she was only 75 pounds. That's might not even have been her lowest.

12 step is literally god is in charge and you're not responsible for your actions

>The Hobbit
>they lied about an ugly ass turd with a shit personality being perceived as hot as long as she dressed like a slut and photoshopped her pics
>because it's empowering and anyone who disagrees is a hater
>this exaggerated point never actually happens to this degree irl
>guys literally don't find disgusting, slow, fat, unhygenic, insecure, condescending, mouth-breathers attractive just because they're empowered by photoshopping their looks
>it's actually an insult to guys as well as girls
>used this ironic strawman to knock down one of the most headstrong characters in the series who normally doesn't give a shit about approval
>"Boo Wendy boo!"
>"uh oh, gotta keep up with those wittle whores or else I won't fit in and people will think I'm a hater" *sob* *sob*

Holy shit. This only worked because they purposefully broke Wendy's character. Tons of women don't photoshop themselves to kardashian levels and they get fulfilling employment, relationships, and friends just fine. The attention bubble is what's fake, and why should independent people like Wendy suddenly care about that kind of attention? This episode was such a pander.

>No one mentioned "Ike's Wee-Wee"

For thinking anorexics should get some perspective on life?

Do you have a dirty penis or something?

All of them.

It's something I've been thinking about a lot recently, not necessarily about South Park, just about my own values. The big joke of the Bono episode is that he is literally a giant piece of shit. Funny, because of the cultural perception of Bono as a giant piece of shit. But why? Because he's smug? What does it say about our values that we think a guy who does good things and brags about it is a worse person than a guy who does and says nothing?

>it's so bullshit how I'm not allowed to release clouds of poison into public places onto unsuspecting people whenever I feel like it

It's ok user. I understand that it's just the nicotine talking.

Youd think someone this autistic could understand the concept of a mental disorder

The term "fag" is used quite often in Europe to refer to a cigarette though.

"Nigger" has always referred to black people though. It still means "black person" it's just an incredibly negative way to refer to one. Any black person can be called a nigger without it having a specific meaning (Like it meaning lazy or uneducated) as opposed to redneck which refers to a very specific subset of white people.

Sure it was turned into a derogatory term technically, but it was turned in a very short amount of time and it has always been used to refer to black people, whereas something like faggot is basically a slang slur.

And? You give no shits about the masses of starving people out there who are literally dying because of a lack of access to food and you expect me to feel sorry for your friend who rejected food, when she had easy access to it, because "boohoo my friends while judge me"? And then you call me a child for thinking that your friend is a narcissistic moron who should get some perspective on life? Fuck you and fuck anorexics.

Well, I don't disagree. Not showering is not illegal, why should reeking of tobacco be?

Well, it's bad behavior to brag about something because you feel superior to someone else. I get what you are saying, but he is a piece of shit because he doesn't want to help people, he wants people to know he helped people.

>If you can't care about every problem out there in the world, you shouldn't be allowed to care about one!!!

You sound like an edgy teen who has zero life experiences.

You're probably the type that tells suicidal people that there are starving children in Africa

You don't start radiating arsenic by not showering.

But why is this even bad? I've just been questioning my morals a lot lately, trying to figure out where they come from, if they even make sense to me, etc... I don't really think (anymore) that it's even bad behavior to brag about how much you help people, provided you actually are helping people.

You're getting way to far into meaningless minutia. Nigger is a derogatory term used by many to refer to black people, faggot is a term used by many to refer to gay people.

To say one is genuinely offensive while the other is perfectly harmless is simply contradictory

Sure you shouldn't brag, but at least other people are being helped through his attempts at boosting his ego. Even if it's negative, there is still an extreme positive coming out of it. So it's weird to think that he is the world's (now second) biggest piece of shit despite his worst crime being "bragging".

The difference between saying nigger and faggot is that faggots very rarely physically assault you if you say it while niggers do.

That's literally it.

>faggot is a term used by many to refer to gay people.
Not anymore.

Anorexia is not just starving yourself for vanity. It's about control. It has elements of OCD- doing a thing makes you feel "right", at peace, not doing a thing makes you feel like you're doing something horribly wrong and everything falls apart, with waves of terrible anxiety and self-loathing. The brain wiring goes wrong and it takes years to unfuck it. It's a mental illness, user. I've seen smart, educated people with OCD reduced to the same level of functionality as severe autists, I can imagine why anorectics starve themselves to death.

People find it objectionable if you're only helping people so you can have praise heaped upon you, it makes any work you do seem insincere.

What in particular are you questioning?

It's not like people forget that he does good deeds. You can be a good guy and a piece of shit.

No, it definitely still is.

You dont have to look far on this very site to see people using it to refer to gays in a derogatory way. At this point you're coming off as delusional

Their point was that the meaning of words changes over time, with faggotgoing from obnoxious homosexuals to people who are generally annoying without necessarily being homosexual.

>What in particular are you questioning?
>>it makes any work you do seem insincere.

I guess that part. What you do after the action has no effect on the action itself. Is there a difference between a person who does good quietly with no fanfare and a person who does the same good and thinks they're hot shit? Functionally, no.