What is an acceptable GPA?

What is an acceptable GPA?

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Not the one you have

did you guys cheat in school

3.8 accounting major here

It depends on the school and it depends on whether or not it's a 4.0 or 5.0 scale.

If it's 4.0, anything above 3.0 would be considered acceptable. But you have to get at least 3.4 to impress anyone, generally.

I get kicked out if I get lower than a 3.0, so only a 4.0 is acceptable.

If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying
It's the best skill school can teach you

I've got a 2.4 in EE but I've been working two jobs and volunteer a lot so I get offers like crazy despite my GPA.

I'm proud of you.

Econfag, 2.97 and I'm heading to grad school in the fall, but I also got a 328 GRE.
Pretty much this:

Nowadays? If you put in any level of effort and are of average intelligence, any GPA below 3.0 is unacceptable.

Ideally it should be 2.0 at all colleges and high school, but GPA inflation has fucked everybody. Don't even get me started on weighted GPAs in high school, they're fucking retarded and literally mean nothing.

It also varies depending on major, but 3.0 is a good average. 3.5+ is the only GPA worthy of putting on a resume or bringing up.

>GPA inflation
It felt great getting an A with 78%.

Interesting read for anybody wanting to know more: gradeinflation.com/

Soon showing up will be good enough for a B.

This is why we need more standardized testing. China has the right idea.

I know, I teach a class and you should be able to pass if all you do is show up and do your homework and quizes (you get infinite attempts on home work and 10 tries on quizes, but we also have tutors that can help you on this shit(read do it for you because fuck showing middle eastern engineers how low level math works)). Even with this students still fail its sad really.

sometimes but i was always taking remedial and lower classes, usually math. I really wanted to be in those science classes that actually did shit in labs and take advanced drafting classes.
i should've cheated like no ones business. most of the honor roll was white and legally on amphetamines. the only hard workers were the exchange students.

overall GPA is a joke like standard testing. They should just teach skills like fixing light switches and how to replace air conditioners or file legal documents and learning about real world history and other cultures. I know why they dont teach THOSE skills, but its sad that i learned most of my shit just browsing the internet and looking up shit on my own.

>American education.

Equivalent to a 3.5 here. Though it seems like my GPA would be higher if I studied at a US college where your grades are inflated.

If the average GPA were 3.3 here that is just over a distinction average with some HDs here and there - which is quite respectable compared to the average student who aims for credits (60-65% average), which is equivalent to a 2.0 or above.

Doesn't count as cheating if you don't get caught.

Most teachers aren't that smart anyways. You can pass most high school tests by having a cheat sheet crumpled into your jacket pocket or in your bag angled such that you can see it from a birds eye view. If a teacher comes by to inspect your bag, just rustle it a bit.

You can write a few symbols on your hand if you actually want to remember something. Alternatively you can buy a hacked calculator or just cut out the case to fit your phone into.

There have been cases where I had a substitute teacher whilst sitting the test, and we just talked normally across the room to fetch answers. Knocking codes don't work well, don't try.

If you get a good peek at the test, you can also rhyme out the answers.

Australian Education. Survival of the gooks and coons.

>just transferred to state university
>had "government budgeting" class today
>professor doesn't show up
>IT guy walks in
>turns on webcam feed
>watch professor teach another class 100 miles away
>take notes, confused

Apparently we're just expected to take notes and take three online exams. My community college was better than this, and 50% cheaper.

3.9+ if youre not a millionaire.

ME student struggling to stay above 3.0 while juggling games and intense masturbation sessions.

Community colleges are not only an absurdly superior value, they often provide a vastly superior learning experience to four year universities, in my experience.

Largely that's due to the student body of four years being composed of literal children, and community college still being cheap enough to where students aren't essentially treated as "customers", more or less. They're essentially being babysat at this point. While many in community college don't give a shit at all, the fact that they're adults makes the ones who do care a lot more liable to take it seriously and responsibly, and not constantly be seeking attention.

Anybody who doesn't do two years at a community college, or at least get their general education classes out of the way at a community college are pretty stupid in most cases. Networking, etc., I know, but for the vast majority of majors, it's almost indefensible to me, especially hearing people bitching about debt constantly.

>Anybody who doesn't do two years at a community college, or at least get their general education classes out of the way at a community college are pretty stupid in most cases.

I wouldn't say 'stupid.' Community college is seen as a joke to a lot of people. But there's certainly no reason to not get your gen ed out of the way at one. Saves you thousands of dollars and it's much higher quality.

I took shortcuts and did most things lazily. When the teacher inspired me to try I would be in the top 3.

>Community college is seen as a joke to a lot of people
There lies the problem, actually. Pride. Do you know the difference between somebody who spent four years at a university, and somebody who spent two years at a community college, then two years at a university?

About $20,000+ of debt. They both get the exact same degree, and have the exact same resume.

As I said, there can be a wrench thrown into the machine depending on major, but you'd have to be a moron to not do 2 and 2, or at least get your general education courses out of the way.


This. It helps when the rest of your group gets great grades too, I then try my best to keep up with them.

I used to have a 3.8 but after having to work 30 hours a week on top of a full time schedule and being broke as fuck that shit started to fall real quick

community colleges suck because many degrees need you to start your core classes your first semester because the prerequisites are stacked out over the course of 3-4 years. if you go for gen ed your first 2 years and then transfer, you very well may be looking at another 4 years.

I agree. My parents tried to push me into a state university at 18. I was not an adult at 18. Instead, I worked for a few years, grew some maturity, and did two years at a community college. I don't regret it at all. I wish people would change their perceptions about it. It's not just for poor or stupid people. It's mostly for adults who really want to better their lives. Walking around my state university, I just see children.

If you are in college and did not lie to the doctor to get adderrall or dexedrine you are a pleb.

This. I had most of my gen Ed courses out of the way for most non-stem majors, but since I chose Computer Engineering I had to almost no college credit towards my degree apart from bs electives - despite having around 10 ap credits.

The engineering department wouldn't even accept the ap physics credit, so I just didn't try on the exam - no sense wasting my time on something that wouldn't be accepted.

First year of college was pathetically simple, and if you don't start in calc you can't take physics, programming, or calc 2, etc. So if you're starting in precalc or lower honestly it's a waste of time if calc is a prereq and not a coreq.

A students work for C students.

3.8 computer science + math major reporting in. Going into my senior year in two weeks. Coming out of college debt free in 9 months all because I didn't fuck around in high school too much. Feels good man, but at the same time it's a large part of the reason why I can't connect with my idiotic generation. Like is 4 years of your life and $60,000 of debt worth an English degree? Anyway, if you use ratemyprofessors.com and ace your general education courses, it's hard to not have a decent GPA.

Also, this

hats off to ya though. I worked 15 hours a week and went to school full time and I fucking burned out after one semester of it.

I literally have no clue how people do that for 4 years.

Four years is such a long time to be in school at your prime working age. It is a LONG fucking time.

I'm curious, if my friend were to try and get adderrall, how would they go about it?

For me, I moved 4 times different high school. There wasn't anything I could do. It was a huge adjustment each time and my GPA dropped. I pretty much gave up on school, it was super depressing.

Also, my family could give a fuck if I go to college or spend the rest of my life working at the grocery store. Makes no difference to them. They also made too much money for me to get student loans until I was 24.

Gpa is just stupid. It's better earnings a "C" in a class and working hard for it than taking taking the easiest teacher.

in the world, whatever.

in burgerland 3.9+

Find someone with a prescription. But it's not worth it. I've been using my mom's prescription for years. Adderall is fun and helpful for about six months. Then you're just addicted to something that makes you feel like shit. It's kind of like smoking.

Well I'm doing research that could determine whether I get into a good phd program or not for the next 6 months so this sound great.

is gpa not seen as a good metric for measuring a person's aptitude in eu?

Enjoy weight loss, teeth grinding, and insanity. Shit destroys your brain. Costs about $5 for a 30mg where I live. Find someone with a prescription and befriend them.

Im already over weight and the other 2 dont sound bad. I was hoping to get a prescription myself, instead of leeching off someone else probably cheaper that way.

Anybody know anything about improving LSAT scores/reading stamina/reading speed? I'm trying to get into a top law school in my state. 3.8 GPA currently going to community college, transferring next semester. My first diagnostic I got my ass kicked cause I didn't read fast enough and I couldn't finish the questions.

You're naive, take it from a bona fide amphetamine addict. But, I wish you luck.

Speed reading is difficult to pick up, but any idiot can do it with practice.


I dont think gpa really matters. All that matters is passing and getting the credits to graduate.

Obviously you need over a 2.0 (for most schools and colleges) to stay enrolled, and around 3 is a good average, but it's not something you'd ever need to bring up...unless you got like a 3.75+ the entire time, which you could put on a resume, I guess. Not sure if employers really care though, they just want to know you can do whatever job you've been tasked with learning for the last 4 to 8+ years.

>inb4 salty
I've got a 2.8 overall and a 3.2 in my major (Software Engineering). Going into my third year.

Someone redpill me on what GPA is. I got 2:1 at uni, how does it compare?

Never mind faggots, I looked it up myself. A 2:1 in UK universities is 60-69% which translates to 3.0-3.9 GPA.

You can't quantitatively measure intelligence.

Stop trying, you're ruining everything for everyone.

University isn't intended to measure intelligence. Some courses and subjects require a base level of intelligence in order to pass, but beyond that it's mostly about how much work you put in and not much to do with intelligence.

Intention or not. If you have to make a grade, you're better off learning os shortcuts and copy and pasting emails because that's all you'll ever amount to if you believe a GPA or an IQ is anything significant to the future of humanity.

I'm sorry, that was very rude of me. I had a few drinks tonight and am pretty fucked up.

Earn good grades and you'll get the job you'll love to do for the rest of your life, and then she'll approach you in a coffee shop and propose to you and your children will be successful philanthropists because they scored high on standardized testing to earn you more numbers in the form of scholarships and grants, where you'll have to bridge the gap between physics and God.

You don't have to believe they're significant in order to realise it's a big game that you can play in order to advance yourself.

Yea that's what I was talking about.

If you want a career in copypasta, play the game by their rules.

If you want the freedom to die, then you'll become a world famous entrepreneur with decade long propositions that will never come to fruition because you accepted a business loan sooner than you had plans to pay it back.

But it's cool because your future employers will only care about the number you were branded with rather than the information you neglected to understand.

>They should just teach skills like fixing light switches and how to replace air conditioners or file legal documents and learning about real world history

No. I'm in CE and why the fuck would I want or need to know how legal documents work. I will hire someone with in depth knowledge...maybe a lawyer to help me with that.

Game the system boys.

Go to your family doc or walk in doctor if you have to. List ADD situations that make your life difficult that are not real. DO NOT LIST SYMPTOMS like you are reading a website. Say "when I am at work I switch from one task to another but nothing gets done". Things like that.

You might get referred to a ADD doc who will give you a test. Exagerrate your answers. When you get a script, it will be a low dose and something shitty. Keep coming back (they start you coming back every couple weeks) and say you have some side effects or its not working. I always said ritalin or whatever would give me nausea. Slowly get your dose upped and get your med switched by saying X med causes X side effect. Never ask for a med. Soon you will get something good like addy or dex. Enjoy.

Sell your scrips or apply for disability if your country has dem gibme programs.

Nothing wrong with leeching because why else would the elite globalist allow that to happen if it were truly "wrong".

If you want Adderall so badly, just order it online. It is for faggots anyway.

Not gonna sell. Smoking a point of meph tomorrow for the first time in two years. Gonna be nice. Right after my final.

What about earning an AA through online courses?

You have shit parents. Tough luck. Mine were teenagers and poor when they had me, but they sucked it up and put in work. They barely passed high school themselves, but they knew education was the only way for me to get ahead in life so they always pushed it really hard. I love them very much for that and I feel sorry that others don't know this feeling.

I can believe this. It took me a long time to get my first internship with a 3.86 gpa in EE.

Experience > Grades

But once I got the first few it was all up hill.

Employers don't care, the class that will get you a better GPA is better for your future. Just make sure you're actually learning the material though.

Are those pills kind of like caffeine in the sense they keep you awake?

They keep you focused and motivated. Nice to wake up to I might add. I have been taking dexedrine 30mg for over two years and love it.

I would often copy homework assignments i couldn't be assed to do, but i never plagerised or cheated on tests.

we have a GPA out of 7 at most unis in Aus. Mine is 6.75, what would that translate to in the US 4 GPA scale?

3.8 or above if you're serious about having a fantastic future and road out of mediocrity/poverty.

Tortured myself in high school and took major drugs (mix of caffeine, pseudoephedrine, and Adderall if I could bum it off a friend) to stay up and do boat loads of AP work. Balanced 5 AP classes per year (junior/senior) with extracurriculars and a job since my family was piss poor.

Ended up graduating valedictorian with a 3.97 unweighted and a 5.0 weighted. All that shit paid off, since now I have a very generous full scholarship to a premier private uni in New England.

I thank my mom for pushing education from a young age, it really is the path out of poverty if you know what you're doing. I was lucky to have met a based friend online who guided me through high school.

Looking forward to attending uni this fall :^)

I'm an EE major and I'm going into my sophomore year with a 3.4 GPA. I managed to get an internship with an auto part manufacturer over the summer, and my scholarships are paying for all of my schooling.

I think I'm doing alright so far, but a good chunk of my scholarships are coming from the military and they'll yank them out from under me and make me pay them back AND make me serve 8 years enlisted if my GPA dips below a 3.2 which scares the shit out of me.

>he thinks we're talking about high school gpa


Yep, and at a military college to boot

You dun goofed.

I've applied to jobs that wouldn't accept anything below 3.5; sometimes that's in-major, and sometimes that's general. Personally, I think 3.3 or 3.25 is acceptable from top schools.

You have a 3.85+ GPA, and can't do basic algebraic extrapolation. Australian education, everyone.

It goes up to 4.0....

Schools that don't grade inflate are fucking over their students when it comes to grad/prof school admission. None of those admissions counselors actually give a shit if you're school inflates or doesn't.


I can but I don't know how it would correlate with scaling etc. Is that gpa good enough for med school in US?

>high school
you pretty much have to be an actual to not ace HS tests even without cheating here kid..

>algebraic extrapolation

what's 'algebraic' extrapolation, you drongo?

Well, an algebra is just an operation on a set, if you get down to it. I mean it in the naive sense of multiplication acting on the real numbers. Sorry if you got confused. Make sure you wear your hat next time you go outside.

I graduated with 3.2 so I'll say that 3.2 is perfect

>mfw get to state university
>mfw CC was run better

I'm know the exact Fucking feel.

>Doesn't know that honors and AP go to 5
You're embarrassing us.

There is 4, and then there is everything below 4.

Anything below 4.0 and you're either a retard or not trying very hard, and therefore a lazy sack of human garbage incompatible with successful white America.
Either way, my suggestion would be suicide.

Explain to a Eurofag what GPA is exactly, how it is calculated and why it's such a big meme nowadays.

Also, how does undergraduate/graduate relate to bachelor's/master's? I always just assumed a graduate degree would be about equal to a bachelor's.

I got a bit over 3 in public administration. It was easier to me to get better grades in math-oriented subjects like statistics and economics. You canĀ“t really say what is good/bad GPA because it depends a lot on teachers and subjects but 3 or better is good.

I graduated with a 4.2 weighted, 3.9 unweighted.

I'm surprised it stayed that high at all. I completely stopped giving a fuck in 12th grade and made a C and a D at one point. Went through a pretty mild depression phase because my father refused to allow me to apply to any schools I wanted to because he didn't want to pay for me. He told me only community colleges or ROTC so he wouldn't be reliable for costs but in the end I told him to fuck off and moved to Germany for free university. Worst part is that he's far from poor too.

GPA is grade point average. It just adds up all your As, Bs, Cs, etc and equals an average score. A is 4 points, B is 3, and so on.

Associates and Bachelors = undergraduate degrees
Masters and Doctorate = graduate degrees

You're fucked if you get anything below 3.9 GPA here

Thats a group you're thinking of. An algebra has 2 sets, where both sets are rings.

Listen To
That shit is just pharmaceutical grade meth. In a weeks time you'll be sleeping once every 3 days and you'll be planning your schedule around it.

I'm also fine with losing a lot of sleep.

Do you enjoy paranoid delusions coupled with visual/auditory hallucinations?