Why are New Yorkers so triggered over "muh 9/11"? It was hardly anything. Other cities have gone through much worse but they don't make a fucking holiday over it.
Why are New Yorkers so triggered over "muh 9/11"? It was hardly anything...
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So are you saying you're a raghead sympathizer user?
Because I'm pretty sure if fucking raghead scum killed 10,000 in a suicide attack in your country, I'd find a way to put aside differences and feel really bad for you.
New Yorkers live in a bubble of their own shitty culture, where everything is overpriced and everyone's an asshole, but at least they don't have to deal with the rest of the world.
Really it was just having that insular feeling violated.
>shitty culture
i take it you've never been to NYC user
thats funny coming from a shithole that has thousands getting trampled by wild bulls as a holiday
I understand your attempt at being edgy on a forum where 50% of posters are American, but isn't there enough fucked of shit going on in the west right now for you to discuss?
Or does it make your little Spanish pecker hard thinking about innocent people getting killed by ragheads (your new neighbors)
>playwrites churning out "powerful" pieces about slaves and women year after year after year
>everything costs triple what it's worth
>incessant stink everywhere
>occasional good concerts
>everyone is an asshole
NYC should splinter off of NY state, it's an actual beautiful place being smothered by absurd city tax rates
>everyone is an asshole
no, they're an asshole to you because you're slower than them and you need to get out of their way
>everything costs triple what it's worth
housing, yes, but if you've got a brain, you know there's lots of JEWS in NYC and they're out to fuck you. Sorry you got ripped off by a cabbie friend :)
>incessant stink
only in the summer, of course you get that in Idaho and other agri states with cows, and stinky ass crops
a lot more to do in NYC then watch plays. Don't go anywhere that advertises to the public m8 :^) you'l find good ones
I love Sup Forums. everyone thinks they can figure out the world just by tapping on a keyboard.
bunch of blue pilled faggots.
It´s a holiday because it was caused by "terrorists".
It´s pretty funny how americans can´t get over 3000 people getting killed by their own government but never talk about their US soldiers committing suicide on a daily basis.
Another great example of "let's make fun of the United States while our own country, too, is dying from multiculturalism"
> Find a last bastion of free speech and like minded individuals online
> Just make fun of each other's countries while we all slowly burn
They think they are the center of the world. And in some cases they are because that's where the biggest globalists live and work. They run their empires there.
Triggered Murifat' No one fucking cares about 9/11. Stop being so butthurt over it and kill more muslims.
It was the first taste of war the US has had since the Civil War, every other conflict is an ocean away. When you're used to peace, a couple of planes to the face is shocking.
Look at our happenings. 300 killed in a few months and everybody panics when we have people old enough to have seen cities reduced to rubbles.
stop talking shit about the 3rd rome
It's really a shame to see such prime real estate go underutilized like that.
They need to get rid of those monuments and build, build, build, baby!
You know how I know you're from New York?
>go to deli
>order sandwich
>30 fucking dollars
>eternal rotation of concert halls putting on either huge acts or pseudo-huge indie acts
>all attended by the same barista crowd who work three jobs each just to make cover charge
>absurd wealth gap, people either have daddy's money or nothing at all, but they're willing to suffer in poverty because the """""culture"""""" is so """""""great""""""""
I lived there for 10 years buddy, it's a shit city with shit people. All entertainment is imported, all food is an impersonation of whatever "best of NY" pizza or deli there is. The only culture they invented is the city sprawl that killed literally everything except restaurants and banks.
You can champion "well you gotta find the low-key places" but that's a shit argument because they don't exist. The counterculture is so bad that hole-in-the-walls are a fairy tale. Everything is on someone's blog. The actual dive bars where you saw new music died out 30 years ago.
>Other cities have gone through much worse but they don't make a fucking holiday over it.
Yes they do. Bastille Day for example. Besides, 9-11 doesn't have a holiday you stupid foreigner.
I'm not from new york. I'm from washington state.
Fuck off. "Culture" in new york is varied, it changes from place to place, from block to block.
I'm not championing it. And while the people may be "unfriendly" to you, I'd rather live amongst new yorkers then the passive-aggressive, autistic, socially retarded people that make up washington state
Your fields will become Air Fields for our bombers to take off from to defeat Islamic caliphate of Western Europe
> Just make fun of each other´s countries
Motherfucker, that´s what we do all day.
You a newfag?
Also, I´m not denying that my country is dying.
The difference is that I accepted it while you guys are still trying to justify yourselves.
>30 bucks for a sandwich
Why though
9/11 is literally one of the most important events in human history. It was a magick, mathematical ritual carried out by the New World Order, There is serious occultism behind the attacks. The numbers prove it.
You would'nt understand.
White people care about eachother.
I'm not trying to justify anything man.
I just wish things were different.
I guess thinking maybe if we could stop bantering like children we could work together to make some kind of difference in our dying world.
But I don't know man. We are all fucked.
Cause it's the New Yeawk experience.
This guy's right. If you like CONSTANT noise pollution from people honking, sirens blaring, and construction work with overpriced food and housing then New York is the place for you.
>A holiday
Fuckin spic
>I'm not from new york. I'm from washington state.
Lol you stand up for a culture you are not a part of or never been a part of. And you fucking live across the country in liberal utopia. As a central jersey faggot I go to NYC once in 2 years. It sucks dicks. The smell, the price of everything, fucking people everywhere, I mean everywhere I am talking packed streets shoulder to shoulder. And to top it all off, you wan to get somewhere pay 5 dollars, wanna get across a bridge or a tunnel pay 8 dollars. Fuck that place. Give me a rural area near a town/small city any day. DId I mention how everything is expensive ?
Structurally that place is being held together by a string that at any moment will snap my friend that works for conedison has said
There is no "holiday" in NYC for that day. The real days people dread are the fucking UN general assembly in late Sept when every shitbag from around the world clogs traffic with a motorcade to show his importance.
The UN in this place was the worst fucking idea, the Rockefellers just donated land from goodness of heart, not OWG agenda.
I really wonder how long they are going to leave that memorial there. It's a colossal waste of incredibly valuable real estate in the heart of the city. "muh 911" can only fight economics for so long
you have summer school tomm paco.
>leave that memorial there
the whole fucking downtown now built around it, $29 tourist trap to go in, just opened observation tower in 1 WTC or whatever the new name is.
The Jews got back every dime they lost.
What is the best NE city and why is it Philly
I'll admit NYC has a lot of problems, but I fucking hate washington so much ANYWHERE is better than the PNW. And I've stayed in NYC to know I love it :)
maybe you don't have what it takes friend? stay in jersey where you belong
>everything is expensive
so many poorfags here
>liberal utopia
Understatement. Not just a liberal utopia, but a stupidity utopia. I haven't been to the western side of the state enough to make a judgement, but I've lived in Seattle, Puyallup/Tacoma, Redmond, and it's full of stupid, lonely people, regardless of political alignment
oh shit, eastern side of the state*
i need to proofread my posts
I know what you mean and yeah, that shit is depressing.
fuck, even I'm proof of how dumb and arrogant people from this place are. Everyone, stay the fuck away from WA and oregon.
I would love to live in a city where I could just walk to everywhere I needed to go ;_;
you can't just walk user. You have to pay the subterranean steel jew-on-rails, and it adds up
>go to deli
>order sandwich that's 30 fucking dollars
IDK how the fuck you managed to live in NYC spending that much money in sandwiches, you must be a jew
It's not about the numbers dead. Obviously other cities have had far worse. It's about the perception. They flew our own planes into two iconic American buildings. There was the perception that we lost control and they completely cucked us. One plane was enough but two planes into the two twin towers suggested an extremely sinister and competent enemy.
kanker nieuw amsterdam
I live right across the water in Hoboken, this man is correct. Also it's a degenerate shithole filled with trust fund babies and special snowflakes.
Are you talking about New England?
If so Boston. Philly is central East Coast and I heard it really sucks due to the crime.
San Francisco is the perfect place or that, not too big and plenty of sights to see, but unfortunately, it's expensive as hell too. The weird thing is that the all liberal hipsters and minorities that complain about this shit are to blame. You can't blame conservatives and Republicans, not when each of these cities is democrat-turf. High taxes and insane regulations have made totally unliveable except for those who can afford all that shit (Wall St guys, Apple product designers). You reap what you sow, as a Hispanic, crazy right, I can tell you that Democrats are destroying the inner city. That being said I recently visited New York and I was impressed, lots of sights to see (way too many at times), great architecture, and plus my cousin who knows the area showed around some of the hidden spots. All in all good trip. Boston wasn't too bad either.
Also, here's a neat little article that covers some of the shit I typed.
>central East Coast
You're an idiot. It's the Northeast. Central East coast is Virginia or NC.
Holy shit are they everywhere. When I visited New York not a single corner did have these little merchants. Lots of gabagoolz (Italians) too.
The perception?
What about dozens of schools, hospitals and other civillian buildings (with children) that have been bombed to shit by american bombers?
When will the massacre and destruction be complete?
America is causing so much death destruction, sufforing and hate.. But only reaps a little. And when they do, its 'a global disaster'.
Fucking pathetic.
Im not saying americans are to blame, your government is. The same government who keeps you happy with the products of modern slavery, cheap gass and alcohol, guns and propaganda. The country looks great, but is rotten to its goddamn core.
"One plane was enough but two planes into the two twin towers suggested an extremely sinister and competent enemy."
Have you read this shit yourself? How can you be so deluded. The survivors who, against all odds, dodged all the bombs you threw on their homes, launched a MINISCULE counterattack. Borrowing your own aviation devices since the country is too fucked up to produce their own. They killed a few, dented your enormous obese ego, and died with the action.
Make the world a greater place and hang yourself.
Though you meant NE as in New England. And Virginia can be a bit of southern state at times
> hurr Durr children killing Muricans
Honestly, they all got what they deserved. If you allow combatants to hide in your house the incoming hellfire missile is what you deserve.
New York is a shithole fuck that place
it takes a good men to know and fight the evil nature of men user.but it takes great men to find the good in people to give them the will to fight.
be brave user , their are people who do fight the good fight.
There is no more "underground" NYC, fun bars on lower east side.
It's all hipsters and pozzed now. The Jews drove up prices too high.
Cuz Americans are all really just crybaby pussies at heart. A nation of cowards with nukes.
>Triggered Murifat' No one fucking cares about 9/11
Well, obviously we do care. Are you trying to shitpost blatantly or something?
>it was hardly anything
How can you fucking say that?
Russia has nukes too. Feel free to prove how brave you are by launching a few.
Stop it, stop it. Both countries are full of belligerent dindu morons.
In Baghdad Isis bombers kill like 1000 people every year and nobody cares. It was literally nothing, just got over reported in the media cause Bush wanted to portray it as casus belli (which it obviously wasnt, but the ameritards swallowed it)