Questions for the RU bros. Or anybody i guess

Be me.
European expat in russia.
Find a decent girl (not slut or tattoed or feminist).
Take her to dinner like 7 times to best Moscow restaurants and wine bar.
Buy her perfume and flowers.
Overall spend lot of cash.
Still holding hands, hugs and nothing more.
Both in our 30s.
The only reason I am still trying is that i really want a redpilled girl (if thats even possible), at least on values and family.
How cucked am I?

pic, not her but similar.

Other urls found in this thread:

>7 fucking dates
>not even a kiss


How are you liking Russia?

lol she is taking you for a ride my friend.

Why haven't y'all smashed in public yet?

Are you absolutely sure she doesn't have anyone besides you ?

What the hell man. Fuck her already

I dated a Russian girl once and from my experience if you aren't assertive and go for what you want like that kiss you aren't going to get anywhere

Its simple, user. Just ask "May I kiss you"
If she says no, ask for a good justification and leave her unless she gives a good justification

>still holding hands
Have you even tried to kiss her? I really hope you aren't expecting a Russian woman to make the first move.