Besides Hitler, who is your favorite person in this pic?

Besides Hitler, who is your favorite person in this pic?

Leopold II, he was a good boy and dindu nuffin. He was trying to get his colonies on track and was preaching the word of Jesus to them.

>44 years old
>looks 70
Guy had a hard life.



Maybe it should be kills per meter^2? I'd like to know who was the most efficient.

Mao. I don't even want to imagine how our world would look like today if unified China was run by KMT since 50s.

Enver Pasha is a meme in my history class, so him. (Josef Stalin though)

The man literally gave zero fucks.

Where is Bush? 4 million, dude, 4 million.

Where is Johnson? 6 million, dude, 6 million

Democracy can't be dictatorship.

Does this mean the Queen killed 70 million people because she was in power during the time those 70m died? This doesn't really make much sense.

Fuck Hitler, praise Stallin.

Didn't Hitler killed 11 million people?

That means than a Belgian killed more people than Hitler? well that's just quacking crazy jimmy boy!

>Hitler shoah'd 17 gorillion
Where did the extra 11 gorillion come from?Are you Jewing me OP?

They were incompetent retards so "China" would more than likely be cut into smaller nations states.

>Democracy can't be dictatorship.
America is not a democracy, it is a republic. And the executive is headed by a temporary dictator voted in power by elites, not the people.

Never heard leopold ii but killing 15 million africans sounds pretty good

Why are the chinks better at everything?

Relative numbers are also interesting : I heard that Pol Pot was no1, killing one third of the total Cambodgian population in 3 years.

>Democracy cannot be a dictatorship
>what is importing third worlders to displace the native voters
>what is suppressing information
>what is voting machines
>what is herd mentality

>Leopold 2 of Belgium
>blood thirsty dictator

Whoever made this is a MUH CONGOLESE NIGGERS SJW.


It goes up 1 gorillion every time the Israelis want more money from the west.

How the hell do they even calculate that?

Literally where the fuck does Hitler killing 17 million people come from?

They act as though it wasn't a circumstance of war.


>17 million


23 million people in the Siberian camps? Are you serious?
In the entire history of the Soviet Union, no more than 12 million is the maximum. In addition, a large number of people were released.
Shot only murderers, enemies of the people (saboteurs, spies, agitators) and thieves (those who steal in large quantities). I will not deny it, hurt innocent people, but in the United States just executed the bad guys and never wrong?
Stalin himself signed Hit List only 4,000 peopl (for the entire period of the Board). The killing of the other criminals - the work of deputies and commissioners.

Those numbers are false anyway. It should obviously be higher since every year after the shoah, an extra gorillion jews are gassed. Germany is still gassing jews to this day. It is why they pay so much for Holocaust victims because the trauma is ingrained into the very DNA of the six-millionth jewish generation.

Based on that pic I can say that Mussolini did nothing wrong

>want more money
oy vey dont tell the goyim our secrets

For got when they starved the Ukrainians to death did you?


>23 M

Do they count war casualties or something?

Well, he didn't. Everyone knows that.

they add the holodomor Stalin's count, numbers are unbelievable though, plus since when are famines murders?

Only 6 million were jews.

Hitler could have rekt that score if he had won, Stalin had decades to genocide shit and only got a few more mil than Hitler. Hitler still supreme.

Jews, Gypsies, others, Soviet POWs. It adds up.

3 million non-Jewish Poles.

I didn't know Ukrainians lived in Kazakhstan.

Western liberals are usually well off, so they don't understand the concept of scarcity of resources.

>only 6 million
What's the interest rate, Chaim?

Stalin killed way more than that. The man nuked his own cities.

I heard stalin personally put 28 planets under gulag camps

I like Pol Pot.

your map contradicts what you just said...

Idi Amin was cool. Deported all the curries, they ran a lot of businesses and so it tanked the economy. Did he cry like a bitch and say wah bring back all the fucking curries because we're so gay we need other races to do our work? No.

Mao for sure

Tojo was pretty cool.

Maybe because he lived til 74.

>hitler was only 12 when he ordered the holocaust
really makes u think

King Leopold a. wasn't a dictator, b. didn't cause nearly that many deaths

Mao for sure. Fucking filthy chinks.

China would still be a giant rice field if it wasn't for Mao.

Based Mao


yeah who ever made that graph is retarded


Sup Forums pot